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Selected chapters in the history of viticulture and enology

Objectives and competences

The student becomes familiar with key historical moments in viticulture and enology in the Slovenia in a way which can be in turn used for selfevaluation and for agricultural products promotion. The Slovenian viticulture and enology situation is compared to the global situation.


No prerequisites are required.


The student is acquainted with the history of viticulture and enology on Slovenian and global scale. Special emphasis is put on the influence of Slovenian adjacent areas on development of viticulture and enology. Student has to know most of the Slovenian local/autochtonous grape varieties and main Slovenian viticulture and enology experts from the past. Particular emphasis is given on the implications of vine diseases and other historical moments on Slovenian and global viticulture/enology course.
Students are acquainted with old mechanization, enology and viticulture equipment and typical wine cellars in selected parts of Slovenia with rich tradition of wine growing and making.

Intended learning outcomes

Historical developement of viticulture and enology in Slovenia.


  • Vlado Valenčič, Vinogradništvo. V gospodarska in družbena zgodovina Slovencev, Zgodovina agrarnih panog I, Lj. 1970, str. 279-308. Catalogue
  • France Adamič, Oris slovenskega vinogradništva in vinarstva. Ljubljana 1976.
  • Tanja Gomiršek, Rebula nekoč in danes. Nova Gorica 2007 Catalogue
  • Darko Darovec, Dežela refoška. Vinogradništvo in vinarstvo slovenske Istre. Koper 2000 Catalogue
  • Peter Stres, Oris preteklosti vinogradništva v Goriških brdih do II. svetovne vojne. Briški zbornik 1999. Catalogue
  • Jože Mlinarič, Viniogradi, vinogradništvo in vinska trgovina na mariborskem območju do uničenja vinogradovzaradi trtne uši. V Zbirka ampelografskih upodobitev Vinzenza in Conrada Kreuzerja. Umetniški kabinet Primož Premzel 2001. Catalogue
  • Stane Granda, K zgodovini cvička. Otorepčev zbornik. Ljubljana 2005, str. 181- 302 Catalogue
  • Yair Margalit Concepts in Wine Technology, 2004. The Wine Appreciation Guild, Ltd, San Francisco, 263 str. Catalogue
  • Peter Forrestal. 2001. The Global Encyclopedia of Wine. The Wine Appreciation Guild, San Francisco, 912 str. E-version


Active participation to the lectures and practicals 30 %, seminar 30 %, oral exam 40 %.