Introduction to the Study of History
Bachelor's Study Programme Cultural History (first cycle) (admission from 2023/2024)
Objectives and competences
- Students will get to know the basic concepts and contents of the field of historiography in a historical perspective;
- They will develop the ability to critically use various types of publications of historical sources and literature;
- Through discussions and independent work, students' critical thinking will be encouraged, especially in their initial approach to historical sources and literature;
- Students will get to know the history of ancient and medieval historiography with special attention to the most important authors, their works, historiographic genres, etc.;
- Students' scientific literacy will be promoted.
- the ability to think critically;
- understanding the importance of critical use of publications of historical sources and literature;
- understanding the complexity of historiographical sources;
- mastery of basic concepts in the field of historiography.
No prerequisites are required.
After getting to know the basic historical concepts and different types of historical sources and the problems of their identification and publication, the course focuses on historiographical sources that are important for further study and research in the field of historical sciences. Historiographic sources reflect their historical contexts.
Special attention is paid to the rich and varied ancient and medieval historiography. Knowledge of the latter is of fundamental importance for an in-depth understanding of later historiography, including modern one.
Students get to know Greek, Roman and Byzantine historiography, more precisely the most important authors, their works and their role in the history of historiography. They become familiar with various historiographical genres (annals, chronicles, so-called origo gentis, etc.), which reflect specific conditions in certain historical periods. Here, the methods and approaches of the discussed authors come to the fore.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
- Students will understand the basic concepts and content in the field of historiography and be able to use them appropriately in their studies and professional work;
- They will be able to identify quality publications of sources and literature;
- Students will know the history of Greek, Roman and Byzantine historiography with special attention to the most important authors, their works, historiographic genres, work methods, etc., which represents fundamental knowledge for further study and professional work.
The knowledge and competences developed in the course are an important basis for further study and professional work.
- Grafenauer, Bogo. Struktura in tehnika zgodovinske vede: uvod v študij zgodovine. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, 1960, 1973, 1980.
- Grundmann, Herbert. Zgodovinopisje v srednjem veku: zvrsti, obdobja, posebnosti [prevod, spremna beseda, bibliografski pregled Janez Mlinar]. Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, Študentska založba, 2000. Catalogue
- Luthar, Oto; Šašel Kos, Marjeta; Grošelj, Nada; Pobežin, Gregor s prispevkoma Aleša Bunte in Igorja Grdine. Zgodovina historične misli od Homerja do začetka 21. stoletja. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2006. Catalogue Catalogue
- Luthar, Oto; Šašel Kos, Marjeta; Grošelj, Nada; Pobežin, Gregor s prispevkoma Aleša Bunte in Igorja Grdine. Zgodovina historične misli od Homerja do začetka 21. stoletja. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2006. [Elektronski vir]. 3. izd., 1. e-izd. ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2020.
Exam (60%)
Seminar work (40%)
Lecturer's references
N. Makuc’s basic research work is oriented to early modern history, historiography and collective identities. The international recognisability is demonstrated by her invited lectures and participation in international conferences abroad and original scientific articles published in Slovene and foreign journals. She complemented her basic research with applied work in the field of valorisation of cultural heritage (collaboration in European projects).
In 2012, N. Makuc received the SLORI Award, granted by the Slovenian Research Institute (Trieste, Italy), for the PhD dissertation on Friulian historiography and Slovenian history, Furlanska historiografija in slovenska zgodovina, and the Ervin Dolenc Award, granted by the Historical Association of Slovenia, for her scientific book debut on the historiography and mentality in the early modern-period Friuli and County of Gorizia, titled Historiografija in mentaliteta v novoveški Furlaniji in Goriški (Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, Milko Kos Historical Institute, 2011).
N. Makuc’s scientific monograph Border Identities in the Early Modern Period. Venetian Friuli and the Habsburg County of Gorizia Mirrored in Contemporary Historiography (Berlin: Peter Lang 2021, ed. M. Pogačar) was published in 2021 with the distinguished Peter Lang publishing house.
Detailed bibliography: