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Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions on studying at the School of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica

With answers to the following frequently asked questions, we would like to help students with instructions and hints as to how they can find appropriate sources of information and from whom they may obtain advice on some of the questions that may occur during their studying.

We will try to refresh and update the range of possible answers after each semester. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the list below, please write to info.fh@ung.si and give a detailed description of what you are interested in.

Teaching schedule and academic calendar

  • Where can I find my teaching schedule?

You can find the teaching schedules here:


Academic calendar

There are two semesters, the winter and the summer semester; please pay attention to the notes below the teaching schedules.

  • My study subject is not listed in the teaching schedule. What can I do?

Please contact the School Office.

  • How can I know that a lecture has been cancelled or postponed?

Your professor or the School Office will let you know about this on time.

  • When will the teaching schedule be published for the next semester/academic year?

Teaching schedules are normally published two to three weeks before the semester/academic year starts.

  • I am not able to attend lectures (I am ill, force majeure ...); whom should I tell this to?

In the case of a small group of students, we would advise you to inform your professor who teaches the study subject; you may also wish to inform the School's secretary (especially if you are absent for a longer period of time).

  • I did not attend the previous lecture, where can I obtain the study materials and assignments?

You may wish to talk to your classmates first; you may then wish to contact your professor, and to rely on the electronic study materials, if available.

University academic calendar: Academic calendar

Applications to study committees

(submitting the theme of the final work, recognition of subjects, deletion of subjects, application for completing one's studies after its regular duration, requirements for advancement into higher years, ...)

  • Where and how can I submit my application?

You can submit your application, signed, at the School Office three working days before the meeting of the respective study committee.

  • What are my rights and obligations in the procedure?

You may wish to read Regulations on how to apply to the committee for student affairs; they can be found at

University of Nova Gorica Study Regulations for First Degree Programmes

University of Nova Gorica Study Regulations for Second Degree Programmes

  • Where can I find the procedure manual which describes the tasks of the study committees?

How to submit the theme of one's diploma or masters work?

  • What is the procedure of this application until the defense stage?

Please read carefully University of Nova Gorica regulations concerning procedure on how to apply and defend diploma and masters theses.

  • Where can I find the new instructions for writing diploma/masters theses?

These instructions are currently in the process of thorough renovation; they will be available soon at the Study page on the School's website. In the meantime, the materials published under Diploma and masters theses are valid:

Regulations and instructions for creating the final work and the list of themes (Pravila in navodila za izdelavo dela in seznam tem):



  • Completed diploma and masters thesis, the University Library



  • How and with whom should I agree concerning the theme of my diploma or masters work?

Please contact the programme/track directors of your study programme and abide by the appropriate regulations and instructions.

Elective subjects

  • How will I know which elective subjects are available?

A list of elective subjects is normally available before the start of the academic year, so students may choose which subjects they would like to attend. The list of the elective subjects can be obtained in the Student Office.

  • A smaller range of subjects is offered than the one originally written in the study programme. Can I still choose any of the subjects?

Each academic year, we offer a few of the elective subjects, and we try to select them based on the perceived interests of particular groups of students or student years; at the same time, the subjects are chosen based on the availability of our professors (in-house and others) and the programme/track directors. Students are invited to inform, on time, the programme/track administrators of their initiatives and preferences related to the elective subjects.

  • Can I choose a particular subject from another programme, another school or another university?

You may wish to contact, on time, the School Office and the University's Student Office (preferably before the start of the next academic year) for answers related to this question.

Recognition of previous education

  • Where can I find information concerning this type of recognition?

At the University's Student Office.

  • Who decides on the issue of recognition?

The School’s study committees.

  • What educational elements can be recognized?

The study committees make decisions on the whole issue of recognition.

Tutors (tutorial system of education)

  • What is it that a tutor can do for me, and what it is that he or she cannot do?

Some essential information can be found at https://www.ung.si/documents/670/tutorstvo_UNG_ang.pdf

  • Who is my tutor?

Student tutors are available at our study programmes each academic year, their names and addresses can be found on the study-programme websites.

The programme/track directors and programme/track administrators are available for advice concerning the content and pursuance of a study programme.

The mentor of the student's final work may normally provide very useful advice.

Please note that the School Office cannot provide any advice related to tutelage.

There are two coordinators for the Erasmus exchanges at the School of Humanities: doc. dr. Primož Mlačnik and asist. dr. Milan Mrđenović.

