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Master's degree programme Leadership in Open Education

Study programme changes

  • 160th School Senate session on 25th October 2023: Change of the holder of elective course Serious Games - old holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Maja Pivec, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Chrissi Nerantzi (date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 15th November 2023, date of notification at NAKVIS: 14th December 2023).

  • 159th School Senate session on 6th September 2023: Change of the syllabus of the elective course Production of Educational Materials and change of the holders:
    • Compulsory course Introduction to Open Education - old holder: Prof. Dr. Tanja Urbančič, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Robert Schuwer.
    • Compulsory course Effective Didactical Practices in Open Education - old holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Veronika Dolar, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Olivier Jacobus Alwyn Kruger.
    • Compulsory course Individual Project - old holder: Prof. Dr. Tanja Urbančič, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Suzana Loshkovska.
    • Elective course Production of Educational Materials - old holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Veronika Dolar, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Chrissi Nerantzi.

Date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 20th September 2023, date of notification at NAKVIS: 17th October 2022.

  • 153rd School Senate session on 26th October 2022: Change of the holders:
    • Compulsory course Practicum in leadership skills for an inclusive knowledge society - old holder: Prof. Dr. Valerij Dermol, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Dominic Orr.
    • Elective course Open Education in Industry and Business - old holder: Prof. Dr. Valerij Dermol, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Veronika Dolar.

The changes are due to the health reasons of the previous holder. The new holders agree with the proposal (date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 23rd November 2022, date of notification at NAKVIS: 19th December 2022).

  • 153rd School Senate session on 26th October 2022: Pursuant to Articles 3 and 8 of the Act on Professional, Scientific and Artistic Titles, the professional titles of second-cycle master's study programmes in English are named as: Master of Science, M. Sc. (date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 23rd November 2022, date of notification at NAKVIS: 19th December 2022).

  • 152nd School Senate session on 31st August 2022: Changes in the implementation of the study programme:
    • The distribution of courses by semester is changed as follows:
      • In the first year, the course Technologies for Open Education is moved from the second to the first semester, and the course Open Education Design is moved from the first to the second semester.
      • In the second year, the course Open Education Policies is moved from the first to the second semester, and the course Open Education legal issues is moved from the second to the first semester.
    • The accredited combined delivery model, which provides for 10 weeks of on-site and 20 weeks of distance delivery, is complemented so that the 10 weeks of on-site delivery can be delivered in a hybrid mode. This means that all those who, for justified reasons, are unable to come to the on-site location within a given time interval shall be able to actively participate in all lectures and other study activities at a distance. The infrastructure and methods already in place for the online part of the programme ensure both technical and pedagogical adequacy, ensuring equal treatment and conditions for both groups of students (on-site and distance) and ensuring that all the objectives and standards set by the accreditation are met.
    • All exams and other assessments are conducted remotely for all students.
    • The above changes shall be integrated into the curricula of all subjects in a coherent manner.
    • The above changes are proposed as permanent, with effect from 1st October 2022.
    • Due to the specific situation in the academic year 2022/23, we propose to supplement this with a decision that applies only to mentioned academic year:
      • The first on-site lecture term (the first three weeks of the first semester) in the academic year 2022/23 will be held entirely remotely.
      • Explanatory statement:
        • The main reason for the proposed changes is to rationalise the implementation of the programme, as given the structure of the students, the presence of all students at the University's headquarters at four intervals is too restrictive for many, both because of professional commitments and because of the costs involved.
        • Academic experts of the Leadership in Open Education programme are experts in open learning, e-learning, pedagogy, technology support for education and other relevant fields, so they are not a team of "trained" distance providers who would have first got to grips with this during the COVID-19 epidemic, but experts who have all the competences to deliver in a hybrid mode. Nevertheless, we will ensure that implementation is of an appropriate quality level through regular exchange of experience and additional training where necessary.
        • In the already accredited version of the Leadership in Open Education programme, the majority of the programme (20 out of 30 weeks) is already remotely based, according to the approved design. We have all the infrastructure necessary for this and use pedagogical approaches suitable for distance learning. The hybrid mode itself has been tested extensively in the university during COVID-19 in the context of various study programmes. We have equipped our lecture rooms very well and introduced the MiTeam e-platform, which was specially adapted by the developers for our needs, into system use, both of which were presented live during the visit of the evaluation committee and NAKVIS representatives to the UNG site in Vipava on 21st October 2021. The decision explicitly stated that hybrid teaching is one of the important strengths of the institution (p. 13 of the Decision on the renewal of UNG's accreditation, received on 12th July 2022).
        • The mentioned infrastructure is also suitable and has been extensively tested for examinations and other forms of remote assessment.
        • We have developed an internationally relevant programme in partnership with UNESCO and experts from around the world. In addition to students from Slovenia, students from Tanzania, Namibia, Ghana, Egypt, Mauritius are also studying on this programme (last year we obtained sponsorship funds from the USA to cover tuition fees for students from the Global South), and this year we are expecting new students from Uganda, Lebanon, Bahrain, Serbia, North Macedonia, Ukraine, among others. The majority of these are people with several years of experience in education, including in management positions in education, some of whom have already completed other Masters programmes or even PhDs. They enrol with a clear and strong motivation, and we believe that the majority will participate and progress in the programme with the same commitment even in hybrid mode, whereas insisting on compulsory attendance at the university site would mean that many would not be able to participate in the studies.

