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Collaborative project - project research, writing, and presentation skills.

Objectives and competences

The students will:

  • learn the basic process of applying for a development or research project;
  • learn basic concepts, terms, and expressions related to writing projects;
  • develop skills in writing and implementing projects;
  • develop the ability to identify community development needs;
  • develop skills in interpreting cultural practices and products for social, economic, and environmental community development;
  • develop skills as project managers and in working with people;
  • learn various methods for analyzing stakeholders, problems, goals, and outcomes of the project;
  • learn communication skills, teamwork...
  • learn the importance of cultural rights of the bearers of cultural practices - the local population;
  • develop a critical view of contemporary social problems and phenomena;
  • develop the ability and willingness to deal with cultural resources in a committed, responsible and justified way;
  • develop critical thinking and creativity;
  • foster their own creativity;
  • learn the critical search, the correct use of different sources and the evaluation of information;
  • encourage the use of information and communication technologies to collect, store, search for, and present information.


The successful integration in the study course is connected with the knowledge of other cultural historical formations in the field of culture and history and with other courses in the programme.


Project work and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary financial resources through project applications have become the basis of employment skills in cultural and art institutes, research centers, local governments and regional development agencies. Project preparation and its implementation require specific knowledge and skills to write, implement, and present a project or to plan and evaluate its impacts. At the same time, creators and implementers of project tasks need to be aware of the opportunities and tools for interpreting cultural practices, the pitfalls and obstacles of marketing culture for economic and developmental purposes, and the cultural rights of the bearers of cultural practices
- i.e., local people.

The aim of the course is to train students for interdisciplinary group project work and to teach them that they will be able to improve their knowledge and skills for solving problems in the field of culture, history and creativity.
Course content includes the following topics:
- How to write a successful project - getting to know methods, techniques and tools for developing a project idea, analyzing stakeholders, defining the problem, organizing activities and indicators;
- Project Writing Competencies;
- The criteria and expectations of evaluation committees or funders.
- Methods and techniques for conducting project activities and managing the project group in an integrative manner (fostering group/team spirit);
- Communication skills (building confidence; body language analysis; quality of oral communication, creating a ppt presentation; visual aids, personal presentation; interacting with the audience; answering questions, etc.);.

Then they will reflect on the basis of good and not so good practices
- What is the advantage of involving cultural historians in European development and research projects;
- why it is important to incorporate knowledge about the culture and history of the community, global and local social influences and contexts in the implementation of different project activities;
- why and how to involve various stakeholders in project activities in a participatory manner and how to establish trust between them;
- cultural rights and ethics of marketing culture and history for development;
- cultural, digital and media literacy, etc.

During the seminar, students will write their own development project. Using the method of role play and critical thinking techniques, they will test themselves as project managers, implementers, evaluators and interpreters of the project work. They will learn the methods and techniques for situation analysis, problem analysis, goal and outcome analysis, the Smart Method, and other skills necessary for successful and inclusive project work.

Intended learning outcomes

Students will:
- gain knowledge of project work (project planning, teamwork, coordination) and types of projects;
- learn the role of the cultural historian in planning, implementing the project, and evaluating its impact in the community;
- learn methods for researching and writing different phases of the project (analysis of stakeholders, problems, goals, outcomes, indicators, etc.);
- design their own or collaborative project, which they present and defend to the group;
- try out the role of evaluator and critic;
- learn the forms and methods of disseminating project results;
- learn approaches and tools for interpreting cultural practices and products for community development;
- be aware of the importance of cultural rights and the ethics of using culture for development.


  • SEKULA KRSTIČ, Darja. 2021. Dobra prijava skozi oči ocenjevalcev Ljubljana: ZAVOD NEFIKS. E-version
  • SEKULA KRSTIČ, Darja. 2006. Kako napisati dober projekt. Ljubljana : CNVOS - Zavod Center za informiranje, sodelovanje in razvoj nevladnih organizacij. E- version
  • DIVJAK, Tina; Vodlan Veronika. 2017. Kaj da, kaj ne, kako in kdaj? : praktični primeri najpogostejših napak pri vodenju projektov . Ljubljana : Center za informiranje. E- version
  • FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna; POGAČAR, Martin; ŠTRAUS, Matevž, LEMUT BAJEC Melita: 2021 Dediščina v akciji: Poti in načini vključevanja mladih v ohranjanje in interpretacijo dediščine. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. E- version
  • FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna (2020). Vključevanje skupnosti v razvoj in upravljanje kulturne dediščine v aplikativnih evropskih projektih. Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva, letnik 60, številka 1, str. 90-100. E- version


Written or oral exam (60%) Seminar work / project (40%)

Lecturer's references

Prof. dr. Katja Mihurko Poniž, is the author of five scientific monographs (Boldly Different: Zofka Kveder and Images of Femininity; Labyrinths of Love in Slovene Literature from Romance to World War II; Eve's Daughters: Constructing Femininity in Slovene Public Discourse 1848-1902; Written with her pen: Breaks of Early Slovene Writers with the Paradigm of National Literature; Literary Creator in the Eyes of the Other: Studies on Reception, Literary Contacts and Biographical Discourse) and Zofka Kveder, editor of the Collected Works (five volumes have been published so far). She is active in international research projects, the head of the CEEPUS network of Women Writers in History. Her research areas are: feminist literary studies, gender studies, digital humanities, Slovene drama, Slovene-German literary contacts and the history of the Slovene women's movement.

MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja, PARENTE-ČAPKOVÁ, Viola. The new women from the margins. Interlitteraria, ISSN 1406-0701, 2015, vol. 20, no. 2, str. 184–198, doi: 10.12697/IL.2015.20.2.15.
MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja. Gendering the capital: Zofka Kveder's rhetorical construction of women's position in the urban topography. Neohelicon : acta Comparationis litterarum universarum, ISSN 0324-4652, 2014, vol. 41, no. 1, str. 63–76, doi: 10.1007/s11059-013-0221-x.

MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja. Ambiguous views on femininity in the writings of two "New Women" in the fin de siècle: Zofka Kveder's inspirational encounters with Laura Marholm's modern women. V: MIHURKO PONIŽ, Katja (ur.). Reception of foreign women writers in the Slovenian literary system of the long 19th century. Nova Gorica: University of Nova Gorica Press. 2017, str. 37–71. http://www.ung.si/media/storage/cms/attachments/2017/04/03/14/57/48/HERA.pdf.

Mihurko Poniž, Katja. Od Lastnega Glasu Do Lastne Sobe: Literarne Ustvarjalke Od Začetkov Do Modernizma. Ljubljana: Beletrina, 2021.

Jasna Fakin Bajec, PhD. is an ethnologist, cultural anthropologist and historian. In 2010 she received her PhD with the theme Processes of Creating Cultural Heritage between Tradition and Challenges of Modern Society in Karst region (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of arts). Since 2004 she has been employed at ZRC SAZU, Institute for Cultural and Memorial Studies. Since 2021, he has been the head of the ZRC SAZU Research Station in Nova Gorica.

Her research interests focus on cultural practices of making heritage for the social, cultural, environmental and economic development of local communities. Based on her work with local associations, heritage and cultural institutions, primary and secondary schools and municipalities she develops participatory approaches, methods and techniques to achieve integrative/inclusive valorisation, conservation, management and interpretation of cultural heritage. She gives particular attention to the empowerment and inclusion of civil society, especially marginalized groups, in xheritage practices, seeing them as opportunities for critical reflection on the questions of who I am, who I belong to and how to move forward. She also reflects on the importance of memories, emotions and affective reactions of the bearers of cultural practices in the mobilization of heritage for commercial purposes and consequently in the violation of cultural rights.

Her heritage and cultural studies been published in scholarly articles, collections of scholarly papers, and a book named Processes of making cultural heritage (2011).

FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Procesi ustvarjanja kulturne dediščine: na razpotju med neoliberalizmom in prostovoljstvom v okviru dediščinskih društev. Etnolog : glasnik Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja. [Nova vrsta]. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, letn. 30 = 81, str. 69-88. https://www.etno- muzej.si/files/etnolog/pdf/0354-0316_30_fakin_procesi.pdf.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. The interpretation and utilization of cultural heritage and its values by young people in Slovenia : is heritage really boring and uninteresting?. Etnološka tribina : godišnjak Hrvatskog etnološkog društva. 2019, vol. 49, [no.] 42, str. 173-193. ISSN 0351-1944. https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=335470 DOI: 10.15378/1848- 9540.2019.42.07
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna (avtor, fotograf). An integrated approach to the revitalization, safeguarding and management of cultural heritage: how to establish a durable and active local group of stakeholders. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, letn. 30, št. 2, str. 285-300, https://zdjp.si/wp- content/uploads/2020/09/ASHS_30-2020-2_FAKIN.pdf.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna (avtor, fotograf). Vključevanje skupnosti v razvoj in upravljanje kulturne dediščine v aplikativnih evropskih projektih. Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, 60, št. 1, str. 90-100, ilustr. ISSN 0351-2908. https://www.sed-drustvo.si/domains/sed- drustvo.si/modules/Domino/Files/glasnik-60-1-2020-manjaa-resolucija-1.pdf.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Cultural heritage and the role of voluntary associations in the process of achieving sustainable development in rural communities. Studia ethnologica Croatica. 2016, vol. 28, str. 21-45,. http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=253563.
FAKIN BAJEC, Jasna. Procesi ustvarjanja kulturne dediščine : Kraševci med tradicijo in izzivi sodobne družbe. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2011. 327 str., ilustr. Ethnologica - Dissertationes, 2.