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Testimony of Tanja Buh

Student of Environment, 2nd level

“After obtaining my BSc degree in Chemical Technology I enrolled into the Master’s study programme Environment at the University of Nova Gorica. The studies focus on bringing together various areas of knowledge and are of very interdisciplinary nature. This allowed me to obtain a deep insight into the current environmental issues of growing importance. A great advantage of studying at this School is the professors’ approach towards students. Although platforms in the 2020/21 academic year all the lectures were carried out on online teaching, they were of very high quality. Another interesting activity which is part of the course syllabus is the Individual Project. These environmental projects are performed by individual students under the supervision of their mentors. In this way, each student can learn a lot and use the knowledge obtained in practice. The outcomes of the project are eventually presented at the School’s Project Day. Overall, I have gained a lot of knowledge and I am satisfied with my decision of pursuing my further studies here.”

Tanja Buh, Master’s student of Master’s study programme Environment (2nd level), School of Environmental Sciences, University of Nova Gorica

Academic year 2020/21
September 2021

More about the courses Individual Project I and Individual Project II