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This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle)

Objectives and competences

The main aim of the course is to present the water cycle on and under the Earth's surface. Students must understand the characteristics of the appearance of water and the hidrologic cycle processes. The course focuses on groundwaters, which represent the most important source of drinking water in Slovenia. The quality and quantity of water available for various purposes are of great importance. Students develop the skills to identify and understand various ways of water's appearance and flow. Students are acquainted with various research methods and are able to use them to solve practical problems. Knowledge of hidrology is essential for the sustainable management of water sources.


The course Hidrology represents a basis for understanding the courses covering water pollution and water sources management. To understand the course content, a prerequisite knowledge of mathematics, statistics, physics and chemistry is required.


• Overview of the course content
• Characteristics of water and natural water cycle
• Basic terms used in hidrometerology
• Precipitation and evapotranspiration
• Hidrographic, hidrologic and hidrogeological pools
• Surface flow and hidrologic measurements
• Infiltration
• Hidrogeological characteristics of sediments and rocks
• Acquifiers
• Groundwater outflow
• Water balance
• Karst hidrology
• Statistical methods and hidrologic modelling
• Hidrogeochemistry
• Pollution and water protection
• Water sources management

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
• Students know basic terms used in hidrology;
• students understand the principle of water flow in the nature;
• students understand the structure and activities of various types of acquifiers;
• students know basic methods for measuring and analysing hidrologic parameters;
• students understand the importance of water sources and know how to adequately protect them.



  • Brilly, M., Šraj, M.: Osnove hidrologije. Ljubljana: FGG, 2000. Catalogue


• Dingman, S.L.: Physical Hydrology. Third Edition.- Waveland Press Inc., Long Grove, Illinois, 2014. E-version
• Younger, P.L.: Groundwater in the Environment. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK & Malden, Massachusetts, 2007. Catalogue E-version
• Hydrological and meteorological data: www.arso.gov.si, www.meteo.si.


Written examination (70%), colloquium from exercise part (30%)

Lecturer's references

Full Professor in the field of karstology at the University of Nova Gorica

JEMCOV, Igor, PETRIČ, Metka. Measured precipitation vs. effective infiltration and their influence on the assessment of karst systems based on results of the time series analysis. Journal of Hydrology, ISSN 0022-1694. [Print ed.], 2009, 3-4, vol. 379, str. 304-314, graf. prikazi. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.10.016, doi: doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.10.016. [COBISS.SI-ID 30775085].

KOGOVŠEK, Janja, PETRIČ, Metka. Increase of vulnerability of karst aquifers due to leakage from landfills. V: THANH TRAN, Hai (ur.). Geokarst hazards : international symposium on geology, natural resources and hazards in karst regions (GEOKARST 2009), Hanoi, Vietnam, on November 12-15, 2009, (Environmental Earth Sciences, ISSN 1866-6280). Heidelberg: Springer, 2013, vol. 70, issue 2, str. 901-912, ilustr. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12665-012-2180-3/fulltext.html, doi: 10.1007/s12665-012-2180-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 35956269].

PETRIČ, Metka. Characterization, exploitation, and protection of the Malenščica karst spring, Slovenia : case study. V: KREŠIĆ, Neven (ur.), STEVANOVIĆ, Zoran (ur.). Groundwater hydrology of springs : engineering, theory, management, and sustainability. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, cop. 2010, str. 428-441, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 31034157].

RAVBAR, Nataša, BARBERÁ, Juan Antonio, PETRIČ, Metka, KOGOVŠEK, Janja, ANDREO NAVARRO, Bartolomé. The study of hydrodynamic behaviour of a complex karst system under low-flow conditions using natural and artificial tracers (the catchment of the Unica River, SW Slovenia). Environmental earth sciences, ISSN 1866-6280, 2012, vol. 65, no. 8, str. 2259-2272, ilustr. http://www.springerlink.com/content/1866-6280/65/8/, doi: 10.1007/s12665-012-1523-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 34045741].

DOCTOR, Daniel H., ALEXANDER, E. C., PETRIČ, Metka, KOGOVŠEK, Janja, URBANC, Janko, LOJEN, Sonja, STICHLER, Wilibald (z enoto povezano ime). Quantification of Karst aquifer discharge components during storm events through end-member mixing analysis using natural chemistry and stable isotopesas tracers. Hydrogeology journal, ISSN 1431-2174, 2006, vol. 14, str. 1171-1191. [COBISS.SI-ID 20039207].