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Introduction to Literary Interpretation

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level)

Objectives and competences

The course has strong practical orientatation, that's why the survey on different theoretical aspects of literary interpretation is meant as analysis of advantages and disadvantages of particular models of literary interpretation and instigation to prepare one's own frame of literary interpretation.


Knowledge on introduction on literary theory, of Slovenian and world literature. The course refers to all literary courses.


  1. Theoretical introduction to the literary interpretation and different models of literary interpretation.
  2. Analysis of different examples of interpretation.
  3. Levels of general model of literary interpretation, its suitability for different kind of texts and preparation of own model of interpretation
    • Text comprehension,
    • Text and context,
    • Text and literary genres (general genres, specific characteristic of genres),
    • Analysis of the content (theme, motives, structure),
    • Author and text (kind of narrator),
    • Form (characteristics of literary language, verse analysis, formal characteristic of text),
    • Communicative elements of the text,
    • One's own opinion and coclusion.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
- students get acquainted with different models of literary interpretation and are capable use them in different literary texts,
- students are capable of questioning of different models of interpretation,
- students prepare theis own model of literary interpretation, intended to profound understanding of the text,
- and are capable of profound analysis and interpretation of different literary texts.


  • Script A (commented anthology of interpretations prepared by the lecturer);
  • Hladnik, M. (2003) Praktični spisovnik ali Šola strokovnega ubesedovanja [Elektronski vir] : vademekum za študente slovenske književnosti, zlasti za predmet Uvod v študij slovenske književnosti. Catalogue E-version
  • Dolinar, D. (1991). Hermenevtika in literarna veda. Ljubljana: DZS. Catalogue
  • Kmecl, M. (1983). Mala literarna teorija. Ljubljana: Univerzum. Catalogue
  • Virk, T. (2003). Moderne metode literarne vede in njihove filozofsko teoretske osnove : metodologija 1. Ljubljana: FF. Catalogue
  • Barbara Pregelj: Poti do literarne interpretacije : skica ob Francoskem Testamentu Andreïa Makina. Jez. slovst. (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], 2010, letn. 55, št. 1/2, str. 11-22. E-version


Written exam. Positively evaluated essay in participation in tutorial are requested to be admitted to the exam.

Lecturer's references

Barbara Pregelj is assistant professor at the University of Nova Gorica. Her research is related to the literary canon, and also to different aspects of the reception of Spanish literature in Slovenian literature, Slovenian literature in Spanish speaking countries, traductological problems as well as literary interpretation. Currently she participates in the international research project on Literary and audiovisual translations/adaptations of Don Quixote for children and youth in the linguistic-cultural European systems.
Many of the scientific articles she published in these areas are preliminary researches of the proposed project. She presents the results of her research work at symposia, lectures and round table discussions, both in her home country and abroad (Ljubljana, Maribor, Jablje, Koper, Idrija, Sežana, Pamplona, Puebla, Vigo, Lisbon, Pecs, Weimar etc.). She works also a s translator.

PREGELJ, Barbara. Žanri med središči in obrobji. Literatura (Ljublj.), jan.-feb. 2013, letn. 25, št. 259/260, str. 100-111.
PREGELJ, Barbara. Sodobna pravljica v kontekstu sodobne baskovske mladinske književnosti. Otrok knj., 2012, letn. 39, št. 83, str. 34-45.
PREGELJ, Barbara, GERŠAK, Urša. Más allá de la clase : literatura como una posibilidad de conocer al otro (y a uno mismo). V: FISCHER, Ferenc (ur.), LILÓN, Domingo (ur.). EncUEntros : viejos y nuevos encUEntros entre Hungría, Europa e Iberoamérica : ponencias presentadas en la Conferencia Internacional que tuvo lugar en Pécs, 3 de mayo de 2011, (Iberoamericana Quinqueecclesiensis, 10 (2012)). Pécs: Universidad de Pécs, Centro Iberoamericano, 2012, str. 61-68.
PREGELJ, Barbara. Slikanica kot preplet besede in podobe : primer Lile Prap. V: KRANJC, Simona (ur.). Meddisciplinarnost v slovenistiki, (Obdobja, Simpozij, = Symposium, 30). 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2011, str. 391-396. http://www.centerslo.net/files/file/simpozij/simp30/Zbornik/Pregelj.pdf.
PREGELJ, Barbara. Zgledno omledno : trivialno v slovenski postmoderni književnosti, (Slavistična knjižnica, 12). Ljubljana: Slavistično društvo Slovenije, 2007. 209 str. ISBN 978-961-6715-00-3.