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Literature at the crossroads

Objectives and competences

Students understand basic literary-historical concepts related to the works of Slovenian authors in Italy and Austria. They are able to take a critical approach to literary periods, intercultural and transnational relations, and the issue of the literary field in connection with minority literatures.


Literary-historical review of Slovenian literature. Knowledge of basic literary theoretical concepts. Knowledge of Italian and Friulian is desirable.


Consideration of concepts: border and cross-border literature, small and minority literature, national literary history, regional comparative literature.

Literature of Slovenes in Italy:
• Slovenes in Italy: historical and spatial framework
• Literature of Slovenes in Venetian Slovenia and Resia (selection of authors and works, work in the seminar)
• Literature of Slovenes in the Goriška region (selection of authors and works, work in the seminar)
• Comparative approach to literature in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (Gorizia, Udine region) (Italy) and the Goriška region (Slovenia):
Literature of Slovenes in the Goriška and Udine regions and comparison with selected works in Friulian, Italian and German from the same time-space framework. Work in the seminar.
• Literature of Slovenes in Austria: supraregional literary interaction space, Carinthian bilingual literary field. Selection of authors and works, work in the seminar.

Intended learning outcomes

The students upgrade their literary-historical knowledge of Slovene literature.

The students acquire a more comprehensive idea of the Slovenian cultural space.

The students acquire a more comprehensive idea of literary multilingualism in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (Italy) and the Goriška region (Slovenia) and in the Austrian context (the literature of Carinthian Slovenes).



  • Roberto Dapit, 2003: Nastajanje krajevnih knjižnih jezikov med Slovenci v Furlaniji. Slovenski knjižni jezik ‒ aktualna vprašanja in zgodovinske izkušnje: ob 450. obletnici izida prve slovenske knjige / Mednarodni simpozij Obdobja ‒ metode in zvrsti, Ljubljana 5.‒7. december 2001. Ur. A. Vidovič Muha. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete. 301-312. Catalogue
  • Roberto Dapit, 2008: Gradnikova Brda in odnosi s furlanskim svetom. F. Ferluga-Petronio (ur.): Alojz Gradnik: pesnik Goriških brd: zbornik z mednarodnega simpozija na Univerzi v Vidmu (19.‒20. aprila 2007): ob 125. obletnici rojstva in 40. obletnici pesnikove smrti. Trst: ZTT = EST, 102‒113. Catalogue
  • Alenka Koron in Andrej Leben (ur.), 2020: Literarna večjezičnost v slovenskem in avstrijskem kontekstu. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. (Izbor člankov) Catalogue
  • Irena Novak-Popov, 2015: Senjam beneške piesmi kot dejavnik prenove narečne poezije v Slovenski Benečiji. Primerjalna književnost 2 (2015). 157–174. E-version
  • Janez Strutz, 2006: Dialogue, polyphony, and system: on the issue of a history od the “small literatures” in the Alps-Adriatic region. – D. Dolinar, et al., eds., Writing literary history: selected perspectives from Central Europe. Frankfurt am Main, P. Lang, 237‒263. Catalogue
  • Ana Toroš, 2016: Slovenska literatura na stičišču kultur. Slovanski jeziki na stičišču kultur [Elektronski vir]: konferenčni e-zbornik, 2016. 15–26, 27–39. E-version
  • Ana Toroš. Slovene-Friulian-Italian literary connections at the beginning of the 20th century : the case of Alojz Gradnik and select Friulian and Italian authors. Interlitteraria, ISSN 1406-0701, 2017, vol. 22, no. 2, str. 386-396, doi: 10.12697/IL.2017.22.2.15. [COBISS.SI-ID 5026299] . E-version
  • Ana Toroš, 2017: Minority writing : the case of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy), Goriška and Coastal-Karst regions (Slovenia). Slavia Centralis, ISSN 1855-6302. [Tiskana izd.], 2017, letn. 10, št. 2, str. 50-65. [COBISS.SI-ID 4983547] E-version

II. A selection of literary authors and works

  • David Bandelj, 2009: Rod Lepe Vide: antologija sodobne poezije Slovencev v Italiji. Ljubljana: Študentska založba-Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti. (Izbor) Catalogue
  • France Bevk: Kaplan Martin Čedermac (poljubna izdaja). Catalogue
  • Marina Cernetig, 2007: Pa nič nie še umarlo. Trst: ZTT = EST. Catalogue
  • Viljem Černo, 2013: Ko pouno noći je sarce. Gorica: Goriška Mohorjeva družba – Čedad: Kulturno društvo Ivan Trinko. Catalogue
  • Irena Destovnik in Andrej Furlan (izbor in ur.), 2006: Besedolomnice: novejše literarno ustvarjanje na Koroškem. Trst: ZTT = EST; Celovec: Slovenska prosvetna zveza.
  • Marko Kravos (ur.), 2015. Slovenski pesniki z Goriškega v Italiji. 47. mednarodno srečanje pisateljev, [Bled], 2015. Ljubljana: Slovenski center PEN.
  • Andrej Leben (izbor in ur.), 2011: Zgodbe iz maTjaževe dežele: antologija slovenske proze na avstrijskem Koroškem. Ljubljana: Študentska založba. Catalogue
  • Michele Obit idr. (ur.): Besiede tele zemlje, proze in poezije v beneškem narečju. Trst: ZTT = EST, 2004.
  • Silvana Paletti, 2003: Rozajanski serčni romonenj. Ur. Roberto Dapit. Ljubljana: ZRC. Catalogue
  • Ljubka Šorli, 2018: Goriške pesmi. Ur. Igor Tuta. Komen: Art. Catalogue
  • Renato Quaglia, 1985: Potres. Renato Quaglia: Baside. Prev. Marko Kravos. Trst: ZTT.


Active participation during the lectures and in the seminar Oral exam

Lecturer's references

Prof. dr. Ana Toroš is employed at the Faculty of Humanities and at the Research Center for the Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica (UNG). In addition to pedagogical and research work, she is the director of the study program Humanities III. degree, which operates within the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies of UNG. Her research is focused on the field of regional comparative literature and literary imagology, and she is interested in multilingual literature in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (Italy) and in the Goriška and Obalno-kraška regions.