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Italian Language 2

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level)

Objectives and competences

Students learn the Modern Italian language by studying all linguistic levels – from the phonological level to the textual-syntactic level, and thus practise communicating in the Italian language. A contrasting approach is used, which means that the students learn the Italian language system by comparing it to the Slovene language system.




Learning parts of speech and sentence elelents through dealing with every-day topics. Studying individual parts of speech and focusing on those which are more demanding for speakers of Slovene: pronominal forms with the emphasis on personal pronouns, verb (perfect and imperfect past and future tenses).
Developing the students' listening, speaking, written and reading skills by working on appropriate textual models and by using appropriate audiovisual aids.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
The students acquire the knowledge and the ability to communicate in a foreign language; the comprehension of texts, expressing and explaining notions, facts, emotions, thoughts and opinions; they learn how to compose texts in appropriate communicative situations; they understand and accept cultural differences.


• Matteo La Grassa: L'Italiano all'Università 1, Edilingua Catalogue
• M. Dardano, P. Trifone: La nuova grammatica della lingua italiana, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1997
• R. Lesina: Il manuale di stile, guida alla redazione di documenti, relazioni, articoli, manuali, tesi di laurea. Zanichelli, Bologna, 1986
• M.T. Serafini: Come si scrive, Bompiani, Milano, 1992
• Other study materials provided during the lectures and tutorials (mono- and bilingual dictionaries, commercial advertisements, travel brochures), excerpts from literary and non-literary texts.
• Crosswords, posters, worksheets


Successfully passing the preliminary test after the first period of lectures. Successfully passing the written and oral examinations at the end of the period of lectures.

Lecturer's references

Ennio Francavilla is Italian language lecturer at UNG and tenured teacher of Italian, Latin, History and Geography at high-school “Giosuè Carducci-Dante Alighieri” of Trieste.


• Second level degree in “Lettere” (Humanities) released by Università degli Studi di Trieste ;
• Teaching Aptitude in Latin and Greek at public high schools of Spain released by Ministerio de la Cultura de Espana;
• Teaching Aptitude in Latin, Greek, Italian, History and Geography at public middle and high schools released by Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca.


“Italiano o Itanglese?” in on-line revue “Revista de Italiano“ (n.6/2014) edited by Italian Department of Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (http://www.epublicacoes.uerj.br/index.php/revistaitalianouerj/article/view/21065);

“Sulla lingua globalizzata: per un possibile approccio al tema della giustizia linguistica” in on-line journal Agoravox (12/01/2015)


Travel guide book “Ecuador e Galapagos” (texts and photos) edited by Polaris Editore, Faenza (2006, 2a ed. 2013).


“La precarizzazione della scuola” (Trieste, Convegno “Il futuro compromesso”, CESP- Centro studi per la scuola pubblica, 22/2/2010).

“Il russo nell'italiano/l'italiano nel russo” at languages school"Язык для Успеха" (28/3/2015, Cheboksary, Russia).