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Slovene Phonology

Objectives and competences

The primary objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the basic features and rules of Standard Slovenian phonology. With their newly acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the students become capable of interpreting and evaluating pronunciation prescription in language manuals and develop better competence at spoken standard-Slovenian production.


No special prerequisites for enrolment.


This course focuses on characteristics of spoken Slovenian, in particular its standard variety. It introduces the relevant terminology, the relation between phonetics and phonology, the Slovenian phonological system anf shape-voice shifts. Phonology is discussed from the perspective of its position relative to other levels of linguistic analysis and from the perspective of the interrelatedness of and overlap between linguistic levels. The course also includes practical work in the form of standard pronunciation training, within which students get familiarized with standard pronunciation prescription as codified in language manuals.

Intended learning outcomes

Students develop a familiarity with the role and position of phonology relative to other linguistic domains and an acute awareness of the interconnectedness of different levels of linguistic analysis. They are familiar with the core terminology of phonology and phonetics as well as with the most important recent research findings, which they are able to apply to new problems. They become confident users of language manuals, capable of independently interpreting and evaluating pronunciation prescription data.


  • Pravopis 8.0 E-version
  • Slovenski pravopis. 2001. Ur. Jože Toporišič. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU, 3−68 in 87−122. Catalogue
  • Šeruga Prek, Cvetka, Antončič, Emica. 2003. Slovenska zborna izreka (priročnik z vajami za javne govorce). Maribor: Aristej. )Catalogue Catalogue
  • Tivadar, Hotimir. 2004. Fonetično-fonološke lastnosti samoglasnikov v sodobnem knjižnem jeziku. Slavistična revija (52/1), str. 31– 48. E-version
  • Tivadar, Hotimir. 2015. Vloga pravorečja in njegovo poučevanje v slovenskem osnovno- in srednješolskem izobraževanju. Jezik in slovstvo (60/3/4), str. 161–172. E-version
  • Toporišič, Jože. 2000. Slovenska slovnica (4. izdaja). Maribor: Obzorja. Catalogue
  • Toporišič, Jože. 1992. Enciklopedija slovenskega jezika. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba. Catalogue
  • Žagar, France. 1993. Slovenska slovnica in jezikovna vadnica. Maribor: Obzorja. Catalogue


Written exam (70 %).
Colloquium (30 %).

Lecturer's references

Januška Gostenčnik is a research associate at ZRC SAZU's Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language and assistant professor at the University of Nova Gorica's Faculty of Humanities. Her research mainly falls in the fields of Slovenian dialectology, geolinguistics, phonology, accentology. She participates in the preparation of the first volume of the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas. She is a member of the working group of the International Commission for the preparation of the Slavic Linguistic Atlas.

Selected articles:
• GOSTENČNIK, Januška. Fonološki opis govora kraja Večeslavci (SLA T397). Jezikoslovni zapiski : zbornik Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, 28, št. 2, str. 125-149. ISSN 0354-0448. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/jz/article/view/11145, http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-I7YRJJS4, DOI: 10.3986/JZ.28.2.07. [COBISS.SI-ID 137738243]
• KUMIN HORVAT, Mojca, GOSTENČNIK, Januška. Slovenian dialectal diversity as presented in the Slovenian linguistic atlas. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, letn. 32, št. 3, str. 333-346, zvd., ilustr. ISSN 1408-5348. https://zdjp.si/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/ASHS_32-2022-3_KUMIN_GOSTENCNIK.pdf, DOI: 10.19233/ASHS.2022.22. [COBISS.SI-ID 137270531]
• GOSTENČNIK, Januška. Kostelsko narečje. Slavistična revija : časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede. [Tiskana izd.]. jul.-sep. 2020, letn. 68, št. 3, str. 353-372, ilustr. ISSN 0350-6894. https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/3871, http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-KF9P6QJB. [COBISS.SI-ID 39410691]
• GOSTENČNIK, Januška. Morphonological alternations in the local dialect of Ravnice (SLA T411) from Slavic comparative perspective. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. [Tiskana izd.]. 2019, letn. 29, št. 2, str. 187-202, ilustr. ISSN 1408-5348. https://zdjp.si/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ASHS_29-2019-2_Gosten%C4%8Dnik.pdf, http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-WBGDP7SY, DOI: 10.19233/ASHS.2019.12. [COBISS.SI-ID 45197613]
• GOSTENČNIK, Januška, LEGAN RAVNIKAR, Andreja (urednik). Krajevni govori ob Čabranki in zgornji Kolpi. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2018. 271 str., tabele, zvd. Zbirka Linguistica et philologica, 36. ISBN 978-961-05-0081-0. http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-V8JEW8R2. [COBISS.SI-ID 294536192]
• GOSTENČNIK, Januška. Umik novega dolgega akuta v slovenskih narečjih. V: BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra (ur.), DOBROVOLJC, Helena (ur.). Zbornik prispevkov s simpozija 2017. V Novi Gorici: Založba Univerze, 2018. Str. 70-75. ISBN 978-961-7025-08-8. http://www.ung.si/media/storage/cms/attachments/2018/11/29/16/56/02/Skrabcevi_dnevi_10_11k18.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 43962157]
• GOSTENČNIK, Januška. Govor kraja Banja Loka (SLA T283) (po gradivu za SLA). Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. [Tiskana izd.]. 2014, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 343-355, zvd. ISSN 1408-5348. http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-OZQNIPHZ. [COBISS.SI-ID 37764909]