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Boban Trajkovski

student of the bachelor's study programme Engineering and Management

Hello! We probably don't know each other yet, but I'm Boban Trajkovski and I come from a small Macedonian mining town of Probishtip. For three years I have been studying at the School of Engineering and Management, which is part of the University of Nova Gorica. The seat of the school is in the old baroque Lanthieri mansion, which dates back to 1659, and is located in the ancient town of Vipava.

The School of Engineering and Management is not just an ordinary school, but a golden medium where the precision of engineering and the sophistication of management meet. As a student of this school, you will gain all the necessary knowledge on management and leadership and learn how to successfully manage the projects at your workplace and support and complement them with your technical skills.

As the strongest advantage of the School of Engineering and Management, I would highlight the mandatory practical placement, which takes place in the second semester, in the third year. Through practical placement, you will use your theoretical knowledge and skills in practice for the first time. Also, with the help of the schoolf, you will learn how to express your qualifications and skills in a way that will set you apart in the application process for a selected job in the target company.

What are you waiting for? Join this unique school that offers you many opportunities for building a successful career.

Boban Trajkovski, N. Macedonia, student of the bachelor's study programme Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica

March 2024

Boban Trajkovski, N. Macedonia, student of the bachelor's study programme Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica

March 2024