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Environmental Impact Assessment

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle)

Objectives and competences

To prepare students to work with legislation and project planning pertaining to EIA at national, EU and international levels.


The subject is related and complementary to the base objectives of: The Fundamentals of Environmental Science, Ecology, Environment and Society, Environmental Economics, Nature Protection and Agriculture and the Environment.


• Introduction (basic concepts, aims and history of EIA, procedures, applications and limits of EIA, legislative framework)
• EIA as a mechanism of environment protection (principles and aims of environment protection, role of EIA in administrative procedures, examples of good and bad practices)
• EIA reporting (format and content of the report, presentation of results, validity and applicability of reports)
• EIA and planning (strategic environmental assessment, spatial – protective planning, role of EIA in economic planning)
• Administrative aspects of EIA (legislation, guidelines and administrative procedures, standards, participants in the procedures, auditing, community participation)

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
At the conclusion of the course the students should be able to:
• appreciate the purpose and role of EIA in the decision-making process;
• be aware of the technical and social/political limitations of EIA;
• be aware of the administration and procedures that apply in the student’s jurisdiction;
• be aware of the options for estimating environmental and social impacts;
• know the format of an EIA Report (Environmental Impact Statement, Environmental Statement);
• appreciate the issues that affect the quality of the EIA Report;
• be aware of the purpose of developing follow-up procedures, and the options for designing these procedures.


John Glasson, Riki Therivel, Andrew Chadwick. 2007. Introduction to environmental impact assessment. Routledge, 423 str. Catalogue E-version


Attendance & participation (20 %), group project work (40 %), written examination (40 %)

Lecturer's references

Lecturer in the field of Environment at University of Nova Gorica.

  1. MATKO, Maruša, GOLOBIČ, Mojca, KONTIĆ, Branko. Reducing risks to electric power infrastructure due to extreme weather events by means of spatial planning : case studies from Slovenia. Utilities policy. [Print ed.]. 2017, vol. 44, str. 12-24. ISSN 0957-1787. DOI: 10.1016/j.jup.2016.10.007. [COBISS.SI-ID 30086183]

  2. MATKO, Maruša. Obravnava tveganj, povezanih z izrednimi vremenskimi dogodki, pri načrtovanju elektroenergetske infrastrukture : doktorska disertacija = Consideration of risks connected to extreme weather events in planning of electric energy infrastructure : doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana: [M. Matko], 2018. XV, 142, [34] f., ilustr., zvd. https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=101202&lang=slv, Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - dLib.si. [COBISS.SI-ID 921207]

  3. KONTIĆ, Branko, MATKO, Maruša. Adapting to climate change in the energy system in Slovenia. V: STANKEVICIUTE, Loreta (ur.). Adapting the energy sector to climate change. Vienna: IAEA = International Atomic Agency, 2019. Str. 103-116. ISBN 978-92-0-100919-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 32655655]

  4. KONTIĆ, Branko, BIZJAK, Tine, KONTIĆ, Davor, MATKO, Maruša. Overview of key topics in policy and practice in the environment, climate and health nexus, in current policy programs, research agendas and future outlook studies. Volume 1. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2019. 48 str. HERA - Heath Environment Research Agenda for Europe. [COBISS.SI-ID 32609063]

  5. KONTIĆ, Branko, BIZJAK, Tine, KONTIĆ, Davor, MATKO, Maruša. Overview of key topics in policy and practice in the environment, climate and health nexus, in current policy programs, research agendas and future outlook studies. Volume 2. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2019. 177 str. HERA - Heath Environment Research Agenda for Europe. [COBISS.SI-ID 32609319]