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Basics of Computer Science

Objectives and competences

The main objective of the course is to make the students familiar with the basic knowledge of computer and information science. Over the course of study, students will develop the capacity to use software tools in an independent manner, searching for information and to prepare project assignments, presentations, and other materials.
The course will acquaint students with select language technologies and the basics of algorithmic thinking.


Basic knowledge about the work with computer.


● Basic knowledge of computer science:
◦ History and use of computers
◦ Introduction to informatics
◦ Structure and operation of the computer
◦ Computer hardware and software
◦ Computer networks and internet
◦ Trends in computer science
● basic skills that are necessary for computer-based processing and analysis of texts in linguistics
● use of the Internet as a source of information and tool for linguists
● use of electronic dictionaries and concordancers
● Use of language technologies
● programming basics
◦ basics of algorithmic thinking
◦ operational acquaintance with the selected programming language

Intended learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand and use:
● computers and its components,
● essential concepts of computer and information science
● different input and output devices
● computer hardware and software
● different types of application software
internet sources


  • Baloh, P., Vrečar, P. (2011). Ob praktičnih primerih skozi Microsoft Office 2010. Ljubljana: Pasadena. Catalogue
  • Gorjanc, V. (2005). Uvod v korpusno jezikoslovje. Domžale: Izolit. Catalogue
  • Gradišar, M., Jaklič, J., Turk, T. (2012). Osnove poslovne informatike. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta. Catalogue
  • Suhadolc, J. (2007). Nove priložnosti e-komuniciranja. Ljubljana: GV Založba. Catalogue
  • Saša Divjak: Operacijski sistemi, Založba FRI, 2001.
  • Vidmar, T. (2011). Računalniška omrežja z internetnimi storitvami. Ljubljana: Pasadena. Catalogue
  • Vičič, J. (2012). Hitra postavitev prevajalnih sistemov na osnovi pravil za sorodne naravne jezike: doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko. Catalogue
  • Vintar, Š. (2008). Terminologija: terminološka veda in računalniško podprta terminografija. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. E-version
  • Mesojedec, U., Fabjan B. (2004). Java2: temelji programiranja. Ljubljana: Pasadena


Successfully performed written exam and individual seminar work with oral presentation. Positive grade in the seminar work is required for admission to the written exam. Participation in seminar discussions is required to evaluate the student’s ability to use computational tools for the written and oral presentation of selected topics of computer science.
The written exam assesses the knowledge of the fundamental concepts of computer and information science, the understanding of the structure and operation of computers, computer networks and basics of algorithmic thinking.

Lecturer's references

Jernej Vičič
● BRODNIK, Andrej, VIČIČ, Jernej, KAVŠEK, Branko. Uvod v računalništvo 2. 4., razširjena in dopolnjena izd. Koper; = Capodistria: Pedagoška fakulteta: = Facoltà di studi educativi: = Faculty of Education, 2006. 228 str., graf. prikazi, tabele. Zbirka Študijska gradiva, zv. 8. ISBN 961-6528-36-X. [COBISS.SI-ID 225041152]
● MIKOLIČ, Vesna, VIČIČ, Jernej, VOLK, Jana. Namen in metode urejanja večjezičnega korpusa turističnih besedil (TURK). V: MIKOLIČ, Vesna (ur.). Jezikovni korpusi v medkulturni komunikaciji. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče, Založba Annales: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2009. Str. 65–74. Knjižnica Annales Majora. ISBN 978-961-6732-12-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 512579456]
● VIČIČ, Jernej. Metode hitre izdelave gradiv za prevajalne sisteme plitkega prenosa za visoko pregibne jezike. V: MIKOLIČ, Vesna (ur.). Jezikovni korpusi v medkulturni komunikaciji. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče, Založba Annales: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2009. Str. 133–153. Knjižnica Annales Majora. ISBN 978-961-6732-12-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024248404]
● MODERC, Gašper, TOŠIĆ, Aleksandar, VIČIČ, Jernej. In-game economy based on blockchain. V: BLAŽICA, Bojan (ur.), et al. Interakcija človek-računalnik v informacijski družbi : zbornik 22. Mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2019, 9. oktober 2019 : zvezek H = Human-Computer Interaction in Information Society : proceedings of the 22nd International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2019, 9 October, 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia : volume H. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2019. Str. 39–42, ilustr. Informacijska družba. ISBN 978-961-264-169-6, ISBN 978-961-264-170-2. ISSN 2630-371X. http://library.ijs.si/Stacks/Proceedings/InformationSociety/2019/IS2019_Volume_H%20-%20HCI.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 1541745348]
● TOŠIĆ, Aleksandar, VIČIČ, Jernej, BURNARD, Michael David. Privacy preserving indoor location and fall detection system. V: BLAŽICA, Bojan (ur.), et al. Interakcija človek-računalnik v informacijski družbi : zbornik 22. Mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2019, 9. oktober 2019 : zvezek H = Human-Computer Interaction in Information Society : proceedings of the 22nd International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2019, 9 October, 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia : volume H. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2019. Str. 9–12, ilustr. Informacijska družba. ISBN 978-961-264-169-6, ISBN 978-961-264-170-2. ISSN 2630-371X. http://library.ijs.si/Stacks/Proceedings/InformationSociety/2019/IS2019_Volume_H%20-%20HCI.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 1541745092]
● BOROS, Endre, GURVICH, Vladimir, MILANIČ, Martin, OUDALOV, Vladimir, VIČIČ, Jernej. A three-person deterministic graphical game without Nash equilibria. Discrete applied mathematics. [Print ed.]. 2018, vol. 243, str. 21–38. ISSN 0166-218X. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166218X18300404?via%3Dihub, DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2018.01.008. [COBISS.SI-ID 1540221636]
● VIČIČ, Jernej, KUBOŇ, Vladislav, HOMOLA, Petr. Česílko Goes Open-source. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics. 2017, no. 107, str. 57–66. ISSN 0032-6585. [COBISS.SI-ID 1539534788]