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Basic Sciences of History

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)

Objectives and competences

The main objective is to prepare students to work independently with original historical sources and their evaluation.
In this subject, students develop the following skills and competences:
• reading medieval Latin writings,
• knowledge of the structures and functions of various historical sources,
• knowledge of different historical calendars,
• recognition with the ways and methods of editing and publishing historical sources,
• acquisition and use of digitized historical sources and
• publication of articles in domestic and foreign journals.


Vertically, the course refers to the knowledge acquired by students in the first two years, a condition for the successful participation at classes is mastering of a chosen language (Latin or German). Horizontally, it mainly refers to the subjects Archive science, Feudal Society culture and Cultural history of Slovene place and other courses in which students acquire knowledge on recent and contemporary history.


The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with both classical auxiliary historical sciences and general sciences that are important for studying and writing about history. In order to be able to study the entire human history, a historian must master both the classical auxiliary historical sciences and the general sciences. In addition, it is useful for the historian to familiarize himself with the problems of periodization of history and the division of history. In this course, students will also be introduced to the method of writing articles for domestic and foreign scholarly periodicals.

Classical auxiliary historical sciences include:
• Latin paleography – theoretical problems and execrises in reading documents.
• Diplomatics – learning the basic principles and relevant forms of public and private documents and their structure.
• Chronology – calendars of the Middle European and Mediterranean space.
• Basics of hardly and sigillography.
• Historical metrology – systems of measuerement for length, weight and capacity in Slovenian territory.
• Historical topography – handbooks and basic sources and ways of place name identification in historical sources.
• Ecdotics – ways and methods of editing and publishing historical sources.

In addition, especially for the study of issues of recent and contemporary history, the following scientific disciplines are also important:
• Historical geography
• Social geography
• Statistics
• Cartography
• Informatics
• Reading minutes of parliaments

In addition, students will become familiar with the work of important Slovenian historians after the Second World War (according to the periods they researched) and with the formal and actual organization of historical research in the Republic of Slovenia, i.e. with institutions where history is studied, program research groups and projects.

Intended learning outcomes

Students master the use of original historical sources in the historiographic research in all the periods of Slovene and Worl History; reading historical texts in old scripts and in slovenian and foreigh languages, dating the document, analyzing it (comprehending its function and structure, determining the value and relevance for the research) and placing it in a broader context.


  • Stipišić, Jakov. Pomoćne povijesne znanosti u teoriji in praksi. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1972, 1985. Catalogue
  • Novak, Viktor. Latinska paleografija. Beograd: Naučna knjiga, 1952, 21981, 31991.Catalogue
  • Kos, Dušan. Pismo, pisava, pisar. Prispevek k zgodovini kranjskih listin do l. 1300. Version in razprave 14. Ljubljana: Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana, 1994. E-version
  • Capelli, Adriano. Lexicon Abbreviaturarum. Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane usate nelle carte e codici specilamente del medio evo. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1899 (in še več izdaj do 1999). E-version
  • Erben, W., L. Schmitz-Kallenberg in O. Redlich. Urkundenlehre I (Allgemeine Einleitung zur Urkundenlehre; Die Kaiser- und Königsurkunden des Mittelalters). III. (Die Privaturkunden des Mittelalters). Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte IV. München – Berlin; Oldenbourg , 1907, 1911.
  • Štih, Peter. Začetki in razmah listinskega pismenstva na ozemlju Slovenije do konca 11. stoletja.Zgodovinski časopis 57 (2003) , str. 279–290. E-version
  • Grotefend, Hermann. Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit.Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhaltung, 1891 (in še več izdaj do 2007). E-version
  • Otorepec, Božo. Srednjeveški pečati in grbi mest in trgov na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, 1988.Catalogue
  • Vilfan, Sergij. Prispevek k zgodovini mer na Slovenskem s posebnim ozirom na ljubljansko mero (16. – 19. stoletje). Zgodovinski časopis 8 (1954), str. 27–86. E-version
  • Vilfan, Sergej. Temelji in razvoj denarnih sistemov v slovenskih deželah do 17. stoletja. Zgodovinski časopis 40 (1986), str. 397–412. E-version
  • Trapp, Wolfgang. Kleines Hanbuch der Masse, Zahlen, Gewichte und der Zeitrechnung. Stuttgart: Reclam, 31992.
  • Grafenauer, Bogo: Struktura in tehnika zgodovinske vede: uvod v študij zgodovine. Ljubljana : Filozofska fakulteta, 1980
  • Luthar, Oto: Zgodovina historične misli. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2016. Catalogue Catalogue


Seminar paper 70 % and oral exam 30 %. The seminar paper is conditional to be admitted to the exam.