Study mobility (Erasmus and other mobility programmes)

  • Where can I travel during my studies and for how long?

Visit Erasmus+ Inter-institutional agreements between Programme Countries.

  • Whom should I contact? How much money could I get?

Please contact the University's International Office.

  • What about the ECTS recognition at the other university?

Please contact the University's Student Office.

University Library

  • Where is the library located?

The library is located in Rožna Dolina, Vipavska 13, Nova Gorica (the ground-floor, entry from the main road).

  • What are the library opening hours?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 8.00 am to 7.00 pm

Friday: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm

  • How can I communicate with the library?

You may wish to contact our librarians personally in Rožna Dolina; by writing to e-mail address: library@ung.si; or by phone +386 5 33 15 220.

  • How can I become a library member and what are the loan regulations?

You may wish to visit us in Rožna Dolina or visit the library website: https://www.ung.si/en/library/about/.

  • Can I study in the library?

We have a small and peaceful reading room for students who would like to study and read.

  • Where can I find information on the books and materials which are available in the library?

At the library website: University Library

All the data concerning the materials in the physical media can be found at Cobiss

Various electronic collections and electronic journals can be accessed through the library:

Electronic collections

Electronic journals

  • How can I make reservations of the materials which I know the library has?

You can make library reservations or renew your library items by e-mail to: library@ung.si, or by phone +386 5 33 15 220, or via the online My profile service.

  • Can I obtain the materials which are not available in the library?

Materials not available in our University Library can be ordered from other Slovenian and international libraries. The service is payable and is charged per price list Price list.

Please send your order to the e-mail address: library@ung.si, with the following details:

○ for books: title, author and year of publication;

○ for articles: title, author and scope of the article, title, year, and edition number.

  • Where can I find information about the study literature for specific subjects?

Study Literature

Here you can find your school/study programme, and the study literature for the subject you are interested in.

University Student Office

The Student Office is located in the main building (ground floor) of the University in Rožna Dolina, Vipavska 13, Nova Gorica, and in the University building in Vipava (address: Glavni trg 8, Vipava).

Working hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 11.00 am, and 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm.

Students can contact the Student Office concerning applications, admissions, student university system, university regulations and other practical advice.

Tel: 05 3315 234, 05 9099 717

email: studentska.pisarna@ung.si

web: https://www.ung.si/en/admissions/

Insurance, medical help

  • Do I have medical insurance during my studies?

○ For Slovene students: https://www.studentska-org.si/studentski-kazipot/zdravje/zdravstveno-zavarovanje/

○ For international students: Accessing healthcare in Slovenia - Studying in Slovenia

  • Who can help me with registering with a medical doctor?

Check Health care (zdravstveni dom) in Nova Gorica and Ajdovščina. Please read the information provided in the Student guide.

Special abilities and status, personal circumstances

  • What about the rights of those with special abilities at the University?

The University of Nova Gorica is currently in the process of adopting regulations that would tackle the issues of those with special abilities. In the meantime, the issues are considered by the study committees, the senates and the Schools' management boards; the students with special abilities may wish to send their applications or initiatives to these University bodies, as well as to the student representatives.

  • What about the status of students athletes at the University?

Athletes at the University:


The use of the student information system (SIS), website and other media

  • How can I enter the student information system, where can I get my login?

You can enter the system with UNGid, which is sent to your contact address upon admission. If it happens that you do not receive your login until 30 September, please write to: it.support@student.ung.si.

  • Where can I obtain the instructions on how to use the system?

The instructions on how to use the student information system will be sent to your contact address upon admission.

  • I would like to help the School with its communication with the wider public via FB, IG, TikTok ...

Please contact the School Office, which will connect you with the School's promotional group.


  • Who can help me? Who to turn to?

Students can contact the University's Student Office concerning applications, admissions, the student information system, University regulations, and other practical and administration advice.

Students can contact the School Office concerning lectures, examinations, and applications for the committees for study affairs.

Students can contact the programme/track directors and programme/track administrators directly concerning the specific study programmes or study course tracks. As for the particular study subjects, their content, obligations, examination requirements and similar issues, the students can contact the professors who teach the subjects, or the colleagues who carry out seminars or practice sessions.

On issues related to accommodation, transport, meals, health safety, student work, and other issues connected to studying at the University, please see the University Student guide.