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German Language 3

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level)

Objectives and competences

The main aims of the course are to strengthen, deepen and extend the students’ knowledge of the German language, to practise more complex grammatical structures, to develop reading comprehension skills. The students develop the ability to take a critical and global approach to a text, recognise its global value and identify the main ideas that a text conveys.


During the course the students shall upgrade their existing basic knowledge the German language, previously acquired in approximately 120 teaching hours.


Exercises on more complex grammatical structures, developing the students’ reading comprehension skills, learning about different text types, extending the vocabulary, understanding texts written in the German language.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
The students shall upgrade and deepen their knowledge of the German language acquired during the courses German Language 1 and German Language 2. They shall improve their writing and speaking skills, and, above all, further develop their reading skills.


• Passwort Deutsch 1, 2 – Lehr- und Übungsbuch Založba: Klett. Catalogue1 Catalogue2 E-version
• Böhmer, M., Zoepfer Tassinari, U.: Il tedesco scientifico. Wissenschaftsdeutsch. Corso di lettura, Bulzoni, Roma 199
• Paschke, Peter: Leggere il tedesco per gli studi umanistici. Principianti / Deutsch lesen in den Geisteswissenschaften. Anfänger. Cafoscarina, Venezia 2007
• N. Muster Čenčur: Nemška slovnica po naše; Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 1998 Catalogue
• H. Dreyer, R. Schmitt: Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik; Max Huber Verlag, München, 2002 E-version
• Dorothea Lévy-Hillerich, Elena Cickovska, Karmelka Baric: Mit deutsch. Studieren, arbeiten, leben. Arcipelago Edizioni, 2009
• Dictionaries of the German language


The students take two mid-term tests. At the end of the semester, the students take a written examination. The students who pass both mid-term tests with the minimum result of 80 % are exempted from the written examination.