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Fees 2021/2022

Tuition fees

First- and second-level study programmes

Study programme Full-time* studies/per year Part-time studies and foreign citizens except EU and former Yugoslavia /per year
Engineering and Management 1st level ** 0 EUR 2.800,00 EUR
Slovene Studies 1st level ** 0 EUR 2.800,00 EUR
Cultural History 1st level ** 0 EUR 2.800,00 EUR
Environment 1st level ** 0 EUR 3.000,00 EUR
Physics and Astrophysics 1st level ** 0 EUR 3.000,00 EUR
Viticulture and Enology 1st level ** 0 EUR 3.000,00 EUR
Digital Arts and Practices 1st level 3.500,00 EUR 3.500,00 EUR
Engineering and Management 2nd level ** 0 EUR 3.000,00 EUR
Leadership in Open Education 2nd level 5.000,00 EUR 5.000,00 EUR
Slovene Studies 2nd level ** 0 EUR 2.800,00 EUR
Digital Humanities 2nd level 2.800,00 EUR 2.800,00 EUR
Environment 2nd level 3.000,00 EUR 3.000,00 EUR
Physics and Astrophysics 2nd level 3.000,00 EUR 3.000,00 EUR
Material Science 2nd level 3.000,00 EUR 3.000,00 EUR
Media Arts and Practices 2nd level 3.500,00 EUR 3.500,00 EUR
Viticulture and Enology 1st level ** 3.000,00 EUR 3.000,00 EUR

Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, citizens of the European Union and the citizens of the states which have signed international agreements with the Republic of Slovenia, who have the right to tuition-free studies in the Republic of Slovenia, do not pay tuition fees for full-time studies at the stately funded first- and second-level study programmes (marked with **).

The citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, the citizens of the EU member states and the citizens of countries which have international agreements with the Republic of Slovenia are required to pay tuition fees for full-time studies if they have already achieved a level of education equal to at least the level of education acquired according to the study programme in which they are enrolled, or have not yet achieved a level of education equal to at least the level of education acquired according to the study programme and no longer have the student status at the previous study programme in accordance with Article 70 of the Higher Education Act.

The tuition fees for students enrolling in their further year of studies and the tuition fees for students repeating the same year of studies are equal to the tuition fees valid at the time of the student’s first enrollment into the respective study programme.

The tuition fee for one-year joint second-level Master’s study programme “Economics and Techniques for the Conservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage” is:

I. 6.000,00 EUR

Third-level study programmes

The tuition fees for all doctoral third-level study programmes are as follows:

I. 4.000,00 EUR
II. 4.000,00 EUR
III. 4.000,00 EUR
IV. 4.000,00 EUR

Package Tuition fee + Accommodation (for Leadership in Open Education study program)

Package: Tuition fee + 1.500,00 EUR

The package includes 10-week stay at a nearby hostel or other available accommodation in rooms with two or more beds.

Package Tuition fee + Student home (for foreigners who are obliged to pay tuition fee)

Programme 10 monthly residence 12 monthly residence
1st level programmes Tuition + 1.500,00 EUR* Tuition + 1.800,00 EUR*
2nd level programmes Tuition + 1.500,00 EUR* Tuition + 1.800,00 EUR*
3rd level programmes Tuition + 2.000,00 EUR** Tuition + 2.400,00 EUR**

* The package includes staying in a double room
** The package includes staying in a single room

Special note

Upon regular fulfillment of obligations, the students have the possibility to obtain additional means for living in the amount up to EUR 250 per month through working at UNG (assistant, laboratory work etc.) via Student Service.

Enrolment costs

Enrolment fee per year 75,00 EUR

The enrollment fee covers the expenses of issuing student ID cards, forms, other costs of administrative procedures and the cost of the graduation gown to be worn at the graduation ceremony.

Duplicate of the graduation certificate

Duplicate diploma certificate (with attachments) 155,00 EUR


Examination registration Price
First two attempts 0,00 EUR
Third attempt 20,00 EUR
Each subsequent attempt The price of each subsequent attempt rises by 200.00 EUR.

Examinations for external students

Price for individual exam: proportional share of tuition, according to the course credits (ECTS).

The price list amendments were approved by the Managing Board of the University of Nova Gorica on 23rd March 2020 and is valid from the 2020/2021 academic year onwards, until further amendments.