Lecturer's references

Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič (1955) is a retired Professor of History at the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts in Maribor, where he taught Non-European, European, Economic and Slovenian history, Introduction to the study of History and the History of migrations. He taught migration history also at
Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and Faculty of Humanities in Koper and on Colorado State University.

He was a scientific councilor of the Institute for Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana, where he was also president of its Scientific Council from 2001 to 2009. From the mid-eighties of the 20th century until 1991 and in 1999, he was the head of the History department at the Faculty of Education or Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. He teaches the history of the USA in the doctoral program History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor and in American Studies Program at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and is a mentor to many doctoral students.

He is still a member of the program group Minority and ethnic studies and the Slovenian national question and a member of the project group Political participation of national minorities and their members: comparative studies of the political participation of the Slovenian community in the neighboring countries of the Republic of Slovenia at the Institute for National Issues.

He was the supervisor of nine completed doctorates. He is the author of four and co-author of eight scientific monographs and more than a hundred scientific articles in which he discusses the Germanization of the history of the disintegration of the SFRY and the creation of the independent Slovenian state. He has published the mentioned articles and books in reputable publications in many European countries and the USA. He is a Zois awardee. As a guest lecturer, he lectured at many universities in Europe, the USA and Canada.

Bibliografija (izbor) /Bibliography (selection)
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, MRĐENOVIĆ, Milan. Odmevi Adamičevega dela Vrnitev v rodni kraj (The Native's Return) v ameriškem časopisju. Slavia Centralis. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, letn. 15, št. 1, str. 220-232.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Vloga pripadnikov slovenskih avtohtonih manjšin v sosednjih državah in slovenskih izseljencev v osamosvajanju Slovenije. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. [Tiskana izd.]. 2017, letn. 27, št. 4, str. 731-742. ILEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Jožef Frančišek Buh - misijonar, župnik in organizator med slovenskimi priseljenci v Minnesoti. Bogoslovni vestnik : glasilo Teološke fakultete v Ljubljani. [Tiskana izd.]. 2017, letn. 77, [št.] 3/4, str. 687-704.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. The reactions of immigrants from the South Slavic lands and their descendants in the USA to the dissolution of Yugoslavia (1989-1993). Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu. [Tiskana izd.]. 2011, [št.] 33, str. 37-53.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, ZUPANČIČ, Jernej. The effects of the dissolution of Yugoslavia on the minority rights of Hungarian and Italian minorities in the Post-Yugoslav states. Nationalities papers : the journal of nationalism and ethnicity. 2004, letn. 32, št. 4, str. 853-896, tabele, grafikoni, zvd.
ČIŽMIĆ, Ivan, KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Croatian and Slovene missionaries as inventors and explorers of the American West and Midwest. Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja. 2002, god. 11, br. 4/5, str. 761-783.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Slovenska izseljenska zgodovina kot del slovenske nacionalne zgodovine : inavguralno predavanje ob izvolitvi v naziv rednega profesorja na Oddelku za zgodovino Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, 8. 4. 1998. Zgodovinski časopis : glasilo Zveze zgodovinskih društev Slovenije. [Tiskana izd.]. 1998, letn. 52, št. 2, str. 175-193. 5
