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Production Information Systems

Objectives and competences

The primary goal of this course is to acquaint students with role of information systems in manufacturing and decision support in the intermediate segment between the physical level and business level.
The aim of the course are
• the students to become familiar with main control function on the manufacturing level
• to stress the importance of the information support to the production management
• to illustrate the concept with practical case studies.

The competences gained by students encompass:
• the ability to perform requirements analysis for manufacturing information systems
• the ability to configure simple applications
• systems applications and interpretation of results


Basics knowledge of computer science acquired at the undergraduate level.


  1. Introduction
  2. Data sources, acquisition, communication, display and storage
  3. MES systems
  4. Support to process monitoring
  5. Production planning
  6. Quality control
  7. Job schedulling
  8. Artificial Intelligenc in manufacturing and Industry 4.0

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
• basic knowledge of information systems and their relationship with manufacturing processes
• understanding of basic control functions on the production level,
• understanding the role of information support in production management as one of the pillars of efficient performance of the manufacturing systems


  • D. Gradišar, M- Glavan, G. Mušič, Đ. Juričić, Standardizacija proizvodnih informacijskih sistemov za potrebe izvedbe pametnih tovarn. 2017, Glasilo, feb. 2019, št. 4. str. 22-33. E-version
  • G. Mušič, Avtomatika, 2014, Založba FRI.
  • U. Benko. Uporaba sodobnih postopkov obdelave signalov pri diagnosticiranju tehničnih sistemov, doktorska disertacija, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Univerza v Ljubljani, 2007.
  • T. Vidmar, Informacijsko-komunikacijski sistem, 2002, Založba Pasadena

  • D. Galar, "E-maintenance: Essential Electronic Tools for Efficiency". 2017 Elsevier Inc. London.

  • T. Dunning, E. Friedman, "Time Series Databases: New Ways to Store and Access Data". 2014, O'Reilly Media. E-version
  • S. Strmčnik, Đ. Juričić (Eds.), "Case Studies in Control: Putting Theory to Work", 2013 Springer, London.
  • D. C. Montgomery, "Introduction to Statistical Quality Control", John Wiley & Sons, Inc. E-version
  • J. Kletti, R. Deisenroth, " MES Compendium: Perfect MES Solutions based on HYDRA", 2018, Springer.


Written exam 70%, Report on practical work 30%

Lecturer's references

Dr. Đani Juričić, full professor, hab. field electrical enginering
Principal education and research areas: System control, automatic fault detection and diagnosis, condition based maintenance, mathematical modelling, system identification, signal processing, technology transfer
Professional career: (1981-) Jožef Stefan Institute, research fellow since 2009 and deputy head of the Department of Systems and Control since 2011. Since 2008 part-time appointed at the Faculty of Engineering and Management, the University of Nova Gorica, since 2013 full professor in electrical engineering.
Publications and achievements: more than 350 publications of which almost 70 scientific journal papers, 12 professional and popular papers, more than 180 conference papers, 8 chapters in scientific books, 8 invited talks at the conferences, responsible person in 30 national and international research projects; 15 application projects, 5 awards, supervision of 14 diploma theses, 5 MSc theses and 9 PhD theses, member of 2 national and 3 international professional societies.

Selected bibliography

M. Stepančič, Đ. Juričić, P. Boškoski, Fault detection of fuel cell systems based on statistical assessment of impedance data. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, vol. 195, str. 76-85.
Đ. Juričić, P. Boškoski, B. Dolenc, Prognostics and health management of modern systems and components : recent developments and perspectives. Proceedings of abstracts, ETAI International Conference, 2018, str. 17. (Invited talk)
D. Vrečko, M. Nerat, D. Vrančić, G. Dolanc, B. Dolenc, B. Pregelj, F. Meyer, S.F. Au, R. Makkus, Đ. Juričić, Feedforward-feedback control of a solid oxide fuel cell power system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, vol. 43, no. 12, str. 6352-6363.
B. Dolenc, D. Vrečko, Đ. Juričić, A. Pohjoranta, C. Pianese, Online gas composition estimation in solid oxide fuel cell systems with anode off-gas recycle configuration, 2017, Journal of Power Sources, vol. 343, pp. 246-253.
M. Glavan, D. Gradišar, S. Invitto, I. Humar, Đ. Juričić, C. Pianese, D. Vrančić, Cost optimisation of supermarket refrigeration system with hybrid model. 2016, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 103, pp. 56-66.
M. Nerat, Đ. Juričić, A comprehensive 3-D modeling of a single planar solid oxide fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 3613-2627.
B. Dolenc, V. Vrečko, Đ. Juričić, A. Pohjoranta, C. Pianese, Online estimation of internal stack temperatures in solid oxide fuel cell power generating units. Journal of Power Sources, 2016, vol. 336, pp. 251-260.
B. Dolenc, P. Boškoski, Đ. Juričić, Distributed bearing fault diagnosis based on vibration analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, vol. 66/67, pp. 521-532.
P. Boškoski, Đ. Juričić, Inverse Gaussian mixtures models of bearing vibrations under local faults. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, vol. 66/67, pp. 546-556.
P. Boškoski, M. Gašperin, D. Petelin, Đ. Juričić, Bearing fault prognostics using Rényi entropy based features and Gaussian process models. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, vol. 52/53, pp. 327-337.
S. Strmčnik, Đ. Juričić (Eds.), "Case Studies in Control: Putting Theory to Work". Springer, 2013.