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Physical Culture, Sport and Olympics in the History

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)

Objectives and competences

The students will learn the topics that will enrich their knowledge of local, regional and world cultural history;
The students will learn the mechanisms of formation of physicalcultural movement, which is in modern time intertwine of antique memory, medieval rivalry and adaptation to modern time;
They will be capable of critical analyses of the problem. Knowledge will enable accommodation of cultural-historical findings to the needs of the profession and society.


No prerequisites are required.


The course will introduce the development and phenomen of sport/physical culture in time, space and in lives of people and nations. It will explain the processes of inovation and institutionalization of sport worldwide and nationaly and physicalcultural dialecticism of gymnastics and sport or athletism with starting point in Greek antiquity. Physical Culture or different physical practices have been through history changing, abandoning or reviving, they were militaristic or/and educational or/and preventive and spare time activity. In this sense we have on one side gymnastic movements with german Turnen and Slavic Sokol, the latest was wery well developed also in Slovenia, and on the other side sophisticated competing systems with internationalised Olympic Games and world championships. Olympic Games were in antiquity religious rituals and in 4th century abolished. With development of modern sport on the ruins of medieval tournaments and rural sports they were at the end of 19th century revived on the amateur and international bases to promote the young sport movement and its values.

Intended learning outcomes

Students will be capable of detecting cultural-historical issues and social problems in general. They will solve these problems using different methodological approaches based on critical and self-critical judgment;
The student will evaluate the past events and form their personal perspective of the topics.


  • Bogataj Mirko, Tran/sport. Celovec: 1999
  • Coubertin Pierre de, Olympism: selected writings (ur. N. Mueller). Laussane: 2000 E-version
  • Enciklopedija fizičke kulture. Zagreb: 1975–1977
  • Gillet Bernard, Istorija sporta. Zagreb: 1970
  • Kos Dušan, Turnirska knjiga Gašperja Lamberga, čas bojevnikov. Ljubljana: 1997
  • Miller David: Athens to Athens. Edinburgh&London: 2003 E-version
  • Pavlin Tomaž: “Zanimanje za sport je prodrlo med Slovenci že v široke sloje”. Ljubljana: 2005 Catalogue
  • Sport, Nation, Nationalism (ur. T. Pavlin). Ljubljana: 2006 Catalogue
  • Naša pot: 150 let ustanovitve Južnega Sokola in sokolskega gibanja (ur. T. Pavlin). Ljubljana: 2014 Catalogue
  • Rupel Aldo, Telesna kultura med Slovenci v Italiji. Trst: 1981
  • Stepišnik Drago, Oris zgodovine telesne kulture na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: 1968 Catalogue
  • Stergar Miloš, Rupel Aldo, Množična in športna gimnastika: fizkulturna organiziranost na Primorskem 1945-1953. Gorica: 1998
  • Swaddling Judith: The Ancient Olympic Games. Austin: 1999 E-version
  • Šugman Rajko, Prelomno obdobje slovenskega športa 1988-1994. Ljubljana: 1999


Seminar paper and oral exam.

Lecturer's references

Ph.D. Tomaž Pavlin is habilitated teacher and researcher of physical culture in modern history, with specialisation in topics of gymnastics and sport.

  • Pavlin Tomaž. Jugoslovanski Sokol. V: Pavlin T. (ur.). Naša pot: 150 let ustanovitve Južnega Sokola in sokolskega gibanja na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, 2014, str. 100–134,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. "Dajati pobudo, priložnost in navad pravilnim telesnim vajam" (ob 150–letnici ustanovitve prvega slovenskega telovadnega društva Južni Sokol). Šport, 2013, 61, 3/4, str. 44–51,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. Olimpijstvo do leta 1914. V: Podpečnik, Jože (ur.), Pörš, Simona (ur.). Sabljanje: veščina, tradicija, šport : zbornik ob 100–letnici osvojitve srebrne olimpijske medalje Rudolfa Cvetka. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2012, str. 37–46,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. Ni pomembno zmagatai, pač pa se dobro boriti ali slovenska olimpijska pot. V: Podpečnik, Jože (ur.), Pörš, Simona (ur.). Sabljanje: veščina, tradicija, šport : zbornik ob 100–letnici osvojitve srebrne olimpijske medalje Rudolfa Cvetka. Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2012, str. 89–100,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. "V pesti sila, v srcu odločnost, v mislih domovina": telovadba in šport v stari Jugoslaviji. V: Štepec, Marko, et al. 1918–1941. Ljubljana: Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije, 2011, str. 70–85,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. Primorska omladina noče stati ob strani : Primorci in šport v Ljubljani 1920–1941. V: Štih, Peter (ur.), Balkovec, Bojan (ur.). Migracije in slovenski prostor od antike do danes, (Zbirka Zgodovinskega časopisa, ISSN 1408-3531, 39). Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, 2010, str. 328–345,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. »Zanimanje za sport je prodrlo med Slovenci že v široke sloje«. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, 2005,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. Športna (telovadna, strelska, planinska in športna) društva. V: Brglez, Alja (ur.), Vogrinec, Barbara (ur.). Društvena in klubska kultura v Sloveniji, (Zbirka Zbiralnik, 9). Ljubljana: Inštitut za civilizacijo in kulturo - ICK, 2004, str. 121–147,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. "Včeraj bi bil lahko tudi Napoleon ponosen na svojo Ilirijo" ali ekskurz o nogometu v Ljubljani pred prvo svetovno vojno. Zgodovina za vse, 2001, 8, 2, str. 43–61,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. " Pri nas je ta panoga sporta še docela neznana". Zgodovina za vse, 1999, 6, 2, str. 83–97,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. Antične olimpijske igre. 1, 2. Šport, 1996, letn. 44, št. 2/3, str. 38–42, 1996, letn. 44, št. 4, str. 27–31,
  • Pavlin Tomaž. Oris športne aktivnosti na Slovenskem med drugo svetovno vojno. Šport, 1995, 43, 4, str. 33–36.