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Cultural Tourism

Objectives and competences

Students will:
- learn the main features of the development of tourism from the end of the 18th century to the present day;
- understand the evolution of the different forms of tourism and the natural, cultural and economic factors for their flourishing.
- understand the role of tourism in the development of society, the way of life of the local population, the transmission of social and economic changes;
- learn the basic domestic and comparative foreign literature on the subject;
- learn critical thinking skills about the pitfalls, opportunities and weaknesses of tourism development between tradition and modern global trends.

- will be able to apply research approaches and methods in tourism derived from ethnographic methodology and historical research;
- will be able to compare the development of tourism in Slovenia and abroad from a historical and analytical point of view;
- will be able to use their knowledge for new applied research, programs and project tasks;
- will be able to assess and comprehensively evaluate the importance of tourism for the development of society;
- will be able to plan programs and content for sustainable management of tourism;
- will be proficient in communication skills, reasoning and critical judgment in the application of knowledge to practice.


The successful integration in the study course is connected with the knowledge of other cultural historical formations in the field of culture and history and with other courses in the programme.


Tourism is an important cultural and economic industry that gives many tourist sites great cultural, social and economic importance. As part of the global tourism industry, it began to develop in the 18th and 19th centuries. Through various activities, it influenced changes in the way of life of both tourists and travelers as a population living in a destination. Indirectly, it also influenced the development of interculturality, getting to know cultural diversity and getting to know each other.

The aim of the course is to present and shed light on various topics and historical and cultural aspects of the development of tourism in Slovenia and in Central and Eastern Europe.

Students will learn about:
- the history of the development of important tourism industries (mountain tourism, medical tourism, seaside tourism, cave tourism, religious tourism, travel, congress tourism, winter tourism, hunting tourism);
- development of tourist places and destinations (Bled, Rogaška Slatina, Portorož, Ljubljana);
- the wishes and requirements of the tourist as an aristocrat, nobleman, naturalist, citizen, farmer, worker, young person, petite or hedonistic researcher, etc.;
- the history of the Tourist Association of Slovenia and local tourist (beautification) associations;
- gastronomy in tourism;
- contents of tourist events and ways of using/exploitation of cultural heritage;
- development of tourism legislation;
- the propaganda, slogans and historical significance of the campaign Slovenia - my country (80s of the 20th century);
- tourism in protecting the environment and achieving sustainable development.

The seminar will be dedicated to critical thinking, debates and constructive discussions on the evolution of modern tourism between tradition and innovation, global influences and fads. Students will focus on a selected destination or place and develop an idea for the development of a tourism program or infrastructure. Through the methods of critical thinking, research, and problem-based learning, as well as acquired knowledge of the history of tourism, they will evaluate modern tourism trends, development pitfalls, and opportunities.

Intended learning outcomes

• understanding the importance of tourism for the cultural, economic and social development of regions, places and destinations;
• knowledge of the development of tourism from the 18th century to the present day and its natural, cultural and social factors;
• practical knowledge of critical identification, evaluation and planning of tourist content between tradition and the challenges of modern society;
• creation of a tourist program in the field of subject content,
• the ability to critically assess and evaluate the importance of individual research methods;
• carrying out research in the field of course content.


  • BAJUK SENČAR, T. 2005: Kultura turizma. Ljubljana E-version
  • DE BRUIN A., JELINČIĆ, D. A. 2016: Towards extending creative tourism: Participatory experience tourism.Tourism Review 71-1. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-05-2015-0018
  • FAKIN BAJEC, J. 2011: Procesi ustvarjanja kulturne dediščine: Kraševci med tradicijo in izzivi sodobne družbe. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. Catalogue
  • FENNELL, D. A. 2020: Ecotourism. London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429346293 E-version
  • JANŠA, O. 1968: Zgodovina turizma na Slovenskem, Turistični vestnik, št. 1./26.
  • JELINČIĆ, D. A., SENKIĆ, M. 2017: Creating a heritage tourism experience: The power of the senses. Etnološkatribina 47-40. DOI: https://doi.org /10.15378/1848-9540.2017.40.03 E-version
  • KAVREČIČ, P. 2017. Turizem v Avstrijskem primorju: zdravilišča, kopališča in kraške jame (1819-1914) : (2. dopolnjena izdaja), Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. E-version
  • KAVREČIČ, P. 2020. Tourism and fascism. Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino, letnik 60, številka 2, str. 99-119. E-version
  • KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT, B. 1998: Destination culture. Tourism, museums and heritage. Berkeley. E-version
  • KOZOROG, M. 2009: Antropologija turistične destinacije v nastajanju: Prostor, festivali in lokalna identitetana Tolminskem. Ljubljana.
  • KUMER, P., PIPAN, P., ŠMID HRIBAR, M., RAZPOTNIK VISKOVIĆ, N. 2019: The role of actors’ cooperation, localanchoring and innovation in creating culinary tourism experiences in the rural Slovenian Mediterranean.Geografski vestnik 91-2. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3986/gv91201 E-version
  • PLANINA, J. 1964: Ekonomika turizma, Ljubljana.
  • POLJAK ISTENIČ S, FAKIN BAJEC J. Luxury food tour: Perspectives and dilemmas on the "luxurification" of local culture in tourism product. AGS [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 28 [cited 2022 Aug. 15];61(1):169–184. E-version
  • REPE, B. 2018. "Z dosedanjim razvojem turizma v Sloveniji ne moremo biti zadovoljni"." Retrospektive letnik 1. številka 1 (2018) str. 57-95. E-version
  • REPE, B. 2012. Vloga akcije "Slovenija, moja dežela" pri nacionalni homogenizaciji osemdesetih let. Studia Historica Slovenica, letnik 12, številka 2/3, str. 249-275, 617. E-version
  • ROZMAN F.; LAZAREVIČ Ž. (ur.). 1996. Razvoj turizma v Sloveniji: zbornik referatov. Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije. E-version
  • SVETIK, P. idr. (ur.). 2006. Turizem smo ljudje: zbornik ob 100. letnici ustanovitve Deželne zveze za pospeševanje prometa tujcev na Kranjskem, Turistične zveze Slovenije in organiziranega turizma v Sloveniji 1905-2005. Ljubljana: Turistična zveza Slovenije.
  • WEBER, I.; HROBAT VIRLOGET, K.; GAČNIK, A. 2020. Kulturni turizem. V: Lesjak, Miha idr. (ur.). Tematski turizem: Teoretični in aplikativni primeri oblik turizma v svetu in Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, str. 17–37 E-version
  • TIMOTHY D. J. 2020: Cultural heritage and tourism: An introduction. Bristol. DOI: https: //doi.org/10.21832/timoth7710 Catalogue


Written or oral exam (60%)
Seminar work / project (40%)

Lecturer's references

Jasna Fakin Bajec, PhD. is an ethnologist, cultural anthropologist and historian. In 2010 she received her PhD with the theme Processes of Creating Cultural Heritage between Tradition and Challenges of Modern Society in Karst region (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of arts). Since 2004 she has been employed at ZRC SAZU, Institute for Cultural and Memorial Studies. Since 2021, he has been the head of the ZRC SAZU Research Station in Nova Gorica.

Her research interests focus on cultural practices of making heritage for the social, cultural, environmental and economic development of local communities. Based on her work with local associations, heritage and cultural institutions, primary and secondary schools and municipalities she develops participatory approaches, methods and techniques to achieve integrative/inclusive valorisation, conservation, management and interpretation of cultural heritage. She gives particular attention to the empowerment and inclusion of civil society, especially marginalized groups, in heritage practices, seeing them as opportunities for critical reflection on the questions of who I am, who I belong to and how to move forward. She also reflects on the importance of memories, emotions and affective reactions of the bearers of cultural practices in the mobilization of heritage for commercial purposes and consequently in the violation of cultural rights.

Her heritage and cultural studies been published in scholarly articles, collections of scholarly papers, and a book named Processes of making cultural heritage (2011).