Selected chapters of the Political and Cultural History of Southeastern Europe
Bachelor's Study Programme Cultural History (first cycle) (admission from 2023/2024)
Objectives and competences
- To give a general overview of the history of SE Europe
- presentation of the nations of SE Europe
- to present the minority communities of SE Europe
- To understand the history and present conditions in SE Europe
- fostering critical and independent thinking.
No prerequisites.
- The history of the territory of SE Europe geographically includes the territories of the former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania and Greece. In the subject the political and cultural history is presented from the middle of the 18th century to the present in the mentioned area. In the political history, the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Venice and the Habsburg Monarchy are presented, as well as the countries that were formed on the ruins of the mentioned entities. From the Ottoman Empire emerged Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Albania, from the Habsburg Monarchy or Austria-Hungary emerged Yugoslavia and after 1991 Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. The goal of the course is to become familiar with the political history of the above countries and ethnic groups, as well as the collapse and emergence of new countries.
- During the course we will also focus on cultural and social history in the broadest sense. We will pay special attention to the religions and languages that are an important part of the culture of the peoples of this region.
- We will pay special attention to the changing ethnic structure in the territory of individual countries and the treatment of minorities from the point of view of modern law of native ethnic minorities and the rights of immigrants.
- We will also discuss emigration from the area and its causes, i.e. economic and political reasons.
- Finally, we will deal with the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the establishment of new countries, as well as the continuation of political and cultural life in the newly formed countries.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
- Understanding the history of Southeastern Europe;
-the ability to critically evaluate contemporary situation in Southeastern Europe; - knowledge concepts such as identity, cultural relativity and assimilation.
-analysis of historical texts
- argumentation through conceptual analysis
- CALIC, Marie-Janine. Zgodovina Jugovzhodne Evrope. 1. izd., Cankarjeva založba, 2019, p. 640.
- PIRJEVEC, Jože. Jugoslavija: [1918-1992]: Nastanek, Razvoj Ter Razpad Karadjordjevićeve in Titove Jugoslavije. Lipa, 1995, p. 461. E-version
- PIRJEVEC, Jože. Jugoslovanske Vojne: 1991-2001. 1. izd., Cankarjeva založba, 2003, p. 783.
- PIRJEVEC, Jože. Partizani. 1. izd., Cankarjeva založba, 2020, pp. 864, 80 pril.
- KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, and Mitja Žagar. The Former Yugoslavia’s Diverse Peoples: A Reference Sourcebook. ABC-CLIO, 2004, p. XX, 426. Catalogue
- ANTIĆ, Čedomir. Kratka Zgodovina Srbije: 1804-2012. 1. natis, UMco, 2012, p. 286,
- VEČ AVTORJEV, Iz Hrvatske Povijesti 20. Stoljeća = Iz Hrvaške Zgodovine 20. Stoletja. Vol. 4, Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2012, p. 183, E-version
- CLOGG, Richard. Kratka Zgodovina Grčije. 1. izd., Založba Univerze, 2022, p. 336.
- VEČ AVTORJEV, Balkan Identities: Nation and Memory. Hurst, 2004, p. X, 374.
- IORGA, Nicolae. A History of Romania: [Land, People, Civilization]. Center for Romanian Studies, 2019, p. 349.
- PAVLOV, Plamen. Bulgaria and Bulgarians: A Brief History. 1st ed., Borina, 2009, p. 111.
- VEČ AVTORJEV, Europe and the Balkans: Decades of Europeanization? Königshausen & Neumann, 2015, p. 247.
- JUDSON, Pieter M. Habsburški Imperij: Nova Zgodovina. Sophia, 2018, p. XII, 530.
- QUATAERT, Donald. The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922. Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. XXII, 205.
Oral exam 30 %
Seminar paper 70 %
Lecturer's references
Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič (1955) is a retired Professor of History at the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts in Maribor, where he taught Non-European, European, Economic and Slovenian history, Introduction to the study of History and the History of migrations. He teaches Basic historical sciences at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica. He taught migration history also at Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and Faculty of Humanities in Koper and on Colorado State University.
He was a scientific councilor of the Institute for Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana, where he was also president of its Scientific Council from 2001 to 2009. From the mid-eighties of the 20th century until 1991 and in 1999, he was the head of the History department at the Faculty of Education or Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. He teaches the history of the USA in the doctoral program History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor and in American Studies Program at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and is a mentor to many doctoral students.
