Human Resource Management

Objectives and competences

The subject is designed to provide the students with:

• an understanding of human capabilities, their respect and knowledge of using them in planning, executing of various tasks and processess;
• recognition of different international practices of handling human resources, their advantages and disadvantages;
• the very much needed starting points for further development for working in an international work market;
• recognition of comparative advantages of handling human resources in order to achieve success and goals of the organisation in the international work market;
• autonomy, (self)criticism, (self)reflection, (self)evaluation, and working towards quality relationships in the work organisation;
• sensitivity/availability for people and social situations in the home and work environment;
• ethical reflection and dedication to professional ethics in the workplace;
• respect (non-discrimination) in the multicultural organisation and its international space;
• knowing and understanding the development, difference and personal needs of an individual;
• organisational and leadership skills in companies and institutes, mentoring students and interns;
• knowing and understanding the theoretical basics of consulting (knowledge transfer), mastering the processes and principes of consulting and planning, handling changes;
• forming a rounded assesment of an individual's needs, his strong and weak points, while taking the surrounding factors into account (social, physical, cultural) with appropriate processes and instruments


  1. Introduction to the field of managing human resources
    • goals and purposes of studying human resource management
    • means of work, student duties and achieving conditions for successful studies introduction
  2. Correlation between managing human resources and the success of a company:
    • understanding the effect of managing human resources on the development of organisational climate and culture
    • dedication of employees as a competitive advantage of an organisation
  3. Fluctuation – causes and consequences
  4. Absentism – causes and consequences
  5. Stategical management of people's potentials
    • mission, vision, strategy of an organisation
    • work and existing potential analysis
    • personnel planning
    • personnel searching
    • potential selection
    • selection interviews
  6. Briefing a skill model
    • descriptions, typical and specific tasks
    • general standards of work efficency
    • basic descriptions of skills
    • general chart of behavioural expectencies
    • Europass language skills
    • professional education definition
    • computer skills definition
    • introducing yearly talks – assessing individual's success
  7. SMART organisation goal planning method
    • the role of leaders and employees in the briefing, developing, and executing organisations's strategies
  8. Managing success:
    • stabilising existing skills
    • gaining new desired skills
    • motivating employees to develop and succeed
  9. Work motivation:
    • creating a suitable relation between trust and cooperation
    • main leader role
  10. General and specific circumstances that influence the treatment of employees during work:
    • organisational climate, OK dimensions, research with the purpose of improving the existing state
    • organisational culture
    • the results of measurements from the ''Galupe insistute''on a global level
  11. Solving problems in the workplace – practice from other countries (mainly the EU)
  12. Treatement of employees during work in the EU countries
  13. Treatement of employees during work in the future: the influence of the European community and marketing influences on specific segments

Intended learning outcomes

• Understanding the point of working with people for a competent advantages of an organisation;
• the influence of the leader's decisions on the success of coworkers and their organisation goal driven mentality;
• knowing the basic principals of forming jobs, selection of appropriate candidates and planning their development;
• practical examples from selected EU countries with the emphasis on the most developed practices;
• familiarity with the results of international research from the Gallup institute for the last few years.


  • Florjančič, Jože, Mojca Bernik in Vesna Novak. (2004). Kadrovski management. Kranj: Moderna organizacija.
  • Gomezelj Omerzel, Doris. (2008). Znanje zaposlenih ter poslovna uspešnost malih in srednje velikih podjetij. Koper: Fakulteta za management.
  • Svetlik, Ivan in Nada Zupan. (2009). Razvoj menedžmenta človeških virov. V
  • Bharthvajan, R. (2014). Organizational culture and climate. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, issue 1, 8870- 8874 E-version
  • Mihalič, R. (2006). Management človeškega kapitala. Škofja Loka: Mihalič in Partner.
  • Mihalič, R. (2007). Upravljajmo organizacijsko kulturo in klimo. Škofja Loka: Mihalič in Partner.
  • Zupan, N., Svetlik, I., Stanojevič, M., Možina, S., Kohont, A. in Kaše, R. (2009). Menedžment človeških virov. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede. E- version
  • Rozman, R., Kovač, J. (2012). Management. Ljubljana: GV Založba Katalog
  • Možina, S. 2002. Management kadrovskih virov. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede.
  • Zupan, N. 2009. Zagotavljanje uspešnosti zaposlenih. Management človeških virov. Ljubljana: FDV.
  • Keenan, T. (2015). Human resource management. Edinburgh Business School
  • Kohont, A. (2011). Vloge in kompetence menedžerjev človeških virov v kontekstu internacionalizacije. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Znanstvena knjižnica E- version
  • Majcen, M. 2009. Management kompetenc. Ljubljana ; GV Založba
  • Torrington, D. et al. (2005). Human resource management. London: Prentice Hall. E- version
  • Dumančić, T. 2016. Psihološke pogodbe vodij kot podlaga zavzetosti in uspešnega komuniciranja z zaposlenimi : magistrska naloga. Koper: FM E- version


  1. The seminar thesis evaluates the practical knowledge in the field of managing human resources. 2. The oral exam evaluates the basic theoretical knowledge from the field of managing human resources and understanding the organisational needs. 20/80

Lecturer's references

Lectuer mag. Tomica Dumančić, habilitated in the field of »Sociology«

Field of work: Handling human resources, from the selection the the development of personnel, briefing of the housing policies at the municipality and country level.

Employment, career:

1983 – 1985 Slovin Ljubljana (leader of an educational center);

1985 – 1986 Gimnazija Nova Gorica (profesor sociologije in filozofije / sociology and philosophy professor),

1986 – 1994 PDG Nova Gorica (theater director and leader of the main SNG Nova Gorica building construction),

1994 - 2015: Hit d.d. Nova Gorica (leader of the company strategy development, worker director, adviser in the field of employee development, director's assistant, the leader of the ''Introduction of a competence model in the company Hit'' project, internal research of organisational climate in the company, internal communication, personnel development, responsible gambling etc.),

2015 on – Director of the housing fund of Nova Gorica; analysis of the country's and municipality's housing policy, suggestions for improvement of the housing legislation, comparative analysis of housing policiesin the EU countries, development of the SS MONG strategy for the period until the year 2025.

Multiple scientific articles published; mainly regarding the field of responsible gambling, executing professional workshops (leadership, team work and decision making, solving conflicts, organisational climate research, mentorship) with employees...