Methodology of literary scholarship
Master in Slovene Studies - Literary Science
Objectives and competences
Students are presented with a chronological overview of the various methods of literary research, literary theory and literary history. They get to know the founders and main representatives of the different methodologies and acquire the appropriate literary vocabulary and know how to use it in their own research. This directs them in different possibilities of critical reading and interpreting of literary texts, and gives them the possibility to use these methodological schemes in their own reading and interpretation. In doing so the students learn to use the relevant domestic and foreign literature and apply it to specific literary texts in their writings about them and the discussions on the literature.
The course continues the Methods of Literary Research from the bachelor's programme Slovene Studies.
- Definition, development and systematization of the methodology of literary criticism.
- Linguistic foundations of formalism and structuralism (Ferdinand de Saussure).
- Russian formalists, structuralism and post-structuralism (founders, the main representatives, interactions).
- Phenomenology and literary studies (Edmund Husserl, Roman Ingarden, Martin Heidegger, immanent interpretation).
- New Criticism (Thomas Stearns Eliot, Ivory Armstrong Richards, new criticism in the United States) .
- Psychoanalysis and literary theory (Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, Slavoj Žižek).
- Deconstruction (Jacques Derrida, Paul de Man).
- Reception aesthetics (Hans- Georg Gadamer, Hans- Robert Jauß, Wolfgang Iser).
- Newer methods of literary studies (feminist literary criticism, new historicism, empirical methods in the study of literature ) .
Intended learning outcomes
Students will learn the basic methods of literary criticism. They can analyze and interpret a literary text in a multi-directional and multi-layered way.
J. Derrida: Izbrani spisi. Ljubljana: ŠOU, 1994.
D. Dolinar: Hermenevtika in literarna veda. Ljubljana: DZS, 1991.
S. Freud: Metapsihološki spisi. Ljubljana:ŠKUC; FF, 1987.
M. Heidegger: Bit in čas. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, 1997.
M. Heidegger: Izbrane razprave. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1967.
R. Ingarden: Literarna umetnina. Ljubljana: ŠKUC; FF, 1990.
R. Jakobson: Lingvistični in drugi spisi. Ljubljana: ŠKUC; FF, 1989.
H. R. Jauß: Estetsko izkustvo in literarna hermenevtika. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 1988.
J. Kos: Metodološki in ideološki pluralizem v sodobni (postmoderni) literarni vedi, Razpotja slovenske literarne vede. Ljubljana: ZRSŠ, 1998.
J. Kos: Očrt literarne teorije 2. Ljubljana: DZS, 1994.
J. Kos: Stari in novi modeli literarne zgodovine. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, 2003.
J. Kos: Uvod v metodologijo literarne vede. Primerjalna književnost XI, 1988, št. 1.
J. Lacan: Štirje temeljni koncepti psihoanalize. Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo, 1996.
P. de Man: Slepota in uvid. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 1997.
T. Moi: Politika spola/teksta. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 1999.
Ruski formalisti. Ljubljana: MK, 1984.
Sodobna literarna teorija. Ljubljana: Krtina, 1995.
T. Virk: Moderne metode literarne vede in njihove filozofsko teoretske osnove. Ljubljana: ZIFF, 2003.
Ukradeni Poe. Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo, 1990.
Das Unheimliche. Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo, 1994.
S. Žižek: Hegel in označevalec. Ljubljana: DDU Univerzum, 1980.
Successful completion of an oral examination. The paper presented in the seminar is a prerequisite for admission to the examination.
Lecturer's references
Assist. Prof. Kristina Pranjić, PhD graduated in comparative literature, and Russian language and literature at the University of Ljubljana. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled Non-objective Sound and Image: Bely, Kruchenykh, Malevich at the same institution in 2018. She led the research project Yugoslav Avantgardes and Metropolitan Dada (1916–1927): A Multidirectional and Transnational Genealogy, financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (2019–2021). Currently she is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities and the Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica, where she leads the modules Theory and History of Art and Media, and Discourses in Practice. In her theoretical and research work, she focuses mainly on the historical avant-garde of the 20th century and the re-actualization of the avant-garde today. She has conducted research in the field of art and literature of historical avant-garde and new media art and aesthetics at the University of Konstanz, the University of Belgrade and the University of Paris 8.
Selection of articles:
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Ljubomir Micić in Branko Ve Poljanski v reviji Maska : (1920/21). Borec : revija za zgodovino, literaturo in antropologijo. 2021, letn. 73, št. 793/795, str. 61-70.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. The emergence and establishment of Yugoslav dada : from Prague to Zagreb : (1920-1922). Svět literatury. 2021, vol. 31, no. 64, str. 89-103.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Značaj ljubljanskog časopisa Maska (1920/21) u kontekstu jugoslovenskih avangardi. Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti. 2021, br. 9, str. 111-121, ilustr.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Prispevek umetnosti in nedvojnosti k znanstvenemu raziskovanju prvoosebnega izkustva. Anthropos : časopis za psihologijo in filozofijo ter za sodelovanje humanističnih ved. 2020, letn. 52, št. 3/4, str. 131-143.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Zenitistični koncept barbarogenija kot kritika zahodnoevropske kulture. Primerjalna književnost. 2020, letn. 43, št. 3, str. 139-157.
GERMEK, Magdalena, PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Constructing new signifiers with aesthetic intervention : using coal in design. Zonemoda journal. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 1s, str. 121-132, ilustr.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Premagati silo gravitacije na presečišču umetnosti in tehnologije : primer ruskega konstruktivizma. Časopis za kritiko znanosti. 2019, letn. 47, št. 277, str. 102-116, ilustr.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Brezpredmetnost in ekonomičnost v poeziji = Objectlessness and economy in poetry. Slavica Tergestina. 2019, 22, str. 50-68, ilustr.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Formalne mistične prakse ruskega futurizma. Slavistična revija : časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede. 2019, letn. 67, št. 3, str. 479-486.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Vek perehoda ot videnija k probelu. Kommentarii. 2018, no. 32, str. 147-153.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Misliti v simbolih, ustvarjati avantgardno. Slavistična revija : časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede. 2018, letn. 66, št. 3, str. 299-314.
PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Zvočna destabilizacija jezika : zaum in glosolalija. Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku. 2018, 93, str. 231-247.