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Open Source Information Systems

Objectives and competences

The goal of the course is to get experience with the modern information systems based on open source. In contrast to commercially licensed software, the open source software is more flexible and provides an easy way to develop custom applications while using a wide spectrum of knowledge and open source tools. The students learn to use the Linux operating system and web, e-mail and database servers, as well as commercial applications, various desktop flavors and e-office.


Skils in using computers are required


  1. Introduction to open source
    · open source, licenses
    · historical overview of open source
  2. Open operating systems and programming languages
    · kernel
    · basic system and test OS setup
    · basics of programming and compiling of open source
    · compilation and exectuion of applications
    · commercial support
  3. Applications and databases
    · compilers and integrated development environments
    · desktops
    · office systems
    · data storage and access
    · data structures
  4. Networks, servers, applications
    · www server setup
    · modules and specialization
    · static web pages
    · web application programming

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
The students are first introduced to open source and its historical development. Then, they learn how to setup, install and use one of the Linux operating system flavors. After that, they get an overview on the open source applications with a deeper study of web, e-mail servers and their supporting applications. Each student chooses a filed of open source applications which he studies in details and prepares an essay which is presented to other stuendts in a short lecture. As an excersise, the students develop a simple webnn application with data base support.


• Excersises: quality of setup and configuration of the operatin system,, quality of the application developed • Essay on chosen thematics on open source, quality of survey, understanding the subject and quality of the presentation 50/50

Lecturer's references

Prof. Dr. Marko Bohanec is a senior researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Knowledge Technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and professor of computer science at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. His major research interests are related to decision support systems and data mining, and in particular to qualitative hierarchical modeling and machine learning. He has extensive experience in decision-making consulting, developing decision-support software, and collaborating in EU research projects.

Izbrane objave / Selected bibliography

BOHANEC, Marko. Odločanje in modeli, (Učbeniki in priročniki). 1. ponatis. Ljubljana: DMFA - založništvo, 2012. XV, 313 str.. ISBN 978-961-212-190-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 260642816]

BOHANEC, Marko, ŽNIDARŠIČ, Martin, RAJKOVIČ, Vladislav, BRATKO, Ivan, ZUPAN, Blaž. DEX methodology: Three decades of qualitative multi-attribute modeling. Informatica (Ljublj.), 2013, vol. 37, no. 1, str. 49-54. [COBISS.SI-ID 26664999]

BOHANEC, Marko, MILEVA BOSHKOSKA, Biljana, PRINS, Theo W., KOK, Esther. SIGMO: A decision support system for identification of genetically modified food or feed products. Food control, ISSN 0956-7135. [Print ed.], 2016, vol. 71, str. 168-177. [COBISS.SI-ID 29620007]

BOHANEC, Marko, TRDIN, Nejc, KONTIĆ, Branko. A qualitative multi-criteria modelling approach to the assessment of electric energy production technologies in Slovenia. Central European Journal of Operations Research, ISSN 1435-246X, 2017, vol. 25, no. 3, str. 611-625. [COBISS.SI-ID 29867815]

TRDIN, Nejc, BOHANEC, Marko. Extending the multi-criteria decision making method DEX with numeric attributes, value distributions and relational models. Central European Journal of Operations Research, ISSN 1435-246X, 2018, vol. 26, no. 1, str. 1-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 30210087]

BOHANEC, Marko, MILJKOVIĆ, Dragana, VALMARSKA, Anita, MILEVA BOSHKOSKA, Biljana, et al. A decision support system for Parkinson disease management: Expert models for suggesting medication change. V: DSS research delivering high imacts to business and society, (Journal of decision systems, ISSN 1246-0125, vol. 27, no. S1, 2018). London: Taylor & Francis. 2018, vol. 27, sup. 1, str. 164-172. [COBISS.SI-ID 31392551]