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Nature Protection

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's programme in Environment (first cycle)

Objectives and competences

- develops understanding of nature conservation as three-dimensional activity (natural sciences, social sciences, management), which is basically a mental starting point for the implementation of the three pillars of sustainability - environmental, social and economic;
- understands that conservation is not only a natural science but also social science discipline with strong links to the developmental aspirations of humans;
- illuminates the importance of protecting the natural heritage for the development of a new paradigm in the relationship human-nature;
- knows how to explain the parallels and differences between environmental protection and nature conservation, which is presented as an object of multidisciplinary treatment of a wide range of aspects - from utilitarian to intrinsic.


Enrolled in the third year of study.


The basis of nature protection, nature conservation goals, aspects of reasoning nature protection (political, aesthetic, economic, scientific, ethical, intrinsic), three dimensional nature conservation as a scientific discipline, terminology and definitions (nature, environment, natural, heritage, biodiversity), a historical baseline of nature protection, milestones in the development of conservational thought in Slovenia, nature as a value, strategies for the conservation / protection of nature, the most important international organizations and documents in the field of nature protection, Slovenian legislation in the field of nature conservation, organization of nature protection in Slovenia, threats to nature in Slovenia, natural values - natural heritage, international categories, the legal framework for protection of natural values / heritage in Slovenia, nature conservation management, tourism and natural values, the integration of different sectors in the protection of nature.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
The student will gain sufficient knowledge and understanding conservational problems. The student will understand the fundamental objective of the programme is recognition and understanding of meaning nature and natural heritage have for our existence on Earth.
Use of knowledge:
(S)he will know how to use and justify gained knowledge and understanding on concrete examples from everyday life.
The student will especially develop critical and system thinking.


  • Berginc, M., Kremesec-Jevšenak, J., Vidic, J. 2007: Sistem varstva narave v Sloveniji, MOP, Ljubljana. (p.8-63.) E-version
  • Božič, L. (ur.) 2003: Mednarodno pomembna območja za ptice v Sloveniji, II. del, DOPPS, Ljubljana. (p.5-28) Catalogue E-version
  • Kirn, A. 1992: Ekološka (okoljska) etika. ARAM d.o.o., Maribor. (p. 5-29, p.41-43) Catalogue
  • Kryštufek, B. 1999: Osnove varstvene ekologije, TZS, Ljubljana. (p. 1-65). Catalogue
  • Selected articles from: Varstvo narave E-version, Journal of Nature Conservation E-version


• Case study – report (10%); Fieldwork report (10%); Written examination (80%)

Lecturer's references

Associate Professor for the field of Ecology at University of Ljubljana.