Development of innovative products and services
Master's degree programme Engineering and Management (second cycle)
Objectives and competences
General competences
• Ability of holistic thinking, analysis, synthesis, critical evaluation, forecasting in the field of development and implementation of the novelties
• The ability of practical application of acquired skills, methods and tools
• Ability to advocate own viewpoints and aptitude to develop critical dialogue.
Subject specific competences:
• ability to identify challenges,
• ability to create solutions,
• ability to protect the know-how,
• ability for the development and implementation of the inventions in praxis,
• ability to commercialise inventions.
• basic ability of Innovation Management in the organization
Basic knowledge on economy of companies, management, marketing as well as basic computer literacy.
• Innovation, entrepreneurship and innovation as a way of life
• Perception of opportunities, idea creation and selection, and demonstration of the invention
• Basics of open innovation in the innovation-development work
• Protecting ideas and intellectual property
• Research and development, innovation and entrepreneurial support
• Commercialization of knowledge, technology, ideas and know-how
• Slovenian and international support environment for the development and commercialization
• Basics of Innovation Management in the organization
Intended learning outcomes
a. Knowledge and Understanding:
Students will understand the invention-innovation process get familiar with basic methods for implementation.
b. Application:
Students will be able to connect theory, practical
experience and acquired skills in identifying challenges, creative problem solving and invention realisation.
c. Reflection:
Acquired the ability for creative reflection and judgment of the cause-effect sequence and analysis of the consequences of a decision regarding development and implementation of a novelty.
* Likar, B. 2006. Management inoviranja. 3. dopolnjena izdaja. Fakulteta za management, Koper. E-version
* Priročnik za izumitelje, Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino. E-version
* Tidd, Joe, in John Bessant. Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. 4th iz. Wiley, 2009. E-version
* Christiansen. J. 2000. Competitive innovation management. Macmillan Business.
Short coursework Active cooperation Project work 30/20/50
Lecturer's references
Borut Likar is a full professor and a senior researcher at the University of Primorska and a director of the Institute for Innovation and Technology . His work encompasses management of creativity, R&D, technology, and innovation processes in the field of educational system and industry. He is an innovator, initiator and the head of several successful R&D – national and EU projects as well as the author of countless patents, models and copyright works, which many proved to be extremely marketable. Among numerous lectures he has given, the talks at the United Nations’ headquarters in Geneva and at the European Parliament in Brussel were met with a particularly wide response.
Selected bibliography
LIKAR, Borut, CANKAR, Franc, ZUPAN, Blaž. 2015. Educational model for promoting creativity and innovation in primary schools. Systems research and behavioral science 32(2): 205–213.
GIDER, Franc, LIKAR, Borut, KERN, Tomaž, MIKLAVČIČ, Damijan. 2012. Implementation of a multidisciplinary professional skills course at an electrical engineering school. IEEE transactions on education 55(3): 332–340.
PAVLIČ, Miran, LIKAR, Borut, PAVLIČ, Alenka, MARKIČ, Mirko. 2011. Managing occupational injuries records in Slovenia from 1948 to 2008. Safety science 49(6): 834–842.
1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
LIKAR, Borut, ROPRET, Marko, FATUR, Peter, KOPAČ, Janez, ŠKAFAR, Maja. Innovation of low and medium-low processing industry : a reference innovation model. The business review, Cambridge, Summer 2012, vol. 20, no. 1, str. 159-165. [COBISS.SI-ID 4445655]
LIKAR, Borut, KOPAČ, Janez, MARKIČ, Mirko, KERN, Tomaž. Influencing indicators determination : precondition for successful inovation management in mechanical industry. Strojarstvo, mar.-apr. 2008, vol. 50, no. 2, str. 95-104, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3112919]
FATUR, Peter, LIKAR, Borut, ROPRET, Marko. Going open while innovating: does it pay?. Int. j. ind. eng. manag.. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 1, no. 3, str. 77-83, ilustr., tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 3872727]
2.01 Znanstvena monografija
LIKAR, Borut, MIKLAVČIČ, Damijan. Organisation and motivation of researchers in an interdisciplinary research team. V: KERN, Tomaž (ur.), RAJKOVIČ, Vladislav (ur.). People and sustainable organization. Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2011, str. 147-165, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 8715092]
LIKAR, Borut, FATUR, Peter. Managing innovation and R&D processes in EU environment. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Korona plus - Institute for Innovation and Technology, 2007. 128 str., ilustr. ISBN 961-90592-6-3. ISBN 978-961-90592-6-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 229682176]
1.16 Samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji
LIKAR, Borut. Inovativnost se ne bo "zgodila". V: VEHOVAR, Urban (ur.), DRAGOŠ, Srečo, HRIBERNIK, Aljaž, IGNJATOVIĆ, Miroljub, JAKLIČ, Marko, LIKAR, Borut, STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav, VEHOVAR, Urban. Neosocialna Slovenija : smo lahko socialna, obenem pa gospodarsko uspešna družba?, (Knjižnica Annales Ludus). Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales, 2010, str. 57-103. [COBISS.SI-ID 4169943]