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Literature at the junction

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level)

Objectives and competences

The students learn the basic theories of the comparative literary history and literary reception. The course focuses on the reception of the Slovene literature in foreign cultural environments, devoting special attention to the Italian and Austrian cultural environments.


Succesful study is vertically connected with other topics in the field of literary history taught in the mandatory courses Slovene Literature I, II, III. At the horizontal level, the subject is related to other courses concerning literary history and criticism. It is also connected with the subjects from the field of linguistics.


Students learn about the specificities of the literary writing of authors who are the members of the Slovenian minorities in Austria and Italy. They learn about cultural-historical characteristics of the regions where Slovenian minorites live, the authors, literary periodicals and the reception of the authors and their works in Austria/Italy and in the Slovenian literary field.

Intended learning outcomes

The students acquire basic notions in the field of literary history, related to the works of the Slovene authors in Italy and Austria. They are able to critically discuss literary periods, movements, trends, intercultural and transnational relations and the issue of literary field in relation to minority literatures.
The students should be able to analyse and interpret a literary text from various aspects and on various levels: from the perspective of literary genre and type, layout and structure, as well as from the perspective of the influences originating from either Slovene or foreign literatures (European or world literature).


• Meta Grosman: Književnost v medkulturnem položaju. – Ljubljana : Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 2004. – 223 str. ; 24 cm. – (Razprave Filozofske fakultete)
• Meta Grosman: Zagovor branja: bralec in književnost v 21. stoletju. – Ljubljana : Sophia, 2004 (Ljubljana : Rotosi). – VI, 310 str.
• Marijan Dović: Sistemske in empirične obravnave literature; prevod povzetka Katarina Jerin. – Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2004. – 238 str. – (Studia litteraria) Catalogue
• Intertekstualnost / Marko Juvan. – Ljubljana : DZS, 2000. – 323 str. ; 20 cm. – (Literarni leksikon. Študije, zv. 45) Catalogue
• Bogomila Kravos: Slovenska dramatika in tržaški tekst. Ljubljana : Slovenski gledališki muzej, 2011.
• Kako pisati literarno zgodovino danes / uredila Darko Dolinar in Marko Juvan. – Ljubljana : Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, 2003. –Str. 123-138.
• Sodobna literarna teorija / prevedli Uroš Grilc … et al. – Ljubljana : Krtina, 1995. (Knjižna zbirka Temeljna dela)
• Peter V. Zima: Primerjalna književnost in družboslovne vede; iz nemščine prevedel Dejan Kos. V: Primerjalna književnost. – Letn. 27, št. 2 (dec. 2004), str. 1-14. E-version
• LITTÉRATURE comparée / sous la direction de Didier Souiller ; avec la collaboration de Wladimir Troubetzkoy. – Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1997. – XVIII, 787 str. ; 22 cm. – (Collection Premier cycle)
• Robert C. Holub: Reception theory : a critical introduction. – Repr. – London ; New York : Methuen, 1985. – XIV, 189 str. ; 20 cm. – (New accents) E-version
• TEORIJA recepcije u nauci o književnosti / priredila Dušanka Maricki. – Beograd : Nolit, 1978. – 211 str. ; 19 cm. – (Nauka o književnosti)
• PREŠERNIANA : atti del convegno internazionale : dalla lira di France Prešeren: armonie letterarie e culturali tra Slovenia, Italia ed Europa / a cura di Janja Jerkov e Miran Košuta. – Roma : Il calamo, 2003 (Roma : Don Guanella). – 238 str. – (Ricerche Slavistiche ; n. s., vol. 1 (47)) Catalogue
• Zoltan Jan: Poznavanje slovenske književnosti v Italiji po letu 1945. – Ljubljana : Rokus : Slavistično društvo Slovenije, 2001. – 269 str. – (Slavistična knjižnica ; 4) Catalogue
• Zoltan Jan: Cankar, Kosovel, Zlobec in Ljubka Šorli pri Italijanih; Bibliografski dodatek: slovenska knjiž. pri Italijanih po drugi svetovni vojni. – Ljubljana : Rokus : Slavistično društvo Slovenije, 2001. – 153 str. ; 24 cm. – (Slavistična knjižnica ; 5) Catalogue
• France Bernik: Obzorja slovenske književnosti. – V Ljubljani : Slovenska matica, 1999. – (Razprave in eseji 43)
• Angelo ARA idr., 2001: Trst, obmejna identiteta. Prev. Marija Luisa Cenda. Ljubljana: Študentska založba (Knjižna zbirka Claritas).
• Pamela BALLINGER, 2003: History in exile: memory and identity at the borders of the Balkans. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Catalogue
• Manfred BELLER idr. (ur.), 2007: Imagology: the cultural construction and literary representation of national characters: a critical survey. Amsterdam – New York: Rodopi (Studia Imagologica: Amsterdam Studies on Cultural Identity; 13). Catalogue
• France BERNIK, 1984: Trst v slovenski poeziji. V: France Bernik (ur.): Trst v slovenski poeziji. Trst − Koper: ZTT − Lipa. 5–13.
• Antonio CARONIA (idr.), 2006: Il Friuli Venezia Giulia: enciclopedia tematica. 8, Arte e letteratura. Ur. Rosanna Schiavone. Milano: Touring Club Italiano.
• Mira CENCIČ (ur.): Primorske pesmi rodoljubja in tigrovskega upora. Škofije: Društvo za negovanje rodoljubnih tradicij TIGR Primorske.
• Renzo S. CRIVELLI idr., 2007: Umberto Saba: itinerari triestini = Triestine itineraries. Trieste: MGS Press.
• Lavo ČERMELJ, 1965: Slovenci in Hrvatje pod Italijo med obema vojnama. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.
• Milica KACIN WOHINZ idr., 2000: Zgodovina Slovencev v Italiji 1866–2000. Ljubljana: Nova revija (Zbirka Korenine / Nova revija).
• Miran KOŠUTA, 1996: Krpanova sol: književni liki in stiki na slovenskem zahodu. Ljubljana: CZ.
• Daniel-Henri PAGEAUX, 2008: Uvod v imagologijo. Prev. Gregor Perko. V: Daniel-Henri Pageaux: Imagološke razprave. Ur. Tone Smolej. Ljubljana: Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Fakulteta za podiplomski humanistični študij (Knjižna zbirka Documenta; 17). 17–52.Catalogue
• Marija PIRJEVEC (ur.), 2001: Tržaška knjiga: pesmi, zgodbe, pričevanja. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica. Catalogue
• Katia PIZZI, 2001a: A City in Search of an Author: The Literary Identity of Trieste. London – New York: Sheffield academmic press.
• Ana TOROŠ, 2011: Podoba Trsta in Tržaškega v slovenski in italijanski poeziji prve polovice 20. stoletja, (Humanistika). V Novi Gorici: Univerza. Catalogue
• Angelo VIVANTE, 1984: Irredentismo adriatico. Trieste: Italo Svevo. Catalogue
• Literatura, ki je navedena pri predavanjih in je potrebna pri samostojnem študiju.
• Izbrano čtivo.
• Literature prescribed at lectures, necessary for individual study.
• Selected readings.