Date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 14th September 2022, date of notification at NAKVIS: 7th October 2022.

  • 152nd School Senate session on 31st August 2022: Change in promotion conditions:
    • Current conditions: the student must have accumulated at least 48 ECTS from the first year of study, and must have passed the compulsory courses Introduction to Open Education, Open Education Strategies, Technologies for Open Education, and an appropriate number of other courses up to a total of at least 48 ECTS. Newly adopted conditions: the minimum of 48 ECTS from the first year is a condition for entry to the second year.
      • Explanatory statement: After discussion with the Academic experts of the above-mentioned courses and the second year courses, we have concluded that students who have accumulated 48 ECTS from the first year acquire sufficient competences to be able to join the second year and that the additional requirements are unnecessarily restrictive for the following reasons:
        • If a student does not acquire the competences of the course Introduction to Open Education, due to its vertical connection with other first year courses, he/she cannot practically achieve the 48 ECTS requirement and this shortfall is not reflected until the second year courses.
        • However, for the other two subjects, which are currently listed as a prerequisite for the second year, the vertical connection between the subjects can be taken into account by means of semester distribution. For example, it makes sense for students to take Open Education Strategies first and then Open Education Policies. If the first subject is placed in the first semester and the second in the second semester, the student can also take them in the appropriate order within the same academic year.
        • For students who enroll through passes, the requirement of recognised compulsory subjects is not included, only the number of points is relevant. We have had specific cases of students who had to take one of the courses mentioned in the prerequisite in the second year because it was not recognised on the basis of their previous programme. In practice, we have not observed any specific problem that would make it necessary to require stricter conditions.

Date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 14th September 2022, date of notification at NAKVIS: 7th October 2022.

  • 152nd School Senate session on 31st August 2022: Change of the holder of compulsory course Advanced Technologies for Open Education - old holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. John Shawe-Taylor, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Wayne Holmes. The changes occured due to overload or other liabilities of the old holder. The new holder agrees with the proposal (date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 14th September 2022, date of notification at NAKVIS: 7th October 2022).

  • 148th School Senate session on 16th February 2022: Change of the holder of compulsory course Open Education Policies - old holder: Prof. Dr. Cene Bavec, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Dominic Orr. The changes are due to the health reasons of the previous holder. The new holder agrees with the proposal (date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 9th March 2022, date of notification at NAKVIS: 11th March 2022).

  • 146th School Senate session on 27th October 2021: Change of the holder of compulsory course Open Education Design - old holder: Assist. Prof. Dr. Tanja Arh, new holder: Adj. Prof. Dr. Jako Olivier. The changes occured due to overload or other liabilities of the old holder. The new holder agrees with the proposal (date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 17th November 2021, date of notification at NAKVIS: 19th November 2021).

  • 146th School Senate session on 27th October 2021: All lectures and examinations of the study programme in the first semester of the academic year 2021/22 are conducted completely remotely. Due to the epidemiological situation and the structure of the students, the vast majority of whom are from distant countries with extremely low vaccination rates against COVID-19, the situation still does not allow the transition to the combined modality of the study programme as accredited (date of the confirmation of the decision at the UNG Senate: 17th November 2021, date of notification at NAKVIS: 19th November 2021).