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. To Fellow Americanists: A Letter from Slovenia. The journal of American history. 80 (1993), 3 ; str. 1031-1034.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, MRĐENOVIĆ, Milan. Louis Adamič in druga svetovna vojna v ameriški in slovenski historiografiji. Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, [št.] 51, str. 77-94.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, HAZEMALI, David, HRŽENJAK, Matevž. Slovenska župnija presvetega Srca Jezusovega v Barbertonu, Ohio, skozi zgodovino = The history of the Slovene parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Barberton, Ohio. Bogoslovni vestnik : glasilo Teološke fakultete v Ljubljani. [Tiskana izd.]. 2019, letn. 79, št. 2, str. 505-520, ilustr.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Primerjalni pogled na slovenski manjšinski stvarnosti v Avstriji in Italiji ter na historiografsko obravnavo obdobja od konca prve svetovne vojne do sedemdesetih let 20. stoletja v slovenski historiografiji. Acta Histriae. [Tiskana izd.]. 2012, letn. 20, št. 4, str. 747-764.
1.08 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, KLEMENČIČ, Vladimir. La region frontaliere Nord-Adriatique en Italie, Croatie et Slovenie : son rôle dans le passé et dans le processus d'intégration européenne. V: SANGUIN, André-Luis (ur.), FONTANEL, Colette (ur.). Mare nostrum : dynamiques et mutations géopolitiques de la Méditerranée. Paris: L'Harmattan, cop. 2000. Str. 287-295, ilustr. Collection Géographie et Cultures, Série Culture et politique.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Gnili kompromis iz leta 2011 - izpolnitev 7. člena ADP?!. V: AJLEC, Kornelija (ur.), BALKOVEC, Bojan (ur.), REPE, Božo (ur.). Nečakov zbornik : procesi, teme in dogodki iz 19. in 20. stoletja. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2018. Str. 583-601, ilustr. Historia, 25.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. The international community and the FRY/belligerents, 1989-1997. V: INGRAO, Charles W. (ur.), EMMERT, Thomas Allan (ur.). Confronting the Yugoslav controversies : a scholars' initiative. 2nd ed. West Lafayette (Indiana): Purdue University Press; Washington (D. C.): United States Institute of Peace Press, cop. 2013. Str. 155-201. Central European studies.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Migrations in history. V: ISAACS, Ann Katherine (ur.). Immigration and emigration in historical perspective. Pisa: Edizioni Plus, cop. 2007. Str. [28]-54. Migration, 1.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, MRĐENOVIĆ, Milan, ŠERUGA, Tadej. Politična participacija slovenskih etničnih skupnosti v ZDA : študija primerov Clevelanda, Ohio, in Elyja, Minnesota. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze, 2020. 486 str., ilustr. Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 140.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, ŠERUGA, Tadej. Pregled zgodovine slovenske skupnosti v Elyju, Minnesota. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze, 2019. 426 str., ilustr. Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 132.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, MAVER, Aleš. Izbrana poglavja iz zgodovine selitev od začetkov do danes. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze, 2017. 274 str., ilustr. Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 124.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Zgodovina skupnosti slovenskih Američanov v Pueblu, Kolorado. Maribor: Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta; Ljubljana: Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, 2011. 353 str., ilustr., tabele. Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 79, Ethnicity, 13.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, KLEMENČIČ, Vladimir. Die Kärntner Slowenen und die Zweite Republik : zwischen Assimilierungsdruck und dem Einsatz für die Umsetzung der Minderheitenrechte. Celovec; Ljubljana; Dunaj: Mohorjeva; = Klagenfurt; Laibach; Wien: Hermagoras, cop. 2010. 666 str., ilustr., zvd.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž, ŽAGAR, Mitja. The former Yugoslavia's diverse peoples : a reference sourcebook. Santa Barbara, Ca.: ABC-CLIO, 2004. XX, 426 str., ilustr. Ethnic diversity within nations.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Jurij Trunk med Koroško in Združenimi državami Amerike ter zgodovina slovenskih naselbin v Leadvillu, Kolorado, in v San Franciscu, Kalifornija. Celovec; Ljubljana; Dunaj: Mohorjeva založba, 1999. 509 str., [8] str. barvnih pril., ilustr.
KLEMENČIČ, Matjaž. Slovenes of Cleveland : the creation of a new nation and a new world community Slovenia and the Slovenes of Cleveland, Ohio. Novo mesto: Tiskarna Novo mesto, Dolenjska založba; Ljubljana: Scientific Institute of the Faculty of Arts, 1995. XXIV, 414 str., ilustr. Seidl's set of books, book 14.

Več gl./For more look: https://bib.cobiss.net/bibliographies/si/webBiblio/bib201_20221216_092439_08423.html