Written examination, colloqium and active participation in the seminar. The colloqium and active participation in the seminar are prerequisites for students to be able to take the written examination.

Lecturer's references

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Toroš works as a lecturer in the field of literature at the School of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica. Her research field comprises the Slovene poetry in the context of the Romance and Germanic literatures, devoting special attention to the research of Alojz Gradnik's poetry and translation opus, as well as to the Slovene and Italian poetry about Trieste. She has made regular contributions to internationally renowned journals in form of her scientific articles.

In recent years, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ana Toroš has been participating in literary contests and workshops on creative poetry writing (Beletrina, DSP). She was cooperating with the organisers of Mlade rime and in this respect she, in cooperation with the University of Nova Gorica, organised several poetry evenings. The students of the University of Nova Gorica who wrote poetry were invited to present their poems at these events. She has also acted as mentor to individual students of the University of Nova Gorica who were engaged in poetry writing. In addition, she was a member of the potry writing contest committee (2014). She has been reading her poetry at various poetry events, including the Sanje Festival in Ljubljana. In 2009, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ana Toroš has received the Castle of Duino International Poetry Prize. As a poet, she was invited to the international Literature and Poetry Festival, having taken place in Trieste in 2014.

  1. TOROŠ, Ana. Podoba Trsta in Tržaškega v slovenski in italijanski poeziji prve polovice 20. stoletja, (Humanistika). V Novi Gorici: Univerza, 2011. 131 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6311-67-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 255205888]
  2. TOROŠ, Ana. Al poeta ed amico Alois Gradnik per le sue spighe di grano questi fili d'erba Alojz Gradnik in Ada Negri. Slavistična revija. [Tiskana izd.], jul.-sep. 2010, letn. 58, št. 3, str. 361-372. [COBISS.SI-ID 1606907]
  3. TOROŠ, Ana. The role of language in constructing the other in Slovenian and Italian poetry of teh first half of the twentieth century : images of Trieste. Slov. stud., 2011, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 41-59. [COBISS.SI-ID 2110715]
  4. TOROŠ, Ana. Processi di poetizzazione dell'altro a Trieste nella poesia slovena e italiana della prima metà del XX secolo. Eur. orient., 2012, letn. 31, str. 235-246. [COBISS.SI-ID 2761723]