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Electronic Business

Objectives and competences

  • To make students acquainted with basic e-business domain concepts, and different forms and ways of electronic business through examples of good practices, and to present modern business challenges and technical aspects of electronic business.

  • To get students equipped with basic skills of using contemporary information technologies and web services that support electronic business processes.

  • To develop students' capabilities of applying the knowledge in creative solutions of concrete business problems by using information and communication technologies and web services.


Fluent in English or Slovene language, basic knowledge in computer and information science.


The course introduces students to common forms of electronic business and describes information technologies and web services that improve the productivity of a business.

Its content is designed to assist students in identifying and solving problems in connection with electronic business applications. The course includes examples of best practices and lessons learned to engage students, and help them construct knowledge.

The course covers:
- the basics of electronic business,
- forms of electronic commerce,
- electronic data interchange,
- electronic payment systems,
- electronic business options and opportunities, - electronic business security concerns, and
- legal and ethical issues.

The practical seminar assignment is focused on analysis of a concrete business problem and on selecting an electronic solution to that problem.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding of:

  • basics of electronic business,
  • ways of communication and interchange of business data, information and documentation through electronic media,
  • selected information technologies and web services for different fields of electronic business


  • Arh, Tanja: Elektronsko poslovanje, prosojnice, Poslovno-tehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana, 2018.
  • Chaffey, Dave (2011). E-business and e-commerce management: strategy, implementation and practice. Harlow (Essex): Pearson Education; London: FT Financial Times ; New York: Prentice Hall. E-version
  • Laudon, Kenneth C., Traver, Carol Guercio (2011). E-commerce: business, technology, society. Boston: Pearson. E-version
  • Zakon o elektronskem poslovanju in elektronskem podpisu, Uradni list RS, 98/2004. E-version
  • Laws, regulations and other documents from Uradni list RS that are currently relevant to the content of the course..
  • EU legislation that is currently relevant to the content of the course.


Seminar with oral presentation and discussion, Written exam

Lecturer's references

Tanja Arh is assistant professor in business informatics with more than 15 years of experiences in the field of e-learning and use of ICT in the education and business sectors. She worked 13 years as a researcher at Laboratory for Open Systems and Networks at Jožef Stefan Institute. The main research areas of her scientific work cover e-learning, use of ICT in the education, knowledge management and organizational learning. Her research work is still closely connected and performed mostly for European-wide research programmes. In the past, she was the project leader of several national and international projects in the field of e-learning, the use of ICT in higher education and the promotion of science, such as the project WeForYou (Meet and learn What Excellent science does For You and the society) from 7th EU Framework programme, projects e4VET Community Portal (Enhancing, Empowering and Emphasizing E-learning in Vocational Education and Training) and SELPRAF (Self-employment with e-Leaning based Practise Firms) from the Leonardo da Vinci programme. As a researcher she was also involved in the Network of excellence PROLEARN (Network of excellence in professional learning), iCamp project (Innovative, inclusive, interactive & intercultural learning campus) from 6th EU Framework programme and iCoper project (Interoperable Content for Performance in a Competency-driven Society) from eContentplus programme. Tanja Arh is a course holder of E-business course at School of Engineering and Management at University of Nova Gorica, course holder of Internet Technologies and Applications in Educational Processes and Internet Technologies in Business and Education courses at The Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS). She collaborates also with the Faculty of Education from University of Maribor and DOBA Business School, Maribor. She has been successfully integrated her knowledge and research results into her scientific contributions, which includes over 100 publications. She is member of Executive Board of Slovenian Project Management Association. She works as an CEO in her own company.

ARH, Tanja, JERMAN-BLAŽIČ, Borka, DIMOVSKI, Vlado. The impact of technology-enhanced organisational learning on business performance : an empirical study. Journal for East European management studies, ISSN 0949-6181, 2012, vol. 17, no. 3, str. 369-383.

ARH, Tanja, DIMOVSKI, Vlado, JERMAN-BLAŽIČ, Borka. ICT and web 2.0 technologies as a determinant of business performace. V: AL-MUTAIRI, Mubarak S. (ur.), MOHAMMED, Lawan Ahmed (ur.). Cases on ICT utilization, practice and solutions: tools for managing day-to-day issues. Hershey; New York: Information Science Reference, cop. 2011, str. 59-77.

ARH, Tanja, DIMOVSKI, Vlado, JERMAN-BLAŽIČ, Borka. Model of impact of technology-enhanced organizational learning on business performance. V: CUNNINGHAM, Paul (ur.), CUNNINGHAM, Miriam (ur.). Collaboration and the knowledge economy: issues, applications, case studies, (Information and communication technologies and the knowledge economy, vol. 5). Amsterdam ... [etc.]: IOS Press, 2008, zv. 2, str. 1521-1528.

DINEVSKI, Dejan, FOŠNARIČ, Samo, ARH, Tanja. Open educational resources in e-learning. Organizacija, ISSN 1318-5454, 2010, vol. 43, no. 1, str. 4-8.

JERMAN BLAŽIČ, Andrej, CIGOJ, Primož, ARH, Tanja, JERMAN-BLAŽIČ, Borka. Applicability of the learnability attributes in serious game design : the case of digital forensic game design. V: GÓMEZ CHOVA, Louis (ur.), LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ, A. (ur.), CANDEL TORRES, I. (ur.). INTED 2017 : conference proceedings, 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia, Spain. 6-8 March, 2017, (INTED proceedings (Internet), ISSN 2340-1079). Valencia: IATED Academy. 2017, str. 8425-8434.

IOANNOU, Andri, VASILIOU, Christina, ZAPHIRIS, Panayiotis, ARH, Tanja, KLOBUČAR, Tomaž, PIPAN, Matija. Creative multimodal learning environments and blended interaction for problem-based activity in HCI education. TechTrends, ISSN 8756-3894, 2015, vol. 59, no. 2, str. 47-56.