He is still a member of the program group Minority and ethnic studies and the Slovenian national question and a member of the project group Political participation of national minorities and their members: comparative studies of the political participation of the Slovenian community in the neighboring countries of the Republic of Slovenia at the Institute for National Issues.
He was the supervisor of nine completed doctorates. He is the author of four and co-author of eight scientific monographs and more than a hundred scientific articles in which he discusses the Germanization of the history of the disintegration of the SFRY and the creation of the independent Slovenian state. He has published the mentioned articles and books in reputable publications in many European countries and the USA. He is a Zois awardee. As a guest lecturer, he lectured at many universities in Europe, the USA and Canada.
Izbor člankov:
1. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, ŽAGAR, Mitja. The former Yugoslavia's diverse peoples : a reference sourcebook. Santa Barbara, Ca.: ABC-CLIO, 2004. XX, 426 str., ilustr. Ethnic diversity within nations.
2. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, KLEMENČIČ, Vladimir. Die Kärntner Slowenen und die Zweite Republik : zwischen Assimilierungsdruck und dem Einsatz für die Umsetzung der Minderheitenrechte. Celovec; Ljubljana; Dunaj: Mohorjeva; = Klagenfurt; Laibach; Wien: Hermagoras, cop. 2010. 666 str., ilustr., zvd.
3. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, MRĐENOVIĆ, Milan, ŠERUGA, Tadej. Politična participacija slovenskih etničnih skupnosti v ZDA : študija primerov Clevelanda, Ohio, in Elyja, Minnesota. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze, 2020. 486 str., ilustr. Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 140.
4. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Indigenous national/Ethnic minorities in the Alps-Adriatic-Pannonian Region, 1921-1938. Razprave in gradivo : revija za narodnostna vprašanja. [Tiskana izd.]. september 2010, št. 62, str. 8-49.
5. KLEMENČIČ, Vladimir, KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Structures nationales des groupes ethniques et des minorités nationales dans l'Eurorégion Alpe-Adria. V: Langues regionales et relations transfrontalieres en Europe. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1995. Str. 173-187. "Geographie et Cultures".
6. ĆUDIĆ, Bojan, Matjaž KLEMENČIČ, David HAZEMALI in Jernej Zupančič. “From Bosnia and Herzegovina to China in the 21st Century: A Case Study of Personal Migration Histories.” Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies, vol. 25, no. 4, 2023, pp. 700–17,
7. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. American Slovenes and the leftist movements in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. Journal of American Ethnic History. 1996, vol. 15, number 3, str. 20-43.
8. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, and Vladimir KLEMENČIČ. “La Region Frontaliere Nord-Adriatique En Italie, Croatie et Slovenie: Son Rôle Dans Le Passé et Dans Le Processus d’intégration Européenne.” Izbrana Dela Dr. Vladimirja Klemenčiča, Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja = Institute for Ethnic Studies, 2015, pp. 197–204.
9. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, and Maruša VERBIČ KOPRIVŠEK. “Response of Parliamentary Parties in the Republic of Slovenia to the Mass Arrivals of Migrants.” Razprave in Gradivo, no. 79, 2017, pp. 145–63,
10. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. “Slovenes beyond Slovenia, in Europe and Overseas.” European Migrants, Diasporas and Indigenous Ethnic Minorities, Edizioni Plus, 2009, pp. 55–81.
11. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. “Reactions of Slovene Immigrant Communities in the US to 20th-Century Crises in the Homeland.” Global Encounters, European Identities, Edizioni Plus, Pisa University Press, 2010, pp. 95–105.
12. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. “The Effects of the Dissolution of Yugoslavia on Minority Rights: The Italian Minority in Post-Yugoslav Slovenia and Croatia.” Citizenship in Historical Perspective, Edizioni Plus, 2006, pp. 333–47.
13. KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. “Načrti Za Spreminjanje Meja, Ustvarjanje Novih Državnih Tvorb in Meddržavnih Povezav v Vzhodni Srednji Evropi, Politika ZDA Ter Ameriški Slovenci Med Drugo Svetovno Vojno.” Prispevki Za Novejšo Zgodovino, vol. 37, no. 2, 1997, pp. 399–412,