Creative Writing
Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)
Objectives and competences
To introduce writing tools, concepts and approaches that can be used to develop, on a personal level, the skills and virtues of creative short story writing;
to address the practical use of the different elements of creative writing;
to introduce the basics of autobiographic essay writing;
to introduce writing techniques to create comic effects;
to introduce the basics of scriptwriting;
to practically use writing styles in the context of different genres, forms and goals.
There are no enrolment or degree requirements for the course.
The course introduces the basic features of literary-creative fiction using the short story, the autobiographical essay, and sketch as examples. The content of the literary-creative section includes the presentation of techniques for overcoming writer's block and cultivating the imagination, writing habits and research, a detailed introduction to the form and elements of the short story
(methods of creating literary characters, developing settings, advantages and disadvantages of different narrative perspectives, structure of literary
narrative, construction of dialogue, difference between showing and telling, genre characteristics, etc.), and the process of editing and preparing for publication, which is also helpful in
writing non-literary texts.
The course introduces the central features of the autobiographical essay, focusing on literary processes, subjectivity, and argumentation. The course provides an analytical overview of the importance of the relationship between personal memories and the creation of literary texts, the different types of autobiographical essays, their constituent elements, the conditions of good autobiographical writing and the general risks of autobiographical writing.
In the exercises, students apply the content of the lectures and practise different segments of creative writing skills. One of the highlights of the course is the use of creative writing to write scripts for shorter visual narrative forms (e.g. situation comedy), which is supported by practical exercises in comic writing (wordplay, working with proverbs, images, observations, etc.). At the end of the semester, students submit one of the three products: a short story, a short autobiographical essay and a sketch that can be visualised.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
(Student ...)
learns the theoretical and practical tools for cultivating imagination and the craft of writing;
understands the use of different stylistic procedures;
understands the specific features of the autobiographical essay;
learns to form different types of texts (short story, autobiographical essay, sketch).
(Student ...)
learns to keep a writer's diary;
develops the ability to read literary and non-literary texts analytically and (self)critically, from the perspective of writers;
develops the ability to identify and use different writing techniques;
is able to use a variety of methods of reading and organising content before and during the writing process;
learns the basic approaches to autobiographical writing on everyday (family, childhood, work) and controversial topics (sexuality, personal relationships, bad behaviour, secrets);
learns to use the self and the senses as a medium for the creative writing process and its results;
acquires knowledge of writing approaches to develop comedy sketches or stories.
Written products 60 %
Participation and attendance at tutorials 40 %
Lecturer's references
Assist. Prof. Primož Mlačnik, PhD, received his doctorate at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FDV) of the University of Ljubljana (UL), where in 2020, he defended his doctoral dissertation entitled The Relation between Melancholy and Modernity in the Case of Franz Kafka's Literature. He is a researcher at the Centre for the Humanities, Faculty of Humanities (FH), University of Nova Gorica (UNG), within the TILDA project (Transformations of Intimacy in the Literary Discourse of Slovene ''Moderna'' 2021-2024), funded by the Research Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia (ARIS). At the FDV UL, he has been previously involved in numerous courses in Cultural Studies and Literature. Currently, at the Faculty of Arts (FF) of UL, he lectures on the course Cultural Policies and the Book in the European Union and Slovenia, while at the FH UNG, he lectures on various courses in the field of literary studies and cultural studies. His research interests mainly include cultural studies of detective fiction and critical-theoretical case studies of Slovenian detective novels. He also works as a writer.
Izbor znanstvenih in literarnih del:
Mlačnik, P. (2017). Šarm. Slovenj Gradec: Cerdonis, 186 str. (zbirka kratkih zgodb).
Mlačnik, P. (2018). The deconstruction of Freud's theory of melancholy. Družboslovne razprave 34 (88): 113–131.
Mlačnik, P. (2019). Kulturistike – kulturološka branja beletristike. Slavia Centralis, 12 (2), 46–57.
Mlačnik, P. (2020). Poročilo o melanholiji: primer Kafka. Ljubljana: Založba FDV.
Mlačnik, P. (2020). Minor literature in the case of Brina Svit. Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich 10 (1): 207–223.
Mlačnik, P. (2022). Udomačeni Slovenci v detektivskih romanih Avgusta Demšarja. Jezik in Slovstvo 67 (3): 5– 15.
Mlačnik, P. (2022). Virus: neoliberalni detektiv v imuni slovenski družbi. Filozofski vestnik 43 (1): 181–200.
Mlačnik, P. (2022). From Minor Literature to Neoliberal Noir: the Detective Novels of Sergej Verč. Caietele Echinox 43: 77–92.
Mlačnik, P. (2022). Otok psov, 1. izd. Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 200 str. (roman).
Mlačnik, P. (2023). O kulturnem bistvu slovenskih kriminalk. V: Komel, Mirt (ur.). Memento umori II. Novo Mesto: Goga, str. 297–315.