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Feudal Society Culture

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)

Objectives and competences

Informing students of history on society, politics and economical processes in Europe from early Middle Ages to 18th century. In this subject, students primarily develop the following key skills: to distinguish between elite and people’s culture, to understand connection of material and spiritual culture, to understand connection of economics and politics.


Vertically, studies refer to the subjects Cultural History of Slovene place and Political History of the (late) Habsburg Monarchy; horizontally it mainly refers to the subjects Economic History, Legal History, Agricultural History, Culture of Regions and Frontier Places.


Syllabus will be focused on the diversity and complementarity of European regions (West, Central, East, South-East Europe, Mediterranean) with the aim of transcending the predominantly West-European concept of European feudalism, and highlight the connection between Europe and other cultural-civilizational spheres. Large part of lectures and classes will be dedicated to an analysis of Slovenian space and neighbouring lands. Special attention will be paid to the scrutiny of the processes overarching hundreds of years and transcending frontiers of individual states (especially early feudalism). Focus will also be on the question of continuity with antiquity (following the case of Byzantine Empire and an entirely different situation in Western Europe), relationship between secular and Church or Papal authorities, which was specific in the European West, multi-centricity of European civilisation, as well as its relationship to others, especially Islamic civilizational circles, which is likewise considered an heir of Roman and antique tradition. It avoids giving one-sided emphasis on conflict (Crusades); along with it, the subject highlights the world of cooperation (especially economic). Much focus is given to the introduction of Feudalism and its three social ranks pertaining to different historical periods of the Middle Ages and Early Modern era.

Intended learning outcomes

Students become aware of key concepts and ideas of feudal society and its logic. They comprehend forms of public and privat life in Middle Ages and early modern period of European history. Students become aware of different concepts of economics, law, order, structures of life, and normality.


  • M. Keen, Srednjeveška Evropa. Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 1993. Catalogue
  • Zgodovina Slovencev. Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 1979. Catalogue
  • Svetovna zgodovina. Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 1976. Catalogue
  • P. Anderson, Rodovniki absolutistične države. Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 1992. Catalogue
  • F. Braudel, Strukture vsakdanjega življenja: mogoče in nemogoče. Materialna civilizacija, ekonomija in kapitalizem, XV. – XVIII. Stoletje. Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 1988.
  • J. Le Goff, Za drugačen srednji vek. Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 1985.
  • E. R. Wolf, Evropa in ljudstva brez zgodovine I–II. Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 1998.
  • P. Štih, V. Simoniti. Slovenska zgodovina do razsvetljenstva, Mohorjeva družba, Ljubljana, 1995 Catalogue
  • I. Grdina, Proti nezgodovini, Inštitut za civilizacijo in kulturo - ICK, Ljubljana 2014. Catalogue


Seminar paper (30%). Oral exam (70%). The seminar paper is conditional to be admitted to the exam.

Lecturer's references

Dr. Stane Granda je redni profesor in znanstveni svetnik.

Granda Stane: Župnijska oznanilna knjiga kot zgodovinski vir. V: Arhivi, 1999, št. 1-2, str. 97-102
Granda Stane: Družbene in socialne razmere v 19. stoletju. Dolinar France M. (ur.): Župnija Preserje skozi čas. Preserje 2011, str. 363-385
Granda Stane: "Udriga, udriga, dons more use hin bit". V: Preinfalk Miha (ur.): Krim odmev bo dal. Ig 2002, str. 31-52
Granda Stane: Prva odločitev Slovencev za Slovenijo. Ljubljana 1999
Grdina Igor, Höfler Janez, Granda Stane, Müller Jakob, Snoj Marko, Torkar Silvo: Slovenci v zgodnjem srednjem veku. Ljubljana 2012
Granda Stane: Viri akumulacije kapitala na Slovenskem v 19. stoletju. Ljubljana 1994
Granda Stane: Novomeški kapitelj v obdobju med obnovitvijo in začetkom II. svetovne vojne. 105-139. Granda Stanko (ur.): 500 let Kolegiatnega kapitlja v Novem mestu. Novo Mesto 1997
Granda Stane: Usoda nekdanje freisinške posesti na Dolenjskem. V: Bizjak Matjaž (ur.): Blaznikov zbornik : In memoriam Pavle Blaznik. Ljubljana-Škofja Loka 2005, str. 193-202 in 217-228
Granda Stane: Kmečki upori proti Francozom v luči Grafenauerjeve tipologije kmečkih uporov na Slovenskem. V: Šterbenc Svetina Barbara (ur. et al.): Zgodovinske dimenzije Ilirskih provinc. Ljubljana 2012, str. 153-165
Granda Stane: Transformacija zemljiškega gospostva v kapitalistično veleposest. V: Mihelič Darja (ur.): Vizija raziskav slovenske gospodarske in družbene zgodovine. Ljubljana 2014, str. 255-273