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Waste Treatment and Management

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle)

Objectives and competences

To provide students with a systematic overview waste types, the sources of waste generation and the techniques of waste treatment. The emphasis is placed on priority techniques for waste treatment (treatment, separation, material and energy recovery) prior to waste disposal. Waste and waste management are also defined in terms of the possible impacts on individual elements of the environment.




• Definition, types of waste and their characteristics
• Strategic guidelines, objectives of waste treatment and legal organization
• Waste collection
• Mechanical treatment of waste
• Biological treatment of waste (aerobic, anaerobic)
• Thermal treatment of waste (combustion and co-combustion, the use of waste as secondary fuels)
• Waste disposal (disposal criteria, landfill structure, disposal technologies, technical and legal restrictions, environmental protection)
• Recycling of metals, paper, glass and polymer materials
• Hazardous waste (criteria, sources, types and quantities of hazardous waste in the Republic of Slovenia)

Intended learning outcomes

Students will understand the organization and execution of waste treatment methods. They will be familiar with all basic processes and the structure of legal requirements. Based on the gained knowledge they will be able to participate in waste classification and the selection of appropriate procedures for their collection and treatment.


  • C. R. Rhyner, L. J. Schwartz, R. B. Wenger, M. G. Kohrell: Waste Management and Resource Recovery, CRC Press, N. W., 1995. Catalogue
  • D. L. Wise, D. J. Trantolo: Process Engineering for Pollution Control and Waste Minimization, Macel Dekker Inc., 1994.
  • H. F. Lund: The Recycling Handbook, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y., 1993. E-version
  • Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje E-version
  • Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor E-version


Seminar paper (20 %), written examination (40 %), oral examination (40 %)

Lecturer's references

Associate Professor of Environmental Protection at the University of Nova Gorica

  1. KRŽAN, Andrej. The new face of plastics : a dangerous nuisance?. V: 9th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies [also] ICIT & MPT, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 9th - 11th 2014. HANČIČ, Aleš (ur.), et al. Conference proceedings. Celje: TECOS, Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, 2014, str. 63-66. [COBISS.SI-ID 37292037]
  2. PALATINUS, Andreja, KRŽAN, Andrej, FORTE, Janez, PETERLIN, Monika. Odpadki v morju in prva ocena prisotnosti mikrodelcev plastike v slovenskem morju. Gospodarjenje z okoljem, ISSN 1855-3427, maj 2012, letn. 21, št. 82, str. 2-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 5853793]
  3. KOČEVAR, Gregor, KRŽAN, Andrej, BELIČIČ, Andrej. Predelava kompozitnega odpadka v osnovne plošče. V: VINTAR, Jelka (ur.), BUKOVNIK, Dejan. Inovativni potencial Slovenije! : [katalog prireditve]. Ljubljana: Javna agencija za podjetništvo in tuje investicije, 2008, str. 40. [COBISS.SI-ID 3908890]
  4. KRŽAN, Andrej, TREBŠE, Polonca, RODELA, Romina, TORKAR, Gregor, ŠPRAJCAR, Maša, ŠPRAJCAR, Maša (urednik). Priročnik o ravnanju z odpadki. Trst: Consorzio per l'AREA di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, 2014. 93 str., ilustr. http://www.tessischool.eu/wp-content/uploads/Prirocnik_o_ravnanju_z_odpadki.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 3354875]
  5. ŠPRAJCAR, Maša, HORVAT, Petra, KRŽAN, Andrej. Biopolimeri in bioplastika : plastika skladna z naravo : informacijsko-izobraževalno gradivo za profesorje in laborante kemije na osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Ljubljana: Kemijski inštitut, 2012. 30 str, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2781691]