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Research Work in Humanities

Objectives and competences

• Students understand the importance and the basic methods of critical thinking about a given topic in the humanities and are able to search for relevant research.
• Supported by the mentor, the student experiences a comprehensive process of solving problems specific to the humanities through research; this process covers research at all its stages – from planning through implementation and finally to the evaluation of research.


First-year obligatory courses


Within the scope of the course, the student chooses a research topic related to the study content that was discussed during the previous studies in the program, or in the current year or semester, and researches it in depth under the guidance of a mentor. In the subject, they carrie out a guided, but internally partially independent research process. Students can also be involved in the learning-through-research with their mentors, where they learn to use research approaches and tools.

At the end of the course, the student summarises their work in a report that includes the concrete research findings and all relevant materials an introduction to the topic, the aims as well as the background for the research project, a justification of the methodology used and for the research instruments and tools, an overview of the process of data acquisition and data processing (primary and secondary), a critical review of the literature used, a presentation of the results (which may be partial or preliminary), and a conclusion that takes into account the possibilities of further application or development of the research.

Intended learning outcomes

• Ability tounderstand the complexity of a set research topic in a particular subfield of the humanities on the basis of prior academic experience;
• knowledge of a general structure and implementation of a research study in a given area of the humanities;
• ability to understand the meaning of resources required for conducting a successful research study within a given topic in humanities;
• ability to search for literature and relevant information for student’s own research project;
• initial ability to present the results of the student’s own research project to both specialized and general audiences, with a focus on the connection between science, civil society and other areas;
• initial ability of combining tools and methodologies in an autonomous manner that helps the student toward developing their own idea for a master's thesis or other project;
• critically reflecting on the value of the student’s own competencies.


Readings defined and coordinated by the mentor in agreement with one of the course leaders, either for the field of linguistics or literary studies.


Final report with oral presentation (100%)

Lecturer's references

Kristina Pranjić is an associate professor in literary studies at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica. She works in the areas of literary methodology, as well as the history and theory of European avant-gardes with contemporary intermedia artistic phenomena.

  1. PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Change must come: Yugoslav avant-gardes and metropolitan Dada. In: BRU, Sascha (ed.). Crisis: the avant-garde and modernism in critical modes. European avant-garde and modernism studies, vol. 7. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 297–312.
  2. PRANJIĆ, Kristina. The emergence and establishment of Yugoslav dada: from Prague to Zagreb (1920–1922). Svět literatury, 2021, vol. 31, no. 64, pp. 89–103.
  3. PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Zenitistični koncept barbarogenija kot kritika zahodnoevropske kulture = Zenithist Concept of a Barbarogenius as a Critique of the Western European Culture. Primerjalna književnost. 43.3 (2020). 139–157.
  4. PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Premagati silo gravitacije na presečišču umetnosti in tehnologije: primer ruskega konstruktivizma = Overcoming Gravity at the Intersection of Art and Technology: The Example of Russian Constructivism. Časopis za kritiko znanosti Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology. 277.47 (2019). 102–116.
  5. PRANJIĆ, Kristina. Brezpredmetnost in ekonomičnost v poeziji = Objectlessness and Economy in Poetry. Slavica Tergestina 22 (2019). 50–68.

Franc Marušič, professor of linguistics at the University of Nova Gorica and director of the linguistic part of the study program.

  1. MARUŠIČ, Franc, MIŠMAŠ, Petra, ŽAUCER, Rok. Placement and ordering of the (en)clitics. V: ŠIPKA, Danko (ur.), BROWNE, Wayles (ur.). The Cambridge handbook of Slavic linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024. Str. 365-384. Cambridge handbooks in language and linguistics.
  2. MARUŠIČ, Franc. Circumfixation. V: ACKEMA, Peter (ur.). The Wiley Blackwell companion to morphology. Hoboken (New Jersey): Wiley Blackwell, 2023. Vol. 1, str. 419-444, ilustr. The Wiley Blackwell companions to linguistics.
  3. MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok. Dual in Slovenian. V: HOFFHER, Patricia Cabredo (ur.). The Oxford handbook of grammatical number. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Str. 428-444, ilustr. Oxford handbooks in linguistics.
  4. MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok, SAKSIDA, Amanda, SULLIVAN, Jessica, SKORDOS, Dimitrios, WANG, Yiqiao, BARNER, David. Do children derive exact meanings pragmatically? : evidence from a dual morphology language. Cognition. [Print ed.]. Feb. 2021, vol. 207, str. 1-12.
  5. MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok. Investigation of Slovenian copular agreement. V: FRANKS, Steven (ur.), TIMBERLAKE, Alan (ur.), WIETECKA, Anna W. (ur.). Selected proceedings of the 14th meeting of the Slavic linguistics society : in honor of Peter Kosta. Berlin [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2021. Str. 141-170, ilustr. Potsdam linguistic investigations, Vol. 34.

Jasna Fakin Bajec is Assistant Professor in Cultural History at the School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica. She works in the field of cultural heritage studies, ethnology, anthropology and history of the 20th Century. Her theoretical research focuses on the development of participatory methods in the management of cultural heritage.

1.FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna, KRANJC, Darja. Significance of cultural heritage practices in karst landscape management : 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Carbonates and evaporites. Feb. 2023, vol. 38, iss. 1.
2. FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna (avtor, fotograf). An integrated approach to the revitalization, safeguarding and management of cultural heritage : how to establish a durable and active local group of stakeholders. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, letn. 30, št. 2, str. 285-300.
3. FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Procesi ustvarjanja kulturne dediščine : na razpotju med neoliberalizmom in prostovoljstvom v okviru dediščinskih društev. Etnolog : glasnik Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja. [Nova vrsta]. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, letn. 30 = 81, str. 69-88.
4. FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. The interpretation and utilization of cultural heritage and its values by young people in Slovenia : is heritage really boring and uninteresting?. Etnološka tribina : godišnjak Hrvatskog etnološkog društva. 2019, vol. 49, [no.] 42, str. 173-193.
5. POLJAK ISTENIČ, Saša, FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Luxury food tour : perspectives and dilemmas on the "luxurification" of local culture in tourism product. Acta geographica Slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2021, 61, št. 1, str. 169-184.