GoChile archive and media
A lot of work has been done by secondary school and university students since the GoChile telescope was launched in September 2021. Each research work is finally presented in the form of a report or an article - here we have collected interesting products and results (Archive). At the same time, the GoChile project has attracted the interest of journalists and has been featured in the media (GoChile in the media). All the data and products are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
Secondary school research projects:
- Damjan Dovnik in Hana Brumec, Srednja šola Slovenska Bistrica, naloga "Merjenje oddaljenosti kefeid tipa Delte Ščita"; mentorja Marko Žigart, Jure Japelj; 2021/2022 (PDF)
- Dejan Kokanović, I. Gimnazija v Celju, naloga "Smo v vesolju sami?"; mentorja Roman Ocvirk, Jure Japelj; 2021/2022 (PDF)
- Damjan Dovnik, Srednja šola Slovenska Bistrica, naloga “Merjenje razdalje do supernove tipa Ia”; mentorja Marko Žigart, Jure Japelj; 2022/2023 (PDF)
- Neja Pisk in Irena Nedeljković, Škofijska gimnazija Vipava, “Merjenje razdalje do razsute kopice Melotte 71 prek treh metod”; mentorja Vladimir Anžel, Jure Japelj; 2022/2023 (PDF)
- Mojca Grudnik, Gimnazija v Velenju, “Analiza vročih Jupitrov s teleskopom GoChile”, mentorja Peter Jevšenak, Jure Japelj; 2022/2023 (PDF)
- Špela Dokič, Miko Erker, “Merjenje rotacije in odbojnega spektra asteroida Eleonora 354”, mentorja Marko Žigart, Jure Japelj; 2022/2023 (PDF)

Martina Larma, a School of Science (UNG) student, observed and modeled a microlensing event. Credit: Martina Larma
Student research projects (part of the INSPIRO project):
- Anže Pirc, Fakulteta za naravoslovje (UNG), “Follow-up studies on exoplanet and eclipsing binary candidates using Gochile”; 2022 (PDF)
- Martina Larma, Fakulteta za naravoslovje (UNG), “Distinguishing between stars and dark stellar remnants using gravitational lensing”; 2022 (PDF)
- Jakob Žvab, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko (UL), “Iskanje novih meglic s teleskopom GoChile”; 2023 (PDF)
Articles in journals and science magazines:
- Andreja Gomboc, “GoChile: prvi slovenski teleskop v Čilu”, Fizika v šoli, 2/2021 (PDF)
- Jure Japelj, Andreja Gomboc, “Prve srednješolske raziskovalne naloge v okviru projekta GoChile – Eksoplaneti in utripajoče zvezde”, Fizika v šoli, 2/2022 (PDF)
- Damjan Dovnik, Hana Brumec, “Najina raziskava kefeid tipa Delta Ščita s projektom Gochile”, Spika, julij 2022 (PDF)
- Dejan Kokanović, “Projekt GoChile: Moja raziskava eksoplaneta WASP-19b”, Spika, maj 2022
- Jure Japelj, “Poletna šola astronomije GoChile”, Spika, november 2022 (PDF)
- Alexander Gaydukov, “Opazovanje asteroida Vesta s teleskopom GoChile”, Presek, letnik 50, številka 4 (PDF)
- Neja Pisk, “Moja izkušnja opazovanja eksoplaneta”, Presek, letnik 50, številka 5 (PDF)
- Damjan Kobale, "Potovanje med ozvezdji južnega neba z GoChile", Fizika v šoli, 2/2024 (PDF)
- Andreja Gomboc, "Intervju s slovensko znanstvenico", Fizika v šoli, 2/2024 (PDF)
- Damjan Dovnik, Vladimir Grubelnik, "Opazovanje in matematično modeliranje kefeid", omenjen tudi GoChile, bilten Astronomi v Kmici, 2024 (PDF)
- Mojca Grudnik, Ronja Pražnikar, "Kako konstantna je perioda BX Kiparja?", Spika, december 2024 (PDF)
Data, gathered with the GoChile telescopes, have been published in the following publications:
- Wu et al., "Gaia22dkvLb: A Microlensing Planet Potentially Accessible to Radial-velocity Characterization ", 2024, AJ, 168, 2 (link)
- Wyrzykowski et al., "Photometric follow-up of SN2024gy with BHTOM.space global telescope network", 2025, Transient Name Server, 2025-31 (link)
- Wyrzykowski et al., "Photometric follow-up of SN2024ggi with BHTOM.space global telescope network", 2025, Transient Name Server, 2025-22

We regularly use GoChile to observe exoplanet transits. When an exoplanet travels between us and its host star it covers the star, making it darker in the process. Such a transit can be modeled, giving us information about the exoplanet and its orbit. The image has been published in Fizika v šoli. Credit: Jure Japelj
GoChile at workshops and conferences:
- Presentation of the project GoChile at the 29. Slovenian festival of science, 26. 9. 2023 (PDF)
- Martina Larma, “Follow-up observations of Gaia microlensing events with Slovenian GoChile telescope”, talk at the 13th ORP and Gaia Science Alerts Workshop, Sardinia, 6. 10. 2022 (recording)
- Poster about GoChile at the 16. IOAA in Poland (JPG)
- Mateusz Bronikowski, "GoChile: the Slovenian 40 cm telescope", talk at the 14th Gaia Science Alerts and ORP Time-domain Workshop, Malta, 4. 10. 2023 (video)
- Jure Japelj, Andreja Gomboc, "Teaching Astronomy With the GoChile Project", poster at the 5th Shaw-IAU Workshop, online event, 29. 11. - 1. 12. 2023
GoChile in the media
- Saša Senica, “Slovenski teleskop potuje v Atacamo”, Delo, 11. 03. 2021
- Jure Japelj, “V dobri družbi, lepem vremenu in pod temnim nebom”, Delo, 25. 11. 2021
- RTV prispevek o GoChile
- Damjan Dovnik, Hana Brumec, Marko Žigart, gostovanje v oddaji “Zanimivosti nočnega neba” na Ognjišču, 4. 11. 2022
- Damjan Kobale, gostovanje v oddaji “Zanimivosti nočnega neba” na Ognjišču, 2. 12. 2022
- Astronomski magazin (Srbija): Slovenija ima svoj teleskop v Čileu; intervju z Juretom Japljem
- Andreja Gomboc, Jure Japelj, gosta v podkastu s Suzano Lovec (N1 Slovenija)
- Prvi program RTV, Radiosfera, “Zvezde so kot ljudje – na poletni šoli astronomije GoChile”
- STA, o poletni šoli astronomije GoChile 2023
- Taja Borojević, “Prek spleta smo upravljali teleskop v oddaljenem observatoriju”, Časoris, 29. 8. 2023
- Primorski val o 3. poletni šoli GoChile, 29. 8. 2024 (povezava)
- RTV o 3. poletni šoli GoChile (povezava)
- Primorske novice o 3. poletni šoli GoChile, 31. 8. 2024 (povezava)
- STA o 3. poletni šoli GoChile, 31. 8. 2024 (povezava)
- Jure Japelj, "Znanost, ki vstopa skozi stranska vrata", Delo Znanost, 19. 9. 2024 (povezava)