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History of Science

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)

Objectives and competences

Students learn basic concepts of scientific research. They develop network of knowledge from different fields of humanities and are able to assess the social mechanisms that were necessary tools as precondition for the development of modern science, starting with observation, explanation, prediction, critical thinking and formation of academic environments.
Students are able to participate in an interdisciplinary team; are able to analyze and synthesize of scientific processes on the basis of the acquired knowledge about the historical development of science; are able of critical thinking and rejection of proposed solutions by arguments, based on references to the bad historical practices. Focus on importance of academic ethos and commitment to professional ethics of scholars-citizens. Skills of working with word processors.


Enrolment in the running study year.


The object of this subject course is connected to the subject matter of the 1st year, i.e. “Political history of the Habsburg monarchy in the 19th and 20th century", i.e. "World Wars of the 20th century," 2nd year i.e. "Economic History" and 3rd year, i.e. "Europe in period of revolutions”.
The course offers an overview of the historical development of modern science in Europe, with an emphasis on social mechanisms necessary for the existence and development of science. By use of historical narrative development of modern science will be presented as intellectual history and social history. Two approaches will be used: presentation of chronological development of modern science and case studies about life and work of selected scientists.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
Students acquire knowledge from historical perspective about development of modern science and social mechanisms, critical for it formation and development. Students acquaint with the social norms of science and deviant forms of behavior in academia, the social power of science, with dilemmas about qualitative and quantitative assessments in science, about collaboration between academia and industry, with the forms of international cooperation.
Students are able to point out relevant social forces behind development of modern science, which enable their ability for the analysis and evaluation of existing events and processes in the field of science and in academic environment. Furthermore, students importantly strengthen their ability of independent researching and of critical thinking.


  • Hobsbawm, Eric: Čas imperija: 1875–1914. Ljubljana: Sophia, 2012 (selected chapters) Catalogue
  • Hobsbawm, Eric: Čas skrajnosti: svetovna zgodovina 1914–1991. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče, 2000 (selected chapters) Catalogue
  • Jessen, Ralph and Vogel, Jakob Vogel (ed.): Wissenschaft und Nation in der europäischen Geschichte. Frankfurt - New York: Campus, 2002 (selected chapters)
  • Mali, Franc: Razvoj moderne znanosti: socialni mehanizmi. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2002 E-version
  • Oset, Željko: Vpliv modernizacije na oblikovanje slovenskega naravoslovno-tehničnega besedišča, v: Lazarevič, Žarko and Lorenčič, Aleksander (ed.): Podobe modernizacije: poglavja iz gospodarske in socialne modernizacije Slovenije v 19. in 20. stoletju. Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2009, str. 350–373 Catalogue E-version
  • Snow. Charles Percy: Two Cultures. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. E-version


Seminar paper and oral exam.