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Slovenian theater: from the beginnings to Enlightenment

This course is part of the programme
Master in Slovene Studies - Literary Science

Objectives and competences

Students are introduced to the main specifics of the theatre in 17th and 18th century in area of today’s Slovenia and are able to locate this phenomenon in relation to processes in European theatre history. They understand all qualities of dramatic work of this period in relation to staging and reading. Students associate the topic with other contexts in the Slovenian literature from middle ages to the romantics study programme.


Successful study of this subject is vertically connected to other literary-historical themes at basics subjects in studying Slovene literature. But it is necessary connecting the knowledge with other subjects of literary theory on horizontal basis.


Subject content is history of Slovene theatre from beginnings to the enlightenment era. Students will be introduced to the same time theatre developments in other European nations where theatre and drama innovation appeared. There are no direct proofs of theatre activity for the whole period of middle age. But middle age theatre tradition will be spoken of during the lectures because of strong influence on later characteristics of Slovenian theatre. Forms that we notice in later periods were developed during the middle age in European area. Represented themes:

• Protestant Theatre
• Jesuits plays and theatre in Ljubljana
• Capuchin processions with scenes of the Passion
• Religious plays in Ruše
• Škofja Loka Passion Play (Processio Locopolitana)
• Slovenian Theatre in enlightenment era (Žiga Zois, Anton Tomaž Linhart)
• Stanovsko (Estates) Theatre in Ljubljana

Intended learning outcomes

Students adopt basic concepts from theatre history regarding Slovene literature. They understand specifics of Slovenian theatre development, connections between European artistic processes and periods with Slovenian theatre.


Basic literature and sources

• Tine Debeljak: Škofjeloška pasijonska procesija in pasijonskih iger nasploh 

• Janko Glazer: Verske igre v Rušah. V: Janko Glazer: Razprave, članki, ocene. Maribor: Obzorja 1993, str. 937-949. 

• France Koblar: Starejša slovenska drama. Ljubljana: DZS, 1951. 

• France Koblar: Slovenska dramatika I. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, 1972. 

• Filip Kalan: Evropeizacija slovenske gledališke kulture. V: Linhartovo izročilo. Ljubljana: Drama SNG Ljubljana, 1967. 

• Filip Kalan: Gledališki značaj škofjeloškega pasijona. Ljubljana: Slovenski gledališki muzej, 1967. 

• Bratko Kreft: Prvi slovenski dialog in prizor. Dokumenti SGM 10. Ljubljana: Slovenski gledališki muzej, 1967. 

• Niko Kuret: Ljubljanska igra o paradižu in njen evropski okvir. Razprave SAZU, Lj, 1958. 

• Dušan Ludvik: Nemško gledališče v Ljubljani do leta 1790. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 1957. 

• Štefan Vevar: Slovenska gledališka pot. Ljubljana: DZS, 1998. 

• Stanko Škerlj: O jezuitskem gledališču v Ljubljani. Dokumenti SGM 10. Ljubljana: Slovenski gledališki muzej, 1967.


Seminar (70%), oral examination (30%)

Lecturer's references

MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja. Labirinti ljubezni v slovenski književnosti od romantike do II. svetovne vojne, (Zbirka Sodobna družba, 2008, 20). Ljubljana: Sophia, 2008. V, 254 str. ISBN 978-961-6294-93-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 238032384]
MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja. Nation and gender in the writings of Slovene women writers : 1848-1918. Aspasia, 2008, vol. 2, str. 28-43. [COBISS.SI-ID 931323]
MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja. Tujci in tuje v romanih : Prišleki in Francoski testament. Dve domov.. [Tiskana izd.], 2010, [Št.] 31, str. 153-167. [COBISS.SI-ID 31567405]
MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja. Die Macht der männlichen literarischen Eliten und ihr Einfluss auf der Kreativität der slowenischen Autorinnen. V: GIERZINGER, Georg (ur.), HÖLZL, Sylvia (ur.), RONEN, Christine (ur.). Spielformen der Macht : Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven der Macht im Rahmen junger slawistischer Forschung, (Conference Series). 1. Auf. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2011, str. 377-393.