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Selected Topics in Contemporary Slovene Literature

Objectives and competences

The main objective of the course is to develop and improve the students' literary interpretation skills. Special focus is given on developing the students' independence, innovativeness and their close reading skills by using appropriate literary-theoretical instruments as well as by applying appropriate teaching methods.


Basic knowledge of literary interpretation and literary hermeneutics, and knowledge of terms used in literary theory. Knowledge of 19th- and 20-th century Slovene literature is advantageous.


The course is designed to teach the students to interpret literary texts in an advanced level and train them to be able to autonomously cope with texts of various literary genres. Selected texts of the 19th- and 20th-Slovene literature (poetry, prose, drama) are discussed.

Intended learning outcomes

The students develop an ability to autonomously and meaninfully interpret the selected literary text by using appropriate terminology and logical argumentation skills. The students are able to convey their findings in an appropriate form in terms of teaching methods. They also prepare a seminar paper (constructing a learning sequence of excerpts with questions).


Poetry: Prešeren, Jenko, Gregorčič, Cankar, Murn, Kette, Župančič, Podbevšek, Kosovel, Vodušek, Kocbek, Kajuh, Balantič, Menart, Zajc, Strniša, Makarovič, Šalamun, Jesih, Zupan, Komelj

Prose and drama:
Jurčič, Tavčar, Cankar, Govekar, Pregelj, Grum, Prežih, Kosmač, Kranjec, Potrč, Smole, Zidar, Kozak, Strniša, Kovačič, Jančar, Lainšček, Virk


Written examination. (Successful performance of tasks assigned by the lecturers during the year or at the seminars are the prerequisite for taking the examination).

Lecturer's references

Marijan Dović, a research fellow at the Institute of the Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies SRC SASA, Ljubljana, and assistant professor at the University of Nova Gorica, has been dealing mainly with the literary canon, the contemporary systems theory of literature, the historical avant-garde, Romanticism and the problem of national poets, and theory and history of authorship. He has published numerous articles (both Slovenian and English) and three scientific monographs. As a member of IGEL, EAM and ICLA and a vice-president of the Slovene Comparative Literature Association (SiCLA), he has organized several scholarly gatherings, including a conference on Slovene historical avant-garde and comparatistic colloquiums on literature and censorship and on literature and literary mediation. He also edited several scholarly anthologies (on Anton Podbevšek, Janez Trdina, and Literature and Censorship).

Selected bibliography

DOVIĆ, Marijan. Sistemske in empirične obravnave literature, (Studia litteraria). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2004. 238 str., graf. prikazi. ISBN 961-6500-57-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 216565248]
DOVIĆ, Marijan. Slovenski pisatelj : razvoj vloge literarnega proizvajalca v slovenskem literarnem sistemu, (Studia litteraria). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2007. 338 str. ISBN 978-961-254-028-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 235594752]
DOVIĆ, Marijan. Mož z bombami : Anton Podbevšek in slovenska zgodovinska avantgarda, (Zbirka Anagoga). Ljubljana [i. e.] Novo mesto: Goga, 2009. 104 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6421-87-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 249519872]
DOVIĆ, Marijan. Zgodnje literarne reprezentacije nacionalne zgodovine in "slovenski kulturni sindrom" = Early literary representations of national history and the "Slovene cultural syndrome". V: MATAJC, Vanesa (ur.), TROHA, Gašper (ur.). Zgodovina in njeni literarni žanri, (Primerjalna književnost, letn. 30, posebna št./special issue). Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, avg. 2007, str. 71-90, 191-207. [COBISS.SI-ID 6000158]
DOVIĆ, Marijan. Totalitarna in post-totalitarna cenzura: od trde k mehki? = Totalitarian and post-totalitarian censorship: from hard to soft?. V: DOVIĆ, Marijan (ur.). Literatura in cenzura : Kdo se boji resnice literature? : Who is afraid of the truth of literature?, (Primerjalna književnost, letn. 31, posebna št./special issue). Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, avg. 2008, str. 9-20 + 167-178. [COBISS.SI-ID 37376866]
DOVIĆ, Marijan. The Slovenian interwar literary avant-garde and its canonization. V: BRU, Sascha (ur.). Europa! Europa? : the avant-garde, modernism, and the fate of a continent, (European avant-garde and modernism studies, vol. 1). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2009, str. [36]-48. [COBISS.SI-ID 30907181]
DOVIĆ, Marijan. France Prešeren: a conquest of the Slovene Parnassus. V: CORNIS-POPE, Marcel (ur.), NEUBAUER, John (ur.). History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe : junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries, (A comparative history of literatures in European languages, Literary cultures, vol. 19, 20, 22, 25, vol. 1-4). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 2004-2010, 2010, vol. IV, str. 97-109. [COBISS.SI-ID 32124717]