Language and literature in the digital world
Objectives and competences
This course aims to make students familiar with Slovenian dialects (including Slovenian dialects in Austria, Italy and Hungary). It will concentrate, in particular, on the analysis of phonology of individual dialects. Students will be acquainted with the modern phonetic transcription of spoken dialects. Familiarity with the specific linguistic features of particular dialect groups will enable them to enhance their knowledge and usage of the stress patterns of literary Slovene needed for teaching jobs.
This is an introductory course, so no special knowledge is required. Yet the students are expected to have some background in history of the Slovenian language, phonetics and phonology, morphology and syntax.
A synchronous profile of Slovenian dialects will be supplemented with the study of the diachronic aspects of linguistic phenomena. Students examine linguistic and non-linguistic factors that led to the formation of Slovenian dialects.
They are introduced to the concepts of dialect group, dialect, isoglose, isophone, isomorph and isolex.
They learn about the national Slovenian dialectological transcription.
By studying various dialectal texts they become familiar with the characteristics of particular dialect groups and dialects, especially in phonology.
Students become familiar with the concept of interference (linguistic acquisition) on all linguistic levels.
• T. Logar: Slovenska narečja. Ljubljana, 1975, 1993.
• T. Logar: Dialektološke in jezikovnozgodovinske razprave. Ljubljana, 1996.
• F. Ramovš: Historična gramatika slovenskega jezika VII. Dialekti. Ljubljana, 1935
• J. Rigler: Južnonotranjski govori. Akcent in glasoslovje govorov med Snežnikom in Slavnikom. SAZU, 1963.
• Z. Zorko: Narečna podoba Dravske doline. Maribor: Kulturni forum, 1995
• R. Benacchio: Oblikoslovno-skladenjske posebnosti rezijanščine. SR 46, 249-260.
Intended learning outcomes
Students understand the development of Slovenian language from Proto-Slavic period to level the contemporary dialects. They get acquainted will the phases of development of Slovenian dialects and the basic features of all Slovenian dialectal groups.
Using the knowledge acquired in lectures, the student records and analyses one of the Slovenian speeches (which may be his/her own speech) at all linguistic levels, learning the basic characteristics of the speech and the dialect to which it belongs, and is able to describe the development of the speech throughout history, using the theoretical knowledge acquired in lectures and his/her own study of the relevant literature. The student is also able to describe the development of the speech in the course of history.
Seminar (50%), exam (50%).
Lecturer's references
Danila Zuljan Kumar is associate professor of linguistics at the School of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica and a research associate at ZRC SAZU's Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language. Her research topics include Slovene dialectology, sociolinguistics and geolinguistics. She is the co-auhor of Slovene Linguis-tic Atlases 1, 2, and 3, author of two and co-editor of several scientific monographs.
• ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila. Change in the discursive practices of bilingual speakers after moving to a monolingual environment. Razprave in gradivo : revija za narodnostna vprašanja. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, no. 88, str. 67-85.
• ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila. V: SCETTI, Fabio (ur.), et al. Vitalité sociolinguistique des langues des massifs montagneux : Alpes et Caucase. 1re éd. Roma: Aracne, 2022. Str. 263-283, zvd., fotogr. Lingue dʼEuropa e del Mediterraneo, 17, Sezione 4, Sociolinguistica.
• ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila. Identity and discursive practices of Friulians and Slovenes in the Province of Udine, Italy, in recent decades. Dialectologia : revista electrònica. 2020, nr. 24, str. 273-296.
• ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila, LEGAN RAVNIKAR, Andreja (urednik). Skladnja nadiškega in briškega narečja. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2022. 201 str.
• ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila. Identity changes in the Slovenian and Friulian linguistic communities in the Province of Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. European Countryside. 2018, vol. 10, no. 1, str. 141-157.
• ŠKOFIC, Jožica, GOSTENČNIK, Januška, HAZLER, Vito, JAKOP, Tjaša, KENDA-JEŽ, Karmen, KUMIN HORVAT, Mojca, NARTNIK, Vlado, PAHOR, Nina, SMOLE, Vera, ŠEKLI, Matej, ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila, ŠKOFIC, Jožica (urednik), KENDA-JEŽ, Karmen (urednik), KUMIN HORVAT, Mojca (urednik), ŠEKLI, Matej (urednik), PAHOR, Nina (urednik). Slovenski lingvistični atlas. 3, Kmetovanje. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2023. 2 zv. Zbirka Jezikovni atlasi.
• ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila (urednik), KOLENC, Petra (urednik). Saggi scelti sulla storia, sulla lingua e sulla società slovena al confine italo-sloveno. 1a ed. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC; Udine: Kappa Vu, 2022. 166 str.
• ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila. I dialetti sloveni lungo il confine linguistico slavo-romanzo = I dialets slovens fevelâts dilunc dal confin linguistic sloven-romanç. V: ZULJAN KUMAR, Danila (ur.), KOLENC, Petra (ur.). Saggi scelti sulla storia, sulla lingua e sulla società slovena al confine italo-sloveno. 1a ed. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC; Udine: Kappa Vu, 2022. Str. 29-47.