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UNG Student athlete testimonial: Rok Bratina

Mountain runner and graduate of Cultural History

“Three years at the School of Humanities passed so quickly! Although I was a mountain runner quite frequently absent form the lecture rooms, as I took part in competitions in Slovenia all across Europe, the School always supported me. I can definitely say that the programme for students athletes in fact works. In the past three years I not only managed to get a degree, I actually also improved my sports achievements and taking 3rd place in World Cup in my third year of studies was the icing on the cake! What are you waiting for? Come to Nova Gorica and feel the the great vibes of this town at the Soča River! Sports and studies, hand in hand!”

Rok Bratina, mountain runner and graduate of Cultural History, School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica

Academic year 2015/16

In 2016, Rok successfully defended his BA thesis titled The forgotten Doctor : The role of Dr. Karel Pečnik in Slovene economic independence and its integration into international trade.

Access to Rok Bratina’s BA thesis in the Repository of the University of Nova Gorica


Rok Bratina, graduate of Cultural History
Photo credit: Uroš Švigelj, www.tekac.si