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History of Slovene Language

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level)

Objectives and competences

The main objective of this course is to acquaint students with the history of the Slovenian language from the 16th to the 20th century as well as with various (sociolinguistic, social and historical) factors that have exerted influence on its development. Another objective is to train students to read and understand any text that was produced in any of the periods of the development of the Slovenian language.


The course is related to every other linguistic course in this programme, particularly to the dialectology. Students are expected to be familiar with the content of the Slovene Language – Phonology course, but there are no special requirements for participating in this course.


The course is designed so as to allow students to get acquainted with the history of the Slovenian language from the 16th to the 20th century. The course is intended to serve as an introduction to the methodology and to the basic sociolinguistic and linguistic concepts used in the research of the Slovenian literary language. During this course, particular periods will be explored according to social and historical factors, according to the analysis of addressees and recipients of texts, to the function of Slovenian in public, to the language planning and to the development of the writing system, lexis, varieties of language and style. Students get acquainted with the basic language manuals and different views on language in Slovenia. The course also provides students with the basic description of the Slovenian consonant and vocal systems, syntax and morphology.

Intended learning outcomes

Having completed this course, students will possess knowledge of the basics of the history of the Slovenian language, of historical sociolinguistics and of the history of linguistics in Slovenia.


• N. Mikhailov: Jezikovni spomeniki zgodnje slovenščine: rokopisna doba slovenskega jezika. Trst: Mladika, 2001. Catalogue
• K. Ahačič: Zgodovina misli o jeziku in književnosti na slovenskem: protestantizem. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2007, str. 15–26. Catalogue E-version
• Grdina: Od Brižinskih spomenikov do razsvetljenstva. Maribor: Obzorja, 1999. Catalogue
• F. Ramovš: Kratka zgodovina slovenskega jezika I. Ljubljana, 1995 (ponatis izvirne izdaje iz 1936). Catalogue
• Grafenauer: Celovški rokopis iz Rateč, podružnice beljaške prafare pri Mariji na Zilji. Ljubljana : Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1958.
• M. Šekli: O narečni osnovi jezika Celovškega ali Rateškega rokopisa ter o izvoru oblike seydi. Jezikoslovni zapiski, 2008, 14, št. 1, str. 29-40. E-version
• J. Toporišič, V. Gjurin: Slovenska zvrstna besedila. FF, 1981 ali kasnejša izdaja. Catalogue
• Zgodovina slovenskega slovstva I. Slovenska matica, 1956. Catalogue
• B. Pogorelec: Zgodovina slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2011. E-version
• F. Tomšič: Razvoj slovenskega knjižnega jezika. ZSS I. Slovenska matica, 1956, 9–28.
• J. Toporišič: Periodizacija slovenskega knjižnega jezika. SR 1993, 131-141. E-version
• K. Ahačič: Od naslovnikov knjig do rabe slovenščine v cerkvi: nekaj vprašanj slovenske zgodovinske sociolingvistike 16. stoletja. Jezik in slovstvo 48, št. 6, 3-24. E-version
• K. Ahačič: Od šolanja do uporabnikov: še nekaj vprašanj slovenske zgodovinske sociolingvistike 16. stoletja. Jezik in slovstvo 49, št. 1, str. 57-82. E-version
• J. A. Fishman, Readings in The Sociology of Language. Mouton, 1968. Catalogue
• Grdina: Konstituiranje slovenske narodne identitete in slovenska književnost (v trikotniku Avstrija – Jugoslavija – Slovenija). Avstrija, Jugoslavija, Slovenija: Slovenska narodna identiteta skozi čas. FF, 90-111. E-version
• R. L. Lenček: Izbrane razprave in eseji. Slovenska matica, 1996. Catalogue


40 % seminar paper 60% written exam

Lecturer's references

Assistant professor Kozma Ahačič, PhD, is a lecturer at the School of Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica, a researcher participating in the compilation of the Historical Dictionary of the 16th-Century Slovenian Literary Language, Deputy Head of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Languge and the Head of the Section for the History of the Slovenian Language at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. His research interests include the history of grammar writing and the history of linguistic thought as well as other related problems. He is author of several monographs (also in English language) and co-editor of the journal Slovenski jezik/Slovene Linguistic Studies.
• Kozma AHAČIČ, Andreja LEGAN RAVNIKAR, Majda, MERŠE, Jožica NARAT, France NOVAK. Besedje slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja. Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, 2011, 641 str.
• Kozma AHAČIČ. Zgodovina misli o jeziku na Slovenskem: katoliška doba (1600–1758). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2012, 278 str.
• Kozma AHAČIČ. The treatment of »nomen« in the first Slovenian grammar (Bohorič 1584). Historiographia linguistica 35/3 (2008), str. 2–31.
• Kozma AHAČIČ. Zgodovina misli o jeziku in književnosti na Slovenskem: protestantizem. Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, 2007, 416 str.
• Kozma AHAČIČ. Izvirne slovenske pesmi Jovana Vesela Koseskega : vsebinski opis, okoliščine nastanka, pregled ocen, jezik, tekstnokritični aparat ter diplomatični in kritični prepis pesmi 1818-1852. Slavistično društvo Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2006, 195 str.