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Slovenian language III – Discourse analysis

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level)

Objectives and competences

The aim of the course is to provide students with a general overview of the theoretical traditions and major modern approaches to discourse analysis and explain genre by using systemic-functional model of language description that requires the understanding of the complex dynamic relationship between the language system and the context of situation. Furthermore, part of the subject also gives students practice in an extended analysis of different text types and help them to understand the semantic shifts in texts that are the most crucial for the genre under consideration.


A satisfactory completition of :
Slovenski jezik I – Glasoslovje,
Slovenski jezik I – Slovenski knjižni jezik,
Splošno jezikoslovje,
Slovenski jezik II – Morfologija,
Slovenski jezik II – Skladnja.


This unit provides students with an introduction to a range of theoretically informed approaches to discourse analysis, focusing on key concepts such as: context and text, grammar and meaning, the three metafunctions of grammatical and semantic system, text structure and genre. There is a strong emphasis on a systemic-functional interpretation of genre, with Slovenian as the main language of illustration. Students in this unit can expect to gain a useful foundation in genre analysis by specifying the rich complexities at play between the discourse, semantic and lexico-grammatical levels for the genre under consideration. The unit develops the skills to analyse language in a range of social and cultural contexts.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit students should: have a developed understanding of language as a system for making meanings in social context; demonstrate an understanding of issues relating to grammar, meaning and discourse and be able to articulate empirical questions; be able to apply their knowledge of systemic-functional model for genre analysis in independent analysis of different text types and achieve an understanding of the grammar as part of the meaning-making system.


  • Bahtin, M. M., 1999: Estetika in humanistične vede. Ljubljana: SH – Zavod za založniško dejavnost.
  • Bizjak, A., 2005: Pridiga kot žanr. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. Catalogue
  • Cloran, C., 1994: Rhetorical Units and Decontextualization: An Enquiry into some Relations of Context, Meaning and Grammar. Nottingham: Department of English Studies, University of Nottingham (Monographs in Systemic Linguistics, 6).
  • Halliday, M. A. K., 1977: Text as semantic choice in social contexts. V: T. Van Dijk in J. Petofi (ur.): Grammars and Descriptions. Berlin: de Gruyter, 176–225. E-version
  • Halliday, M. A. K., 1985: An Introdution to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.
  • Halliday, M. A. K., Hasan, R., 1989: Language, Context and Text: Aspects of Language in a social–semiotic Perspective. 3. izd. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hasan, R., 1984: The Nursery Tale as a Genre. Nottingham Linguistic Circular, 13, 1–51. E-version
  • Jordens, C., Little, M., 2004: In this scenario, I do this, for these reasons: narrative, genre and ethical reasoning in the clinic. Social Science & Medicine, 58, 1635–1645. E-version
  • Juvan, M., 2000: Intertekstualnost. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije. Catalogue
  • Malinowski, B., 1923: The problem of meaning in primitive languages. V: C. K. Ogden in I. A. Richards (ur.): The Meaning of Meaning. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 296–336. E-version
  • Martin, J. R., Rose, D., 2003: Working with discourse: Meaning beyond the clause. London: Continuum. E-version
  • Skubic, M. A, 2005: Obrazi jezika. Študentska založba. Catalogue
  • Toporišič, J., 1984: Slovenska slovnica (pregledana in razširjena izdaja). Maribor: Založba Obzorja. Catalogue Catalogue Catalogue


10 % assignment 90 % written exam

Lecturer's references

Aleksandra Bizjak Končar is Senior Research Fellow in the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian language, at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Her research is related to lexicography, standardisation, corpus linguistics and textual semantics. In the area of corpus linguistics, she participated in the preparation of the national corpus Nova beseda (http://bos.zrc-sazu.si/s_beseda.html). In the frame of building national corpus she was involved in the preparation (with Primož Jakopin) of the first part-of-speech tagger for texts in the Slovenian language. She is a co-editor of the ZRC SAZU Dictionary of New Words in Slovenian Language (2012). Her current research is in systemic functional linguistics focusing on a range of communication contexts. She teaches courses on text linguistics, systemic functional linguistics and genre in the Department of Slovenian Studies at the University of Nova Gorica.

