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Language Consultancy Seminar 2

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level)

Objectives and competences

By continuingto engage students in practical language-consulting work in the context of the ŠUSS language consultancy, the course aims to further develop the skills that the students previously acquired in the Language-Consulting Seminar. Particular attention is paid to the students' development of prompt recognition of "democratic" and "undemocratic" features of language consulting, their recognition of patterns in grammatically and normatively heterogeneous data, their capacity for advanced use of traditional linguistic and language-technology resources, and their ability to present their findings to a non-specialist audience.


To enroll in Language-Consulting Seminar 2, students must have successfully completed the Language-Consulting Seminar.


This is an upgrade course for students who have taken Language-Consulting Seminar. Working under guidance on new questions directed at the ŠUSS language consultancy, the students advance their "democratic" language consulting abilities, their skills for the use of language resources, for finding patterns in grammatically and normatively heterogeneous data, and their ability to distinguish between one-sided, "quick-fix solution" language consulting and language editing on the one hand and an explanatory "democratic" language consulting on the other. The methods, principles and results of the adopted model of language consulting are continuously contrasted with traditional approaches to language consulting as well as with traditional language editing.

Intended learning outcomes

Students will upgrade their ability of linguistic reasoning about concrete questions and of presenting linguistic arguments in a manner accessible to a non-specialist audience. Working on real-life examples from a language consultancy, the students will achieve mastery in the use of traditional linguistic and modern language-technology resources at a level sufficient for independent language consulting. Students will be well-equipped for "democratic" language consulting, they will possess acute awareness of the difference between linguistic ungrammaticality and normative unacceptability, as well as a highly developed capacity for explaining different intuitions through the recognition of distinct varieties/linguistic subsystems.


  • Mandatory readings include language manuals, dictionaries, grammars, manuals of style, etc., that contain any information pertinent to the particular question under discussion
  • Mandatory readings include texts pertinent to the particular question under discussion in any language consultancy, language column, etc.


Final grade is composed of: 1. In-class participation 2. Grade of at least two individually-written answers. 3. Homeworks

Lecturer's references

Franc Marušič is a full professor of linguistics at the School of Humanities and the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Nova Gorica. His research topics include syntax (especially on the basis of data from Slovenian) and sociolinguistics and language consulting.

Rok Žaucer is an associate professor of linguistics at the School of Humanities and the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Nova Gorica. His research topics include morphology and syntax (especially on the basis of data from Slovenian) and sociolinguistics and language consulting.

Selected publications for both instructors:
MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok. O ustvarjanju margine v navidez demokratičnem jezikovnem svetovanju - na primeru diskurza o odnosih z javnostjo/javnostmi. V: PETROVIĆ, Tanja (ur.). Politike reprezentacije v Jugovzhodni Evropi na prelomu stoletij, (Kulturni spomin). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2011, str. 100-115. [COBISS.SI-ID 33321005]
ŽAUCER, Rok, MARUŠIČ, Franc. Jezikovno svetovanje, praksa in ideali. V: STABEJ, Marko (ur.). Infrastruktura slovenščine in slovenistike, (Obdobja, Simpozij, = Symposium, 28). 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2009, str. 449-456. http://www.centerslo.net/files/file/simpozij/simp28/Zaucer_Marusic.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 1290235]
MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok. Jezikovnosvetovalna služba kot vzdrževalec jezikovnega prestiža ter nujen pripomoček jezikovnim načrtovalcem. V: ŠTRUKELJ, Inka (ur.). Kultura, identiteta in jezik v procesih evropske integracije. Ljubljana: Društvo za uporabno jezikoslovje Slovenije, 2000, zv. 1, str. [269]-279. [COBISS.SI-ID 472059]
ŽAUCER, Rok, MARUŠIČ, Franc. Language issues in an emarging expanded European Union : a case study of Slovenia. Culturelink, 1999, no. 27, str. 153-166. [COBISS.SI-ID 471803]
MARUŠIČ, Franc, ŽAUCER, Rok, VEROVNIK, Tina, POTRATO, Tina, MARVIN, Tatjana, TOMAŽIN, Petra, ŽELEZNIKAR, Jaka, SAKSIDA, Amanda. ŠUSS : [1998-2000] : študentska skrb za slovenščino, (Knjižna zbirka Posebne izdaje). Ljubljana: Študentska založba, 2001. 302 str. ISBN 961-6356-40-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 112201472]