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Master's Thesis

Objectives and competences

The final stage of the studies leading to the Master’ degree. The students present the results of their research work in oral and written forms.
The students demonstrate their capability of performing an autonomous research task and presenting it to a professional audience by taking into account the ethical principles of scientific work.


There are no prerequisites.


Student prepares a Master’s thesis in the field of open education. The topic is selected upon prior agreement with the mentor and has to be approved by the School Senate.

The application and approval of the topic of the Master’s thesis, its submission, defence and assessment, as well as the publication of its findings complies with the University of Nova Gorica regulations concerning procedure on how to apply and defend diploma and masters theses (available at: https://www.ung.si/en/university/regulations/).

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
• The students are able to autonomously dissect a scientific problem into separate manageable units.
• The students are capable of defining the important elements of a written work.
• The students are able to carefully describe and explain the results of the research work.
• The students are able to present the problems and solutions within a team in a clear way.
• The students are able to provide a critical assessment of the results obtained, as well as of the literature sources available.


Books, articles and other resources related to the topic of the Master's thesis.


The grade assigned to the Master’s thesis and its oral defence by the Committee consisting of the mentor, the Chair of the Study Committee, and another member of the Committee. Grades “pass” or “fail” are awarded. Master’s theses are assessed in accordance with the University of Nova Gorica regulations specifying procedure on how to apply and defend diploma and masters theses (available at: https://www.ung.si/en/university/regulations/).

Lecturer's references

All mentors possess adequate qualifications and references.