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Soft skills for career development

This course is part of the programme
Master’s study programme Environment (second cycle)

Objectives and competences

The main objective of the course is to help students improve skills such as written and oral communication, public speaking and group work.


No prior knowledge or skills are required.


The course is intended for letting the students train the skills that could help their career development. Students will hone their communication skills (writing scientific and popular articles, preparing reports etc.) in practical ways. They will practice presenting scientific topics in different ways, depending on the target audience. By filming the student presentations and later analysing their work, we will improve their public speaking skills. Basics of rhetoric will be presented. Part of the learning will take place in the form of role-plays in different situations (work interview, TV interview, round table…) Group work will be practiced by tasks the students will have to work on together (preparing a draft project proposal). The principles of project management will be introduced.

Intended learning outcomes

After taking the course, the students will be able to:
• present scientific works to the scientific and lay public
• present themselves and their work to potential employers
• draft project proposals
• work in groups


  • ALLEY, Michael. The craft of scientific presentations : critical steps to succeed and critical errors to avoid . 2nd ed. New York : Springer, 2013. 286 str. Catalogue E-version
  • WETHERBE, James C. Veščine sporazumevanja. Ljubljana : Orbis, založba poslovnih uspešnic, 2005. 176 str. Catalogue
  • MAURYA, Ash, Delaj vitko, Založba Pasadena d. o. o., 2014. 214 str. E-version


Presentations (three per student) (30%), draft project proposal (one per group) (30%) and final exam (40%)

Lecturer's references

Doc. ddr. Marko Šetinc je habilitiran za področje okoljskih študij na programu Ekoremediacije na AMEU / Assistant Professor in field of Environmental study at programme Economics of Environmental Protection, AMEU Maribor.