Izbor del:
BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra. Oblikovanje pomenskih mrež za opis besedilnega pomena. V: ŽELE, Andreja (ur.). Družbena funkcijskost jezika : (vidiki, merila, opredelitve), (Obdobja, ISSN 1408-211X, 32). 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2013, str. 63-70. http://www.centerslo.net/files/file/simpozij/simp32/zbornik/Bizjak%20Koncar.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 53497442]

BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra (avtor, urednik), SNOJ, Marko (avtor, urednik), GLOŽANČEV, Alenka, KERN, Boris, KOSTANJEVEC, Polona, KRVINA, Domen, LEDINEK, Nina (avtor, tehnični urednik), MICHELIZZA, Mija, PERDIH, Andrej (avtor, tehnični urednik), PETRIC, Špela, ŠIRCELJ-ŽNIDARŠIČ, Ivanka, ŽELE, Andreja, MIRTIČ, Tanja, GLIHA KOMAC, Nataša, KLEMENČIČ, Simona. Slovar novejšega besedja slovenskega jezika. Elektronska objava. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 2014. ISBN 978-961-254-685-4. http://www.fran.si/131/snb-slovar-novejsega-besedja. [COBISS.SI-ID 273063424]

BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra. Pisno podomačevanje novejših prevzetih besed v slovenščini. V: JAKOP, Nataša (ur.), DOBROVOLJC, Helena (ur.), Pravopisna stikanja : razprave o pravopisnih vprašanjih. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2012, str. 63-71. [COBISS.SI-ID 34840621]
DOBROVOLJC, Helena, BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra. Vprašanja obvestilnosti sodobnega pravopisnega slovarja. V: JESENŠEK, Marko (ur.). Izzivi sodobnega slovenskega slovaropisja, (Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 75). Maribor: Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta, 2011, str. 86-109. [COBISS.SI-ID 33032237]
BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra. Trubarjeva pridiga Sermo de vocabulo fidei in sodobni pridižni diskurz. V: BJELČEVIČ, Aleksander (ur.). Reformacija na Slovenskem : (ob 500-letnici Trubarjevega rojstva), (Obdobja, Simpozij, = Symposium, 27). 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2010, str. 291-301. [COBISS.SI-ID 31944493
BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra. Dvojina v Dalmatinovem Pentatevhu 1584. V: MERŠE, Majda (ur.). Trubarjeva številka, (Slavistična revija, letn. 56/57, št. 2008-4/2009-1). Ljubljana: Slavistično društvo Slovenije, 2009, str. 231-242. [COBISS.SI-ID 38792802]
BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra. Contemporary sermons: from grammatical annotation to rhetorical design. V: NØRGAARD, Nina (ur.). Systemic functional linguistic in use (Odense working papers in language and communication, vol. 29). University of Southern Denmark, 2008, str. 503–521. [COBISS.SI-ID 29394221]
BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra. The use of grammatically annotated corpora for the display of textual patterns. V: STEINER, Erich (ur.), NEUMANN, Stella (ur.). Data and interpretation in linguistic analysis : Proceedings of the 19th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop 23rd - 25th July 2007, Saarbrücken, Germany. [Saarbrücken: Universität des Saarlandes, 2008], str. 1-17. [COBISS.SI-ID 29469485]
BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra, CVETKO-OREŠNIK, Varja (ur.). Pridiga kot žanr, (Zbirka Linguistica et philologica, 11). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2005. 158 str., ilustr., preglednice. ISBN 961-6500-88-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 220475904]
BIZJAK KONČAR, Aleksandra. Strukturalno-pomenska analiza pridige kot žanra. Slavistična revija. [Tiskana izd.], apr.-jun. 2005, letn. 53, št. 2, str. [153]-170, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 30087778]