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Gender stereotypes in the Slovene Youth literature

This course is part of the programme
Master in Slovene Studies - Literary Science

Objectives and competences

Within the subject, the students will have been acquainted with a variety of ways in which stereotypes are presented in youth literature. At the same, the students will study, and will acquire skills to apply, contemporary multidisciplinary theories related to Slovene youth literature. Students will be able to develop sensitivity to discern hidden mechanisms by means of which the traditional value hierarchies are shaped within the texts. This will enable the students to critically transfer the reading model to other fields.


The subject is vertically connected to the subjects in Slovene literature I – III and to the subjects in literary theory and methodology. Horizontally, the subject is connected to other literary studies subjects as well as to psychology, didactics and, in some readings, to the arts.


 Definition of youth literature
 A brief overview of the development of literature for young readers
 Influence of foreign literature upon young people in our culture
 A review of translated youth literature
 Literary canon and the marginal nature of youth literature
 Stereotypes in some relevant international and Slovene youth texts

Intended learning outcomes

Študentje so usposobljeni za raziskovanje spolnih stereotipov v literaturi.


• Album slovenskih ilustratorjev. Ljubljana: MK, 2005.
• Bruno BETTELHEIM, 1999: Rabe čudežnega: o pomenu pravljic. Ljubljana : Studia humanitatis.
• Milena BLAŽIČ, 2007: Podoba otroka in otroštva v slovenski (mladinski) književnosti. Irena Novak Popov (ur.): Stereotipi v slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi. 43. seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete. 86–93.
• Polona HANŽEK NOVAK, 2004: V srcu mladi: bibliografija sodobnih mladinskih pisateljev. Ljubljana: Genija.
• Marjana KOBE, 1987: Pogledi na mladinsko književnost. Ljubljana: MK.
• – –, 2004: Vedež in začetki posvetnega mladinskega slovstva na Slovenskem: 1778–1850. Maribor: Mariborska knjižnica – Revija Otrok in knjiga.
• – – (ur.), 1996: Bisernica: slovenske kratke pripovedi za otroke 1945–1995. Ljubljana: MK.
• Toril MOI, 1999: Politika spola/teksta. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura.
• Clarissa PINKOLA ESTÉS, 2003: Ženske, ki tečejo z volkovi: miti in zgodbe o arhetipu Divje ženske. Nova Gorica: Eno.
• Igor SAKSIDA, 1994: Mladinska književnost med literaturo in didaktiko. Maribor: Obzorja.
• – –, 2001: Slovenska književnost III. Ljubljana: DZS. (Poglavje o mladinski književnosti.)
• – –, 1998: Petdeset zlatnikov. Tržič: Učila, 1998.
• Maria TATAR, 2003: The Hard Facts of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Princeton – Oxford: Princeton University Press.
• Jack ZIPES, 2002: Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk & Fairy Tales. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
• Izbrani članki in izbrano čtivo.


Written exam. Successfully done seminar assignment and active participation within the seminar. are a prerequisite for the final examination.

Lecturer's references

Barbara Pregelj is Associate Professor of Literature at the University of Nova Gorica. Her research focuses on various aspects of the reception of Spanish literature in Slovenian literature, traductological issues, youth literature and literary interpretation, and she has designed and led a number of international and national projects in the field of motivation for reading.
She is a regular participant in congresses, symposia, round tables, lectures at home and abroad, and has organised several visits of foreign authors to Slovenia and literary studies symposia. She also works as a translator and an editor.

PREGELJ, Barbara. Podoba mladinske književnosti španskega govornega področja skozi njihove prevode v slovenščino. Hieronymus : revija o prevajalstvu. 2011, letn. 5, št. 1/2, str. 65-81.
PREGELJ, Barbara. Še o slovenski književni krajini. Sodobnost. jul. 2019, letn. 83, št. 6, str. 1-8.
PREGELJ, Barbara, ŠIFRAR KALAN, Marjana. From reading promotion strategies to the interactive book. V: STOJANOVA, Nadežda (ur.). Literatura i tehnika : sbornik s dokladi ot naučna konferenciya, provedena v Sofiskiiya Universitet "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 9-11 mart 2018 g. 1. izd. Sofija: Universitetsko izdateljstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 2018. Str. 317-324.
PREGELJ, Barbara. Prevajanje kot oblika interpretacije = Translation as a form of interpretation. V: DUŠA, Zdravko (ur.). Pahoriana 2013 : prispevki z znanstvenega srečanja ob stoletnici Borisa Pahorja, 18. aprila 2013 v Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 2014. Str. 57-68. ISBN 978-961-231-968-7.
PREGELJ, Barbara. Zgledno omledno : trivialno v slovenski postmoderni književnosti. Ljubljana: Slavistično društvo Slovenije, 2007. 209 str. Slavistična knjižnica, 12.
PREGELJ, Barbara (urednik). Bela knjiga o prevajanju 2018 : premiki na področju prevajanja, tolmačenja, podnaslavljanja in lektoriranja v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev, 2019. 179 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6515-07-8.
PREGELJ, Barbara (avtor, urednik, prevajalec), TOMSICH, Francisco (avtor, urednik, ilustrator). Bivališča Branislave Sušnik : dokumenti, besedila, podobe, pričevanja = Moradas de Branislava Sušnik : documentos, textos, imágenes, testimonios. 1. natis. Medvode: Malinc, 2020. 239 str., ilustr.