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Geography and Environment

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle)

Objectives and competences

• knows, understands and evaluates basic natural- and socio- geographical features, phenomena and processes in space;
• recognizes a holistic view of the landscape;
• is aware of the diversity of natural and social landscapes;
• knows how to diagnose the landscape and recognizes the sensitivity of the landscape;
• recognizes the key challenges of sustainable development;
• values the spatial and social aspects of climate change with a cause-and-effect and complex understanding;
• recognizes the consequences of social activities (traffic, settlement, tourism, etc.) in the area;
• critically evaluates the current patterns of spatial and social development in Slovenia and in a broader area;
• innterconnects acquired geographical knowledge in determining and understanding processes and sources of air pollution.


The students are required to have basic knowledge of geography and environment protection.


Planet and geosphere (human, society, bio- and geo-sphere)
The term landscape – spatial divisions, understanding environmental interactions, the interplay of landscape elements;
Presentation of a geographical (holistic) view of space;
Basics of geography - getting to know the natural and socio-geographic properties of space;
Society and space;
Attitude towards space;
Spatial aspects of climate change and landscape vulnerability (mountain, lowland landscapes, urban environment);
Landscape aspects of climate change adaptation and mitigation;
Geographical aspects of sustainable development and sustainable spatial management;
Selected topics: natural disasters;
Selected social activities and their impact on the geo-sphere: settlement, tourism, transport, agriculture;
Selected chapters from human ecology:
society's attitude to the environment and the transfer of ecosystem mechanisms to sociogeographical processes;
social perception of nature / environment over time;
Geodiversity and biodiversity as starting points of sustainable development;

Sources of air pollution and their determination.

1. Review of available databases (spatial and other) and their use for geographic analysis in open source GIS programs (basic analysis).
2. Measurement methods and source apportionment of air pollution with practical exercises in the open source program EPA PMF 5.0.
Field work consists of the following forms:
1. excursions where we look at examples of interventions in space, visit the main actors and evaluate the spatial and social consequences;
2. Visiting individual regions and recognizing their natural and socio-geographic characteristics (e.g. cities, mountain landscapes, rural areas, ...).
3. Diagnosing the landscape and identifying its basic determinants (natural- and socio-geographical).
Geographical field practicum: getting to know the basics of natural and sociogeographic methods of field research (e.g. studying natural disasters, degraded areas, spatial development planning, surveying).

Intended learning outcomes

Students learn to recognize the basic natural- and socio- geographical features of space;
Students establish a holistic view of space and landscape
Students learn to value the regional sensitivity and vulnerability of space;
Students get to know and evaluate sustainable practices in the functioning of ecosystems and their transfer to functioning of social systems;
Students identify the key spatial challenges of sustainable development and evaluate unsustainable current and past practices;
Students learn about regional vulnerability to climate change and critically evaluate the impact of social activities on it;
Students learn about climate resilience practices of individual social activities;
Students learn to identify processes and sources of air pollution and learn about methods for their determination.


Examination 75%, colloquium on exercises 25%

Lecturer's references

CIGALE, Dejan, LAMPIČ, Barbara, OGRIN, Matej, PLUT, Dušan, REBERNIK, Dejan, ŠPES, Metka, VINTAR MALLY, Katja, CETKOVSKÝ, Stanislav, KALLABOVÁ, Eva, MIKULÍK, Oldřich, VAISHAR, Antonín, ZAPLETALOVÁ, Jana. Sustainable development of small towns a Slovenian-Moravian comparative methodological approach. Moravian geographical reports. 2006, vol. 14, no. 1, str. 17-28.

BREZINA, Tadej (avtor, fotograf), TIRAN, Jernej (avtor, kartograf), OGRIN, Matej, LAA, Barbara. COVID-19 impact on daily mobility in Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica. 2021, 61, št. 2, str. 91-107, DOI: 10.3986/AGS.9390.

OGRIN, Matej, KOZAMERNIK, Erika. Vertical precipitation gradients : a case study of Alpine valleys of northwestern Slovenia. Theoretical and applied climatology. 2020, vol. 140, issue 1/2, str. 401-409, https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00704-019-03051-z.pdf, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-019-03051-z.

STRLE, Danijela, OGRIN, Matej. Five different types of lowered snow line in alpine valleys. Journal of mountain science. Jan. 2022, vol. 19, issue 1, str. 73-84, ilustr. ISSN 1993-0321. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11629-020-6237-6, DOI: 10.1007/s11629-020-6237-6.

OGRIN, Matej, SVETLIN, Domen, STEFANOVSKI, Sašo, LAMPIČ, Barbara. Assessment of winter urban heat island in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Meteorology. 2023, vol. 2, issue 2, str. 222-238, https://www.mdpi.com/2674-0494/2/2/14, DOI: 10.3390/meteorology2020014.

GLOJEK, Kristina, GREGORIČ, Asta, MOČNIK, Griša, CUESTA-MOSQUERA, Andrea, WIEDENSOHLER, A., DRINOVEC, Luka, OGRIN, Matej. Hidden black carbon air pollution in hilly rural areas : a case study of Dinaric depression. European journal of geography. 2020, vol. 11, iss. 2, str. 105-122http://www.eurogeographyjournal.eu/articles/07_GLOJEK_105_122.pdf, https://repozitorij.ung.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=6097, DOI: 10.48088/ejg.k.glo.

GLOJEK, Kristina, GREGORIČ, Asta, OGRIN, Matej. Onesnaženost zraka s črnim ogljikom : študija primera iz Loškega Potoka = Black carbon air pollution : case study of Loški Potok. Dela. 2018, [št.] 50, str. 5-43, https://revije.ff.uni-lj.si/Dela/article/view/8418/8523, http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-OVVD1EPB, DOI: 10.4312/dela.50.5-43.

OGRIN, Matej, NIKOLIĆ, Gojko, OGRIN, Darko, TROBEC, Tajan. An investigation of winter minimum temperatures in the mountains of Montenegro : a case study from the karst depression of Valoviti Do and selected mountain stations of northern Montenegro. Geographica Pannonica : international scientific journal. 2018, vol. 22, issue 4, str. 241-252, http://www.dgt.uns.ac.rs/pannonica/papers/volume22_4_2.pdf, DOI: 10.5937/gp22-18017.
VINTAR MALLY, Katja, OGRIN, Matej. Spatial variations in nitrogen dioxide concentrations in urban Ljubljana, Slovenia. Moravian geographical reports. 2015, vol. 23, no. 3, str. 27-35, zvd., grafični prikazi, fotogr. ISSN 1210-8812. http://www.geonika.cz/EN/research/ENMGRClanky/2015_3_VINTAR.pdf, DOI: 10.1515/mgr-2015-0015.

MIKŠA, Peter, OGRIN, Matej (avtor, fotograf), GLOJEK, Kristina. Od kod gorska identiteta Slovencev?. Geografski obzornik : časopis za geografsko vzgojo in izobraževanje. 2017, letn. 64, št. 3/4, str. 10-28, http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-3HVRM3CK.