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20th Century World Wars

Objectives and competences

The students will learn the topics that will enrich their knowledge of local, regional and world history.
The students will learn the mechanisms of formation of the modern memory, which intertwines the individuality and generality, concrete and abstract.
They will be capable of critical analyses of the problems. They will be able to find solutions by transferring their own or foreign experiences or by synthetizing their solutions due to the special conditions. The complex knowledge will enable faster accommodation of historical and cultural-historical findings to the needs of the society and the field of humanities.


Required is a basic, high school level knowledge of History.


The course will introduce the topi cof the cultural history of wars, the dimensions and consequences in social, political, economic and cultural spheres. The course will explain the processes of formation of the modern memory, based on different sources. The course will focus on social history and history of everyday life, history of mentalities, modern memory etc. The lectures will focus on the experience of the soldiers, children, women in opposition to the elite and the processes of women emancipation The First World War will be presented as a turning point in the history of 20th Century. The course will further focus on historical development and effects of the totalitarian ideologies of the 20th Century and their escalation in the Second World War. which was also the climax of violence in the European and World history of the 20th century.

Intended learning outcomes

Students will be capable of detecting cultural-historical issues and social problems in general. They will solve these problems using different methodological approaches based on critical and self-critical judgment.
The students will learn about different levels of historical knowledge, findings, understanding and memory.
The student will evaluate the past events and form their personal perspective of the topics.


  • E. J. Hobsbawm, Čas skrajnosti (v hrv. Doba ekstrema:1914-1991 , v angl. The Age of Extremes). Svetovna zgodovina 1914 – 1991. Znanstveno in publicistično središče, Ljubljana, 2000 (selected chapters). Catalogue
  • M. Mazower, Temna celina. Dvajseto stoletje v Evropi. Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 2002 (selected chapters).
  • Susan Rubin Suleiman: Crises of Memory and the Second World War (Harvard University Press 2008) (selected chapters). E-version
  • Petra Svoljšak, Gregor Antoličič, Leta strahote. Slovenci in prva svetovna vojna, 2019. Catalogue
  • Katrin Boeckh, Sabine Rutar (eds.), The Balkan Wars from Contemporary Perception to Historic Memory (selected chapters).
  • Spomini, dnevniki in pisma vojakov (selected chapters).
  • Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory New York, Oxford University Press, 1975 (selected chapters). E-version
  • Keith Lowe, Podivjana celina: Evropa po drugi svetovni vojni, 2015 (selected chapters). Catalogue
  • Petra Svoljšak, Soča, sveta reka : italijanska zasedba slovenskega ozemlja (1915–1917), 2003 (selected chapters). Catalogue
  • Patrick Finney (ed.), Remembering the Second World War (Routledge 2018) (selected chapters). E-version
  • J.M. Winter, The Experience of World War I. Macmillan, London, 1998 (selected chapters). E-version
  • Oto Luthar, The Great War and Memory in Central and South-eastern Europe (Brill 2016) (selected chapters). E-version
  • Richard C. Hall: The Balkan Wars 1912-1913: Prelude to the First World War, Routledge (2000) (selected chapters).
  • Petra Svoljšak, Andrej Rahten, Gregor Antoličič (ur.), Na predvečer velike vojne: politični koncepti, zarote in teorije (Mohorjeva, d.o. o. 2019) (selected chapters). Catalogue
  • Federica Pedriali, Cristina Savettieri: Mobilizing Cultural Identities in the First World War: History, Representations and Memory, Palgrave Macmillan (2020) (selected chapters). E-version


40 % (seminar / seminar paper)
60 % (izpit / oral exam)

Lecturer's references

SVOLJŠAK, Petra, ANTOLIČIČ, Gregor. Leta strahote : Slovenci in prva svetovna vojna. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 2018. 432 str
SVOLJŠAK, Petra. Umetnost med cenzuro in propagando v prvi svetovni vojni. V: LAZARINI, Franci (ur.), KOŠAK, Tina (ur.). Likovna umetnost v habsburških deželah med cenzuro in propagando = Visual arts in the Habsburg lands between censorship and propaganda. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2020. 25, [št.] 2, str. 269-293, 359. Acta historiae artis Slovenica, 25/2, 2020.
SVOLJŠAK, Petra. Between two fires : Austrian and Italian political violence in the Austrian Littoral 1914-1918. Acta Histriae. [Tiskana izd.]. 2018, letn. 26, št. 4, str. 1003-1016.
SVOLJŠAK, Petra. The Slovenian prisoners of war in Italy, 1915-1920. V: BOISSERIE, Étienne (ur.), MONDINI, Marco (ur.). I disarmati = The disarmed : profunghi, prigioneri e donne del fronte italo-austriaco = refugees, prisoners and women of the Austro-Italian front. [Rovereto]: Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra, 2020. Str. 41-53, 268. Studie e ricerche, 5.12.
SVOLJŠAK, Petra. A look into the past : when Europe was on the move. V: ŽAGAR, Igor Ž. (ur.), et al. The disaster of European refugee policy : perspectives from the "Balkan route".
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. Str. 67-81.

Širok, Kaja, Kalejdoskop goriške preteklosti : zgodbe o spominu in pozabi. Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, 2012
ŠIROK, Kaja. La fragilità della memoria : il ricordo e l'identità nel goriziano. V: VERGINELLA, Marta (ur.). Sconfinamenti storiografici e attraversamenti di confini. Trieste: Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione nel Friuli Venezia Giulia, 2016. A. 44, n. 1, str. 121-131.

ŠIROK, Kaja. Imagining the borders of a nation : narratives of remembrance in the Northern Adriatic area. V: STEFANOV, Nenad (ur.), RADOVIĆ, Srđan (ur.). Boundaries and borders in the post-Yugoslav space : a European experience. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, cop. 2021. Str. 189-202.

ŠIROK, Kaja. Remembering and forgetting in museum narratives. V: PUŠNIK, Maruša (ur.), LUTHAR, Oto (ur.). The media of memory. Paderborn: F. Schöningh, an imprint of the Brill-Group, cop. 2020. Str. 43-62. Balkan studies library, vol. 29. ISBN 978-3-506-70447-4. ISSN 1877-6272. https://brill.com/view/title/57647.

ŠIROK, Kaja. The refugee experience on the Isonzo Front during the First World War. V: HASANHODŽIĆ, Anisa (ur.). Being a refugee : a European narrative. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2018. Str. 57-70.

ŠIROK, Kaja. Začasna meja 1945-1947 : življenje na Goriškem med Zavezniško vojaško upravo. V: ŠIROK, Kaja (ur.), et al. Začasna meja : življenje in hrepenenje v coni A : (1945-1947). Ljubljana: Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije, 2017. Str. 75-95..