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This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)

Objectives and competences

Knowing the organization of archives, archival principles, institutional structures, the development of these throughout history, various types of archives and regulations governing the archiving activities.


High school history knowledge.


The purpose of this course is to educate students to work in state archives and private
institutions. In addition to the theoretical part, the candidate must carry out at least one month of practice in archival institutions and in this regard, to write a paper, which is a prerequisite for the exam.

Intended learning outcomes

Ability to work with archives, documents interpretation, structure, classification of archival documents, knowledge of creation archival inventories and are trained for professional work with archives.


  • S.Vilfan, J. Žontar, Arhivistika Arhivsko društvo Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1973,
  • J. Žontar, Arhivska veda v 20. stoletju. Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2003, Catalogue
  • J. Žontar, Priročniki in karte o organizacijski strukturi v deželah Koroški, Kranjski, Primorju in Štajerski do leta 1918. Zgodovinsko-bibliografski vodnik. Graz-Klagenfurt-Ljubljana-Gorizia-Trieste 1988, str. 64–106,
  • S. Vilfan, Pravna zgodovina Slovencev od naselitve do zloma stare Jugoslavije, Ljubljana 1961 Catalogue (contents relating to the type of archival material).


A seminar paper and oral exam.