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History and literature

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)

Objectives and competences

Students will master the basic concepts of historiography an literary theory; they will develop the skill of building an interdisciplinary network of knowledge from different humanistic fields and will receive an overview of basic historiographical thought and the field of literary criticism. They will suitably link the objectives, subject contents, work methods etc. to establish a proper image of the relationship between history and literature as the cover concept.

The discussed course covers topics of fundamental historical sciences, i.e. the structure and techniques of historical research, the basics of political history, cultural history, etc. as well as topics of literary and narratological theory. Students will master the basic principles of the historical profession, i.e. the planning and implementation of research and historical processes, and will be able to coordinate individual professional historical concepts and uses of the widest possible range of research methods and strategies that lead to relevant research results, their rational regulation and critical evaluation. At the same time they will develop a critical attitude towards literary theory and the development of narratological sciences, and will be able to assess the individual textual elements in any narrative / non-narrative work.


Enrolment in the running study year.


The object of this subject course is attached to the subject matter of the 1st year, i.e. "Introduction to the study of history"; it explores the mechanisms of self-reflective thinking – history – in relation to fictional literature.
The subject "History and Literature" is a highly interdisciplinary in-depth insight into the relationship between the appearance of clearly demarcated concepts, for which (at first glance) incompatible concepts are used, as shown in the title of the course - the terms "history" and "literature" as part of the same title give the impression that they are two diametrically opposite concepts. However, the fundamental theoretical implication is that historical science, despite all its scientific tools, is inextricably linked to the basic premise that the historiographic product is “literature” in almost all literary elements. Course content is based on a specific sets:
- The definition of basic concepts;
- The history of theoretical and literary critical discussions from Aristotle to the 20th century.
- Communication Theories
- Narratological theories
- Literary figures and tropes
- Analysis of texts
Students will use selected chapters from the specified mandatory and recommended literature in lectures and tutorials, with handouts and excerpted texts.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
Students are acquainted with the intricacies of historical science and its basic literary and narratological concepts. They are competent in planning and executing a historical research and evaluating historical sources. They receive knowledge of methods and research strategies, develop the ability to perform theoretical research and develop the ability to express themselves scientifically. They have the ability to pinpoint crucial historical dilemmas and present historical issues.
Students are able to employ their knowledge in different practical scientific circumstances. They develop the ability for systematic historical research, critical evaluation of historical materials and the output of processed information. Tutorials, related to the lectures in contents, will help develop students’ critical attitude to preserved historical sources, their knowledge of historical methods and their ability to perform independent research.


  • Bently, Michael, Modern Historiography, Routledge, London – New York 1999. E-version
  • Burke, Peter, New Perspectives on Historical Writing, Pensylvania University Press, University Park 1992. E-version
  • Carr, E.H., What is History?, Penguin, London 1987. Catalogue E-version
  • Jenkins, Keith, Rethinking History, Routledge, London 1991.
  • Kramer, Lloyd; Maza, Sarah, A Companion to Western Historical Thought, Blackwell, Malden – Oxford 2002. E-version
  • A. Manguel, Zgodovina branja. Ljubljana, Cankarjeva založba, 2007. Catalogue
  • A. Manguel, Knjižnica ponoči. Ljubljana, Cankarjeva založba, 2011. Catalogue
  • M. Štuhec, Naratologija: med teorijo in prakso. Ljubljana, Študentska založba, 2000. Catalogue
  • G. Pobežin, Rimski zgodovinar in pripovedno besedilo. Ljubljana, Pedagoški inštitut, 2011. Catalogue E-version
  • White, Hayden, The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation, John Hopkins university Press, Baltimore 1987. E-version
  • Young, Robert, White Mythologies, Routledge, London 1990. E-version


Colloquia and oral exam. The first three tests are conditional to be admitted to the exam.

Lecturer's references

Izvirni znanstveni članek:
1. POBEŽIN, Gregor. Lógoi chaì erga : Tukidid in vprašanje govorov. Keria (Ljubl.), 2006, letn. 8, št. 2, str. [19]-34. [COBISS.SI-ID 25905965]
2. POBEŽIN, Gregor. Virtus incerta - vprašanje o Salustijevih virih v prologu v Katilinovi zaroti. Keria (Ljubl.), 2007, letn. 9, št. 2, str. [45]-50. [COBISS.SI-ID 27398189]
3. POBEŽIN, Gregor. Ut in aere incideretur : vprašanje beleženja govorov v senatus consulta. Ann, Ser. hist. sociol., 2008, letn. 18, št. 2, str. 431-438. [COBISS.SI-ID 1550035]
4. POBEŽIN, Gregor. In quodam libro Graeco : raba in navajanje grških virov pri 'piscih' Cesarske zgodovine. V: GROŠELJ, Nada (ur.). Grčija skozi rimske oči v dobi cesarstva : tematska številka ob trideseti obletnici smrti Milana Grošlja, (Keria, Letn. 12, št. 1 (2010)). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2010, str. 85-101. [COBISS.SI-ID 1893843]
5. POBEŽIN, Gregor. Pôs énkarpos tês historías khrêsis : Polibijeva kritika virov oz. kako (ne) pisati zgodovino. V: KAVČIČ, Jerneja (ur.), MARINČIČ, Marko (ur.). Musis amicus : posebna številka ob osemdesetletnici Kajetana Gantarja, (Keria, letn. 12, št. 2-3). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2010, str. 67-78. [COBISS.SI-ID 1895891]

Samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji
6. POBEŽIN, Gregor. Prostor in čas pri Polibiju : nekaj opažanj o časovno-prostorskih razmerjih ob branju odlomka o "vojni brez premirja" (Pol. 1.66-1.88). V: KEBER, Katarina (ur.), VIDMAR, Luka (ur.). Historični seminar 8. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2010, str. 9-20, tabela. http://hs.zrc-sazu.si/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=uDUShwmwFZQ%3d&tabid=58&language=sl-SI. [COBISS.SI-ID 31625517]

Znanstvena monografija:
7. LUTHAR, Oto, ŠAŠEL KOS, Marjeta, GROŠELJ, Nada, POBEŽIN, Gregor. Zgodovina historične misli : od Homerja do začetka 21. stoletja. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 2006. 694 str., ilustr. ISBN 961-6568-12-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 223431424]
8. POBEŽIN, Gregor, VINKLER, Jonatan (ur.). Rimski zgodovinar in pripovedno besedilo : pripovedno žarišče v Salustijevih monografijah, (Zbirka Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes, 16). Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2011. 1 optični disk (CD-ROM), barve. ISBN 978-961-270-049-2. html. [COBISS.SI-ID 256793600]