Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle)
Objectives and competences
• The ability to use the statistic for data analysis
• The knowledge in the field of measurements' uncetainity estimation
• The development of skills needed for problems' solving in the field of problem's understanding, finding the appropriate data, solving planning, solving, results' checking and received data analysis
Secondary-school knowledge of mathematics
h1. 1. Descriptive statistics
• Basic definitions
• Measures of location
• Histogram
• Bar chart
• Time diagram
h1. 2. Probability
• Basic definitions
• Conditional probability
• Total probability
h1. 3. Distributions
• Stationary
• Poisson
• Normal
• Eksponential
h1. 4. Measurements and their uncertainity
• Data collection, strategies
• Sources of the measurement uncertanities
• Propagation of the measurement uncertanities
h1. 5. Parameters’ estimation
• Estimators
• Confidence interval
h1. 6. Hyphotesis test
• Hyphotesis test for the mean
• Hyphotesis test for the variance
• Hyphotesis test for difference between mean
h1. 7. Comparison of two population
• Two independance samples
• Two dependance samples
h1. 8. Variance analysis
• Basic
• Tukey’s test
h1. 9. Linear regression
• Linear diferencial equation of the first order
• Linear diferencial equation of the second order with the constant coefficients
Intended learning outcomes
By the end of this course students will be able to:
• select an appropriate statistical method for the analysis of a given dataset and provide its interpretation,
• calculate statistical parameters (expected value, average, variance, median, standard deviation, etc.),
• determine the probability of an event.
• A. Vadnjal, Elementarni uvod v verjetnostni račun, DZS, Ljubljana, 1979. Catalogue
• M. Omladič, V. Omladič, Matematika in denar, Knjižnica Sigma, DMFA, Ljubljana, 1995.
• M. Omladič, D. Kobal, M. Jerman, Poslovna matematika, Visoka strokovna šola za podjetništvo, Portorož, 2002.
• D. C. Montgomery in G. C. Runger, Applied statistics and probability for engineers, 2nd ed., Wiley, New Cork, 1999. Catalogue E-version
• J. Devore, Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 6th Ed., Thomson, Belmont, 2004. E-version
Written examination (100 %)
Lecturer's references
Prof. dr. Dorota Korte is an assiociate professor of Physics at the University of Nova Gorica.
Principal education and research areas: physics, materials’ analysis, lasers’ methods
Professional career:
Associate Prof. Dr. Dorota Korte received her PhD in physics in 2006 at the Technica University of Silesia in Poland. Her researech work started in 2007 at the Technical Univeristy of Silesia in Poland, where she was employed as an assistant for one year and three years as an assistant profesor. Since June 2008 she has been working at the Univeristy of Nova Gorica. She is a lecturer of Physics at the School of Viticulture and Enology, and a lecturer of Statistics at the School of Engineering and Management and at the School of Environmental Sciences.
Selected bibliography:
BARRECA, Davide, CARRARO, Giorgio, GASPAROTTO, Alberto, MACCATO, Chiara, ROSSI, Francesca, SALVIATI, Giancarlo, TALLARIDA, Massimo, DAS, Chittaranjan, FRESNO, Fernando, KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, FRANKO, Mladen, SCHMEISSER, Dieter. Surface functionalization of nanostructured Fe [sub] 2 O [sub] 3 polymorphs : from design to light-activated applications. ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8244. [Print ed.], 2013, vol. 5, no. 15, str. 7130-7138, doi: 10.1021/am401475g. [COBISS.SI-ID 2875387]
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, PAVLICA, Egon, BRATINA, Gvido, FRANKO, Mladen. Characterization of pure and modified TiO [sub] 2 layer on glass and aluminum support by beam deflection spectrometry. International journal of thermophysics, ISSN 0195-928X, 11 str., doi: 10.1007/s10765-013-1538-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 2979067]
LIU, Mingqiang, KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, FRANKO, Mladen. Theoretical description of thermal lens spectrometry in micro space. Journal of applied physics, ISSN 0021-8979, 2012, vol. 111, no. 3, str. 033109-1-033109-12. [COBISS.SI-ID 2156283]
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, BRUZZONITI, Maria Concetta, SARZANINI, Corrado, FRANKO, Mladen. Influence of foreign ions on determination of ionic Ag in water by formation of nanoparticles in a FIA-TLS system. V: First International Conference IC-ANMBES 2010, Brasov, Romania, 18. - 20. 6. 2010, (Analytical letters, ISSN 0003-2719, vol. 44, no. 18). New York: M. Dekker, 2011, vol. 44, no. 18, str. 2901-2910. [COBISS.SI-ID 2054651]
tipologija 1.08 -> 1.01 -
