Electronic journals
- Acta carsologica – Krasoslovni zbornik (free access)
- Acta chimica slovenica (free access)
- American journal of enology and viticulture (accessible at UNG premises)
- Amfiteater (free access)
- Annales (free access)
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (accessible at UNG premises)
- Artepakt (free access)
- Artforum international (accessible with password)
- Asimmetrie (free access)
- Astroparticle physics (accessible at UNG premises)
- The Architectural Review (accessible with password)
- CERN courier (free access)
- CineMontage (free access)
- CIPRA info (free access)
- Dialogi (free access till 2022)
- Dve domovini (free access)
- Dynamic Relationships Management Journal (free access)
- Časopis za tolmačenje znanosti (free access)
- e-flux (free access)
- Environment and Society (accessible at UNG premises)
- Filozofski vestnik (free access)
- Food technology and biotechnology (free access)
- Glas gospodarstva (free access)
- Gray Room (accessible at UNG premises)
- Industry and higher education (accessible at UNG premises)
- Izvestje Raziskovalne postaje ZRC SAZU v Novi Gorici (free access)
- Izzivi managementu (free access)
- Jezik in slovstvo (free access)
- Jezikoslovni zapiski (free access)
- Journal of semantics (contact the library for access)
- Journal of the history of ideas (accessible at UNG premises)
- Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces and films (accessible at UNG premises)
- Journal of vacuum science and technology. B, Microelectronics proceesing and phenomena (accessible at UNG premises)
- Language (accessible at UNG premises)
- Leonardo (accessible at UNG premises)
- Linguistica (free access)
- Linguistic inquiry (contact the library for access)
- Linguistic Review (accessible at UNG premises)
- Mad About Film (free access)
- Materiali in tehnologije (free access)
- Naše okolje (free access)
- Organic Electronics (accessible at UNG premises)
- Organizacija: revija za management, informatiko in kadre (free access)
- Organizacija znanja (OZ) (free access)
- Otrok in knjiga (free access)
- Phonology (accessible at UNG premises)
- Photochemistry and photobiology (accessible at UNG premises)
- Primerjalna književnost (free access)
- Slavistična revija (free access)
- Spectroscopy Europe (free access)
- Strojniški vestnik (free access)
- Svet pod Triglavom (free access)
- Syntax (accessible at UNG premises)
- ŠUSS (free access)
- Technoetic Arts (accessible at UNG premises)
- Theoretical Linguistics (accessible at UNG premises)
- Trdoživ: bilten slovenskih terenskih biologov in ljubiteljev narave (free access)
- Uporabna informatika (free access)
- Uradni list RS (free access)
- Varstvo narave (free access)