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, BRUZZONITI, Maria Concetta, SARZANINI, Corrado, FRANKO, Mladen. Thermal lens spectrometric determination of colloidal and ionic silver in water. V: Selected papers presented at the 15th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Thermal Wave Methods and the 6th Workshop on Molecular Acoustics, Relaxation and Calorimetric Methods, (International journal of thermophysics, ISSN 0195-928X, vol. 32, no. 4). Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, vol. 32, no. 4, str. 818-827, doi: 10.1007/s10765-010-0856-z. [COBISS.SI-ID 1635323]
tipologija 1.08 -> 1.01 -
BRUZZONITI, Maria Concetta, KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, FRANKO, Mladen, SARZANINI, Corrado. Flow injection method for the determination of silver concentration in drinking water for spacecrafts. Analytica chimica acta, ISSN 0003-2670. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 665, str. 69-73. [COBISS.SI-ID 1456123]
KAŹMIERCZAK-BALATA, Anna, BODZENTA, Jerzy, KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, MAZUR, Jacek, GOŁASZEWSKA, Krystyna, KAMIŃSKA, Eliana, PIOTROWSKA, Anna. Determination of thermal conductivity of thin layers used as transparent contacts and antireflection coatings with a photothermal method. Applied optics, ISSN 0003-6935, 2009, vol. 48, no. 7, str. C74-C80. [COBISS.SI-ID 1238523]
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, BUKOWSKI, Roman J., BODZENTA, Jerzy, KOCHOWSKI, Stanislaw, KAŹMIERCZAK-BALATA, Anna. Detector effects in photothermal deflection experiments. Applied optics, ISSN 0003-6935, 2008, vol. 47, no. 10, str. 1559-1566. [COBISS.SI-ID 1238267]
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, BUKOWSKI, Roman J., BODZENTA, Jerzy, KOCHOWSKI, Stanislaw. Thermal parameters of solids determination by the photodeflection method : theories and experiment comparison. Optica Applicata, ISSN 0078-5466, 2008, vol. 38, no. 2, str. 445-458. [COBISS.SI-ID 1237499]
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, BUKOWSKI, Roman J., BURAK, Bogusław, BODZENTA, Jerzy, KOCHOWSKI, Stanislaw. Photodeflection signal formation in photothermal measurements : comparison of the complex ray theory, the ray theory, the wave theory, and experimental results. Applied optics, ISSN 0003-6935, 2007, vol. 46, no. 22, str. 5216-5227. [COBISS.SI-ID 1237755]
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota. Comparison of theories describing the photodeflection detection in photothermal experiments : the complex geometrical optics, the ray model and the wave geometrical optics. V: BODZENTA, Jerzy (ur.), DZIDA, M. (ur.), PUSTELNY, T. (ur.). 35th Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics, W&QA, Ustroń, Poland, 27 February-3 March, 2006, (Journal de physique, IV, Proceedings, vol. 137). Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, 2006, vol. 137, str. 297-303. html, doi: 10.1051/jp4:2006137058. [COBISS.SI-ID 1646587]
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KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, BUKOWSKI, Roman J., BURAK, Bogusław, BODZENTA, Jerzy. Experimental verification of theory of photodeflection detection based on complex geometrical optics. V: BODZENTA, Jerzy (ur.), DZIDA, M. (ur.), PUSTELNY, T. (ur.). 35th Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics, W&QA, Ustroń, Poland, 27 February-3 March, 2006, (Journal de physique, IV, Proceedings, vol. 137). Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, 2006, vol. 137, str. 305-308. html, doi: 10.1051/jp4:2006137059. [COBISS.SI-ID 1646843]
tipologija 1.08 -> 1.01 -
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, BUKOWSKI, Roman J., BURAK, Bogusław, BODZENTA, Jerzy, KOCHOWSKI, Stanislaw. The complex ray theory of photodeflection signal formation : comparison with the ray theory and the experimental results. Journal of applied physics, ISSN 0021-8979, 2006, vol. 100, no. 6, str. 063501-1-063501-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 1238011]
KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota, BUKOWSKI, Roman J., BURAK, Bogusław, KOCHOWSKI, Stanislaw. Gaussian optical beam propagation in thermal wave field : the ray theory, the complex ray theory and experimental results. V: BĹACHOWICZ, T. (ur.), BODZENTA, Jerzy (ur.), PUSTELNY, T. (ur.). 34th Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics, Ustroń, Poland, 28 February-4 March, 2005, (Journal de physique, IV, Proceedings, vol. 129). Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, 2005, vol. 129, str. 231-236. html, doi: 10.1051/jp4:2005129047. [COBISS.SI-ID 1646331]
tipologija 1.08 -> 1.01 -
BUKOWSKI, Roman J., KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota. Deflective signal analysis in photothermal measurements in the frame of complex geometrical optics. Optica Applicata, ISSN 0078-5466, 2005, vol. 35, no. 1, str. 77-97. [COBISS.SI-ID 1237243]
BUKOWSKI, Roman J., KORTE KOBYLINSKA, Dorota. Perturbation calculus for eikonal application to analysis of the deflectional signal in photothermal measurements. Optica Applicata, ISSN 0078-5466, 2002, vol. 32, no. 4, str. 817-828. [COBISS.SI-ID 1239291]